Results 601 to 620 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES3 Session 105 November 9, 1964 Helen McIlwain death foreseen mother

I here suggest that Ruburt break after all. [...]

I will here close the session, giving you a fairly brief one because of circumstances, and I suggest for the rest of this week that Ruburt limit his psychological time experiments to fifteen minutes a day, rather than a half-hour, simply because he is under some strain.

(Since Seth’s suggestion Monday that Jane confine her psychological time experiments to 15 minutes, she has nothing to report for Tuesday and Wednesday, November 10-11, except for a rather mild feeling of general lightness.)

TES1 Session 26 February 18, 1964 John Philip Bradley human evolution

I would now suggest a brief break, and do not again crack up into many pieces. [...]

[...] Jane and I suggested to John that he write a statement as a witness to the session. [...]

[...] Again I suggest a break, and I hope I haven’t broken you up, though I seriously doubt it; particularly in your case, Joseph, since your protective mechanism is as solid as a brick wall.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 19, 1983 lunch shoulders straighten hydro foot

[...] It is as you suggested (in my notes for yesterday’s session) also advantageous that we discuss other matters beside Ruburt’s symptoms in our sessions. [...]

TES8 An Experiment June 29, 1968 Parker card Chintala mail June

[...] On the spur of the moment I suggested Jane put a finger on the card and see what impressions she could get.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 651, March 26, 1973 black age races sleeping white

[...] I suggest a six-hour sleeping block of time at one session, and no more. [...]

I bid you then a fond good evening — and I suggest that you two at least try some of these ideas that we are offering to others. [...]

TES8 Session 374 October 23, 1967 table alfalfa Bradley John Hazelton

[...] Particular care should be taken in the morning and evening, so that there is no atmosphere of negative suggestion. [...]

[...] Suggestions should be permissive rather than commanding: you can improve, I know you can, for example; rather than, you will improve, you must. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 21, 1972 discontent displaced freelancing elephants roared

[...] If you understand the reasons, and do as I have suggested then you will be involved with the real issues, not basically (underlined) superficial ones—like why does Ruburt have trouble going down the step.

I suggest that you do some sketching. [...]

TES9 Session 496 August 18, 1969 Foss Crosson gallery Reverend Fox

I suggest you turn on your cooler. [...]

[...] (As suggested by Reverend C., on stage.) His main energies remain with the material. [...]

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

[...] At its best, impressionistic art by its very lack of indelible, delineated form, suggested all form and the vitality that gave it force.

The sounds used in the language have their own importance, and will be in their own way representative or suggestive of feelings that have been largely unconscious, generally speaking. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 16, 1971 Gert Jason Phil Bette Alpha

[...] Ruburt told us last week to become aware in the dream state at the Alpha III level, and I did, and I had my tape recorder on next to me, and I gave myself the suggestion that whenever I got something, I would turn it on...”)

([Hope W:] “Seth, can you suggest what specific daily steps I can take to develop my inner senses?”)

TPS6 Deleted Session June 24, 1981 swollen behalves ankles ja instep

[...] I suggested she call again tomorrow. [...]

TSM Chapter Sixteen action professor identity students dilemma

Carefully—I thought!—I explained that suggestion was very important, and asked the professor to have an objective attitude during the tests. [...] I suggested that he try the experiment too, but he wouldn’t; and his attitude discouraged enough students so that he could say, later, that the low number participating made tests results impossible to evaluate. [...]

[...] It was a small group of about fifteen students, so I suggested that they come to my apartment instead. [...]

[...] Finally I suggested an exercise to be done by the students, such as we sometimes use in my own classes. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

I would suggest when it is convenient that your recorder be repaired, and that it be kept in a handy place in this room, set up for recording for any occasions when I could speak less formally, that is also quicker, conversationally, without the need of your taking notes.

[...] I set the alarm clock, lay down in the bedroom, closed my eyes and relaxed without giving myself any suggestions except that for complete relaxation. [...]

[...] She had been giving herself suggestion lately, that she would be able to travel psychically, during her experiments. [...]

TPS5 Jane’s Notes & Deleted Session April 24, 1979 relaxation looser vacation floppy overview

[...] “It looks like I picked up a suggestion about relaxation,” I told Jane. [...]

[...] You suggested the ESP book—hardly a coincidence. [...]

A note: I do want you to remember Ruburt’s version of last night’s session, and follow my suggestions concerning changes that can serve as variations—working variations—to allow you some rest and refreshment.

TES3 Session 108 November 18, 1964 inwardness fruit Sonja November universe

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

It amuses me, as a last thought, that your word “pit”, in sound, is like a core, and suggesting depth for considering inwardness as the pit. [...]

TES9 Session 455 January 6, 1969 John Bill Peg fluids retention

[...] It may be tinted hair, for he is older than the hair would suggest. [...]

[...] He has been dissatisfied of late, and there will be suggestions made concerning a change in organizational structure in one particular area, and this will affect you indirectly but definitely.

(To Bill:) I will try to give you some practical suggestions. [...]

TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger

[...] (To Tom:) You have a tendency at times to water down certain ideas because they would suggest alterations in your attitude that you are not as yet willing to accept. [...]

[...] The point is, the information in your own material is meant as constructive suggestion, to get you in the habit of thinking in terms of abundance, and such attitudes can indeed be highly successful. [...]

(The merger material also applied, and Tom explained how he had been thinking of the second possibility suggested by Seth, the merging of two rather than three. [...]

TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage

I am keeping our 10 o’clock date in mind, so I will suggest a very brief break. [...]

[...] I then had the accompanying thought that when I told Seth I had no envelope test, he would suggest that he try something else.)

I will now suggest a break. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session June 1, 1979 Ida Dick golf impulses brother

[...] She realized that she was reacting to what she’d taken to be all of the negative suggestions and circumstances surrounding Bill and Ida’s lives and beliefs. [...]

[...] [I suggested she have this session, although the thought crossed her mind also.]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 928, November 12, 1980 Paul Christ master Iraq Iran

[...] When I suggested that tonight’s session be about her, she replied: “He’ll just say the same things.”)

2. I suggest a rereading of Chapter 2 for Dreams, in Volume 1.

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