Results 501 to 520 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TPS5 Session 857 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1979 suffocation parade fawned cats tabloid

[...] For a while, have him look at some old suggestions! [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 6, 1984 sexual chicken constipation abstain abstinence

(I suggested to Jane that she could have a session before I left. [...]

TPS3 Session 680 (Deleted Portion) February 6, 1974 chew tooth interposed muscles drilled

[...] I expect my suggestions given in the last session, few as they are, to be followed religiously.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 16, 1984 berserk invader immunity vie temp

[...] The very concept of the immunity system suggests, at least, the disease invader against which the body’s immunity system must or should surely defend itself.

TES9 Session 493 July 14, 1969 accident Gardner hurt Jesuit kids

[...] So the information should in no way be treated as negative suggestion.

I suggest you give this information to your friends, so that they do not worry.

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

I suggest your break.

Before I mention briefly the fifth dimension of which we have already spoken, many sessions ago, I suggest your break.

I would suggest Joseph, that when you find the time, or if you can coerce Ruburt into doing it for you, insert here for any reader’s convenience a copy of the early material, in which I set up the imagined structure of mazes.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

[...] Now, it does no good to take ten minutes a day and give yourself good suggestions and say, “I am brave, I am strong, I am healthy and young and rich” and spend the rest of the time saying to yourself, “I am poor, I am getting old, I feel sore, or it is a cruddy world.” [...]

[...] You use suggestion in the same way that you read a paragraph from a book that you think you should read perhaps for five minutes, but then you allow your (words lost)to take over completely and it seems to you that you have no control. [...]

Give yourself the suggestion that you will remember, but when you do this, do it with conviction. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

[...] After the nap, I suggested we might stay here the next week, to work, have a couple of sessions, etc., and Jane agreed.

(Therefore, at Jane’s suggestion I began to write down what she said. [...]

[...] The constant suggestions took root, and I used this for my purposes.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge

Now, I have a few more suggestions that I am sure you will all be very excited about and I do, indeed, have some issues planned for you and so tonight I have another question. [...]

Now I suggest that we continue where we began and I am highly amused with all the conversation it spontaneously erupted. [...]

[...] Simply give yourself the suggestion that you will know. [...]

TES1 Session 9 December 18, 1963 fragments dancing Beach images board

I suggest that you take a break and stick your heads for a moment out the window. [...]

(We took the break as suggested. [...]

I suggest you take another break.

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

I will here suggest a brief break, always being considerate of our Ruburt’s condition, and if you prefer I will continue for a short time.

An aside here: the incident involving the woman had mainly to do—I suggest here, my esteemed Joseph, that perhaps you watch Ruburt’s features. [...]

I will now suggest your break, and I will discuss to some greater degree data concerning your guests. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 20, 1984 vases package hollyhocks twists irises

[...] It’s an excellent session, and, as Seth suggested, I’ll be reading it to her for at least several days.

TES9 Session 459 January 22, 1969 role ego presence poetic ascribe

[...] There was no suggestion meant that he had made any decision to give up the poetry. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

I had a long series of projections in which I talked to Sean [Sue’s son] about his health in the physical environment, and suggest that he will find health easy to maintain. [...]

[...] When I saw her, I suggested that we both go to Jane’s house to let her know we were out-of-body, but Sue wanted to talk instead. [...]

[...] You can also give yourselves such suggestions before you sleep. [...]

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

I suggest a brief break, my dear puddingheads. [...]

[...] I now suggest a break.

[...] I suggest when you can that you reread the material on the inner senses, the fifth dimension and your precious flying saucers. [...]

TES3 Session 122 January 18, 1965 electrical field system force protrudes

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 10, 1982 Hal wildlife infection elbow medical

(I wrote Eleanor Friede a letter, agreeing to purchase the film for Emir, as both she and Tam have suggested. [...]

[...] The organization of the material comes almost in packages, you might say, hopefully to be delivered at the best possible time, so have Ruburt keep his eye out for sessions in the day sometimes, at least for starters (as I have suggested also). [...]

NotP Chapter 2: Session 759, October 27, 1975 psyche perspective dead brother ant

[...] If Joseph had seen two people — one his brother and one an Oriental — he would not have recognized the stranger, so in the dream his brother’s known appearance dominated, while the Oriental affiliation is merely suggested. [...]

[...] In the following chapter, then, I will suggest some exercises that will allow you direct experience with portions of your own reality that may have escaped you thus far.

TES3 Session 92 September 28, 1964 dreamer dream cohesiveness object universe

(As session time neared I lay my dream notebook on the table, as Seth had suggested we do. [...]

I suggest your break.

I will here suggest your break, since I do not want to stretch the area of your attention.

TES1 Session 12 January 2, 1964 wires cubes plane board female

I suggest you take a break.

I would suggest in the future that you attend the board at regular sessions. [...]

I would suggest meeting twice a week at 9, if this is convenient. [...]

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