Results 241 to 260 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TPS4 Deleted Session January 16, 1978 recaptured rearouse strides tend jestful

(Today I read the deleted session for June 24, 1973—one of those in the 1973 deleted book that Seth suggested I read, in the last session. [...]

[...] I suggest you read the late sessions again, and I imagine that by our next session you will both be in a better frame of mind, unless you allow your discouraging feelings to predominate, which would be a vast mistake.

TES6 Session 257 May 9, 1966 five playground anemia Elmo draft

[...] You may if you wish suggest that you will remember some of these conversations, and then you may be able to do so, to some degree. [...]

I suggest a brief break, and we shall continue.

[...] A small round circle suggesting a postmark. [...]

TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve

[...] I suggest therefore that you write them down in the morning. [...]

I have several suggestions as always. [...]

[...] Your body is a very handy mechanism and I do not suggest that you step out of it too long. [...]

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

I now suggest a brief break, though I hope you are not at the breaking point.

[...] I would suggest whenever it is possible that Philip read the material from the beginning.

[...] When the fourth inner sense is exercised, and I will outline exercises and all three of you would certainly benefit by following my suggestions, you will discover what an idea really is.

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

[...] Putting herself into a light trance state, she used appropriate suggestions before she went to the dentist to have her teeth cleaned. [...]

As a humorous sideline here, I might add, only halfway in jest, the following suggestion.

I was going to suggest, for practice, that you yourselves find out from the pendulum. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 13, 1971 Ron proofs cards Tom suburbanite

[...] I would like to suggest an experiment and I am suggesting it to you to see your reaction, like I couldn’t. I was really undecided whether to suggest it to Jane or to you, but you see like I’m kind of at an impasse because, like, there are a lot of words and a lot of concepts and philosophies bandied about, but when you make a claim you know such as that in as specific and nonconfusable terms such as that it would be very simple to demonstrate, and what I was wondering is, either now or at some time when Jane would agree to it, for instance, I brought some playing cards with me, ten cards...”)

(Jane suggested we find our own symbol.)

[...] When I follow through with such demonstrations, I will do so not in the confines of this room and not under conditions set by you, but in a situation in which the claims are clearly recorded with the results in which there is no possibility that anyone will say suggestion is involved; in which no one will be able to say that scientific principles were not clearly set upon and not to satisfy your curiosity! [...]

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

I suggest that you take your first break before I go further into this discussion.

Now before your fingers break, my dear Joseph, I suggest that you take a break.

I suggest a brief break. [...]

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

[...] Jane sent them a chapter on dreams, with suggestions for reworking it into an article. [...]

I suggest your first break.

Now I suggest a brief break.

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

Now, you see what you are willing to see, and it is stupidity to consider suggestion as the result or the cause of what you see. It is stupidity in class to worry that suggestion would cause a given result—for suggestion causes whatever you see. You form your physical reality through suggestion and expectation. [...] And therefore, as Ruburt is very careful that suggestion is not involved, so he has also had you be overly cautious, and there have been many opportunities in class that you have missed for this reason—and these are the bets that I have spoken about earlier this evening. [...]

[...] And I want to know what he tells you for I want to see how he is delivering my suggestions. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

[...] We thought the tape contained a number of negative suggestions, though how one deals with physical troubles without sounding negative at times may be a problem in itself. [...]

I suggest you start with a kind of free association on Ruburt’s part. [...]

[...] The free association approach Seth suggests will be something different for us to try. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] Remembering well the barrage of negative suggestions that passes for preventative medicine — the public service announcements about cancer — she was filled with foreboding. [...] He suggested X-rays, however, “just to be on the safe side,” and so her body was treated to a basically unnecessary dose of radiation in the name of preventative medicine.

I am not suggesting that you do not visit doctors under such situations, because the weight of your negative beliefs about your bodies usually makes it too difficult for you to bear such uncertainties alone. [...]

TPS3 Session 806 (Deleted Portion) July 30, 1977 ligaments credulous Harvard journalist Fuller

[...] All of my suggestions should be followed—those apply to Ruburt and you. [...]

I suggest one of you write him a good letter, leaving lines of communication open.

(We have been giving suggestions since this series of sessions began that the books would sell ever better, and also that we’d begin seeing more people of the kind we want to see.)

UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974 blueprints dynamics Section physician frequencies

To some extent I am suggesting in this book a different approach. [...] Your methods make them invisible, so here I am suggesting ways in which the unknown reality can become a known one. [...]

(Once again now, Jane wondered why the “more elaborate or complicated qualities” of her trances [she couldn’t really explain what she meant here] were necessary in order for her to deliver this book, as opposed to the “easier” ones she’d experienced for Personal Reality. I suggested she forget such comparisons and think that “Unknown” Reality simply required a different approach, for whatever subjective reasons, and that perhaps her constant questioning would be taken care of as her work on it progressed.5

[...] Chapters 16 and 17 in particular contain material on what Seth calls natural hypnosis, and on Western medicine, physicians, the suggestions associated with medical insurance and “health” literature, diet, childbirth, hospitals, natural death, good and evil, and so forth.

TES8 Session 394 February 19 1968 sculp cross wife Pitre hanging

I suggest your break.

[...] You may then add it at the end of your own copies, but I suggest that you do not add it to the session that is sent, you see.

[...] I do not see any point in informing him, because of the suggestions involved. [...]

TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 flame candle height test inches

I suggest a brief break. I also suggest that during our vacation you take your own time, extra time, for reading. [...]

(As suggested by Seth in the 212th session, I have been keeping a record of outside weather conditions just preceding each session. [...]

I suggest that you purchase the Sherman book by all means.

TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 Jimmy sale warning dump rush

Quietly but firmly, without antagonizing the ego further, Ruburt quieted it down by the suggestion of safety and slow motion; as you suspected the slow motion suggestion and/or coupled with the cautionary warning, was interpreted rather expertly, that is slyly, by the subconscious, which then waited a good interval of several hours before trying again.

[...] The wording of any suggestions is very important, however. [...]

The word slow, or slowly, is not good in this connotation, since of itself it does not necessarily suggest safety, but a mere neutral and temporary putting off. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] They were strong positive suggestions and as such they do sometimes serve a good purpose. In some cases they could actually bring such occurrences into reality through suggestion only.

I suggest a break, during which time I would suggest that you look up the passage in question.

I suggest a brief break. [...]

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

[...] And since we cannot cover everything I suggest that we discuss these points first.

I would suggest perhaps a session, or part of a session, perhaps once a month, to be directed along these lines. [...]

[...] This was one of my main reasons for suggesting strongly that you buy the specific property, a while back. [...]

TES3 Session 124 January 23, 1965 aura features light achieved distinguish

I only suggest that you watch Ruburt as he moves; and I must remind you that upon other occasions when results had been achieved, your minds had been focused along these directions for a long period of time, comparatively speaking, and whether you realized it or not your psychic energies had been so focused. [...]

I suggest you watch Ruburt’s face. [...]

TPS2 Session 631 (Deleted Portion) December 18, 1972 breakthrough brushes quintessence move problems

Concentration in other areas, as you suggested, is the answer now while you made definite efforts in the moving direction. [...]

[...] Your response to my suggestions regarding Ruburt has been excellent. [...]

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