Results 1 to 20 of 56 for stemmed:price

TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss

Now. Ruburt had several dreams concerning Miss Price, also a therapeutic dream last evening that he did not remember. During this period he did not remember his dreams because he purposely closed subconscious channels.

There was a slight stroke on the left side several months ago with Miss Price, and Ruburt knew of this in a dream. There was, I believe, a hospital stay, though whether this was connected with the stroke I do not know.

The impending death also brought forth associations concerning Saratoga, you see. Miss Price was to some extent a substitute mother image indeed, and a rather dangerous one potentially, in any case, because of the confusion in sex identity. (Saratoga Springs, NY, is Jane’s hometown.)

TES2 Session 79 August 12, 1964 property price expectations veteran minimum

[...] You did not expect that you could get what you found you wanted at the price. You constructed the property, then, in terms of what you expected you could get for the price, and then did not consider this sufficient.

The fact remains that the low price bothered you, and as a result you became sensitive to the sound of traffic, looking for a way to justify the low price, as did Ruburt. [...]

[...] Neither of us, consciously, had been bothered by the price of the house. We had thought we offered a fair price, one within what we could afford to pay.

TPS3 Session 691 (Deleted Portion) March 25, 1974 financial grocery overbuying store prices

[...] He may worry about prices in the grocery store—and he does—but you do think in terms of financial limitations. [...]

[...] You have not, either of you, begun to appreciate your physically apparent financial abundance; and you refuse, to some extent, to take comfort from it, but instead concentrate upon high prices without being really consciously aware of the fact that you are able to meet them.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 17, 1973 symptoms Picasso price extraordinary isolation

[...] Now I think that any such benefits as isolation cannot compare with the price paid to achieve such a state. How could watching my wife hobble along possibly be considered a fair price to pay for privacy? [...]

9. Yet R.’s work as painter may be greater than either of us know, so on the other hand I feel he should hang onto them, rather than scatter his work, put them in one large room—bedroom?—to show them off well and sell them at high prices; he doesn’t sell many now anyhow and his prices may reflect his ideas of art value in society. [...]

[...] As I told Jane this evening after reading her list with her: No one, myself included, would have any right to expect another to pay a price such as her symptoms so that the other party would get anything out of the deal whatsoever. [...]

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream Blanche Healy telegram sleepy Price

Today at 9.40 AM a telegram from Anne Healy informed me that Blanche Price died early today. [...]

TES4 Session 176 August 9, 1965 Ella buttons Aunt Jay Alice

Your father wanted it but would not pay the price for it. [...] It was because your father was not willing to pay the price that he was attracted to your mother, although other elements also entered in here.

For part of him was determined to gain worldly success, and he was always caught between wanting freedom, but he would not pay the price, or wanting worldly success for which he was not willing to pay the price. [...]

[...] Then when she discovered that he was not willing or able to go either way, or pay either price, she was enraged and embittered, and did not think of him as a man. [...]

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

(Today in the mail Jane received a group of file cards, prepared as an index by Blanche Price for the copies of poetry Jane had sent her over the years for safekeeping. [...]

There was a Saturday afternoon on a November or December 2nd, (pause) that Blanche Price deeply regrets. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 693 April 29, 1974 Markle estate Joseph house Sayre

[...] Though the price was quite high, Ruburt and Joseph thought about buying it, and were taken through the home by the real estate people. A coincidence — a mere trick of fate that Joseph could be walking through the old man’s home,2 and that Mr. Markle would be spending his last time in a nursing home, as had Joseph’s mother — meaningless but evocative that this house was for sale, and that the old man was insisting upon a price higher than the house is worth, just as Joseph’s mother insisted upon a high price for her own home, and determined to get it.3 Period. [...]

3. Not only did my mother insist “upon a high price for her own home,” but to the surprise of everyone involved in the sale — family members, real estate agents, and others — she succeeded in getting it.

TPS3 Deleted Session February 19, 1975 Foster house hill privacy formality

For your purposes the house is worth the price. [...] That price will also go up. [...]

[...] The house possesses its own kind of inner light this is not possessed by the Sayre house, and I recommend against that house regardless of price. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes Friday, April 7, 1978 scorn career approbation highpoints libvary

[...] There were people like Blanche Price or even Father Trainor. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1969 buyers intelligence infinite subconscious perfect

[...] I know the buyers are right, the time is right, and the prices are right. [...]

TES6 Session 276 August 1, 1966 Masonite lumberyard Wellsburg worker Glen

[...] There is black printing on the back of the object, plus a bleedthrough of the price and date at the top, and a couple of ghost images of other price-and-date data beneath, in reverse.

[...] The price and date applied automatically by the register at the top of the bill is in a medium blue ink. [...]

(If Jane held the object with its head pointing to the left as she faced it, then the price and date would be at the left edge of the bill. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

[...] “What’s the matter,” I asked her after supper tonight, “do you feel guilty because you think you deserted your mother?” I explained that I felt self-punishment, a feeling of unworthiness, self-doubt and mistrust must lie at the root of her symptoms—that she felt she must pay a price for each success, like the publishing of a book. [...] What could possibly be so bad in life that we had to pay such a price?

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

There is some difficulty, I believe, possible for Ruburt’s friend, Blanche Price, in the nature of health.

(Blanche Price is an old friend of Jane’s, living in Baltimore. [...]

TES7 Session 319 February 13, 1967 canvas linen Tom glued Shop

[...] I have the habit of making these lists for Jane especially with prices included. [...]

[...] It was a piece two yards long, and the proprietor of the Art Shop sold it to me for half price; it was just what I had in mind for an experiment, as will be seen. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 29, 1982 Israel anguish Golda heavily Jowett

[...] There was also much publicity until a couple of days ago, about Israel returning to Egypt the last portions it held of the Sinai peninsula, and how Israel destroyed the settlement of Yamit rather than hand it over intact to the Egyptians—a haggle over a price, I believe.

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

[...] Jane then suggested that I speak to Seth, since I was used to doing so; her hope being that by going into trance on her own she might contact a survival personality—namely, Blanche Price.

ECS1 Session 363, ESP Class, September 12, 1967 island Grangers Monchuco Jesuit slurred

Some point over the spending of nine dollars in particular, a five and four ones, something outrageously priced. [...]

TES8 Session 363 September 12, 1967 island Monchuco slurred port boat

Some point over the spending of nine dollars in particular, a five and four ones, something outrageously priced.

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

[...] There is such a comparatively large empty rectangular area at the bottom of the object on the back: a boxed-in area for a price to be inserted. No price showed on the object however.

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