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TES7 Session 315 January 30, 1967 John Murphy Philip boss district

(John said the man in his 50’s mentioned by Seth could be Stan Farrer. Farrer is John’s regional manager, which would be an intermediate position in the company, Searle. He wore a gray suit at Rochester, John said, but not a pin stripe. John also said he doesn’t know whether Farrer is a squawker; it is possible by contrast simply because most of the men don’t say anything.

(John said that his boss was very nervous that day at the meeting in Rochester, when the transformation took place in his features. John’s boss knew he wasn’t doing well in the company these days. The regional manager that day also took over a big segment of time at the meeting that John’s boss would ordinarily be expected to use. The regional manager thus seemed to run the meeting, be on stage, etc. John said he could understand his boss’s feeling of desperation, which led in turn to the transformation.)

(The woman John might meet in this town would be June Fleming, whom John met some time ago at a bar called The Elms. He has not seen her for a long time, nor has he been to The Elms recently. John heard Seth’s voice in warning one time when with June Fleming, and heeded the caution. This material is on record in the sessions.

TES7 Session 313 January 18, 1967 John company caucus m.j Chicago

(About the children: Two boys in particular meet at John’s house to go to school with John’s two boys, His son, John, is in the third grade. John is not particularly fond of one of the boys, Brian and Todd Puleski. The J initial could refer to John Jr. perhaps, certainly not to the other two boys.

(Note: John’s experience at Rochester meeting recently—he saw his district supervisor’s face turn younger before his eyes as the man spoke at the meeting—about fifteen years’ difference, John said. John wasn’t alarmed because of the Seth material. [...] John didn’t know if anyone else saw it as he mentioned what he saw to no one, including the man involved.

(The following is a resume of John Bradley’s comments regarding the impressions given above. [...] The man, according to John, was also strongly connected to John’s feelings about the company [or attitudes toward it] for he felt that the new man, a regional director, has some of the same attitudes he has.

TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion

[...] At next break, John confirmed Seth’s statement that his superior was worried about his job. John also agreed with Seth that only two other salesman are selling well in the division. The short man who is already beginning to bald, John knows as Bill Driscoll; John told us he is a very good salesman and the only one in the division fitting that description. Driscoll is not old, John said, merely balding prematurely.

(The session was witnessed by John Bradley. John is from Williamsport, PA; he is a salesman for Searle Drug and has witnessed quiet a few sessions. [...] Jane, incidentally, felt strongly that John would witness the session, so she was not surprised when he visited us unannounced at 8:30 PM. John told us he could stay only until 10 PM. [...]

(John did tell us the event happened about a month ago. This places it in time a couple of weeks before we saw John last time, during the Binghamton meeting affair. But then John hadn’t witnessed a session, and the voice episode had slipped his mind, two weeks ago. John heard the voice in a dancing establishment called The Elms, in Elmira Heights, which is a small town adjacent to Elmira. [...]

TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton

[...] At the Sheraton-Hilton John had several meetings with Searle’s Washington, DC representative to the government, Mr. McKeown. This man engaged John in conversations designed to feel him out, John said, and did it so cleverly that the meeting in Cleveland was over before he fully realized what had taken place. John is aware that he is being considered for promotion however. Mr. McKeown, John told us, is quite overweight, but is not a truly obese person. John said his own idea of a “fat” man is one who is grossly overweight; this Mr. McKeown is not, even though on the heavy side.

(At first John said Seth’s material meant little or nothing to him. [...] As usual I read Seth’s data back to John, and as he has in past sessions he then began to make connections. [...] John. [...] Seth expands on this last session in the 205th and 206th sessions, and deals with John’s experience in hearing Seth speak to him when he was alone.

(As John explained company politics to us now, he said he thought he saw a connection with Seth’s mention of an “apartment.” [...] It will be remembered that at first John could offer nothing for this data. Mr. McKeown, John said, had gone so far as to invite him up to his private room at the Sheraton-Hilton, for more secluded talks involving the company. At the time John was somewhat surprised that a high company official would pay particular attention to him. [...]

TES4 Session 190 September 21, 1965 John Taylors Donna loud reconstruction

John also asked Seth if he knew what the trouble had been when John had had a pain in his throat on June 17,1964; on this date John witnessed the 63rd session. While trying psychological time on June 18,1964, I had a very startling experience in which I was told by a thunderous voice that John’s trouble lay really in a “bad tongue.” [...] He said John had cut his tongue on a bone sliver while eating, but because of the human nerve structure in that part of the anatomy the pain had been felt down in his neck.

Seth said that no changes would occur in the organization with which John is now connected, Searle Drug, until next February at the earliest. John is planning his job change for next January. Seth said the new project would be a success if John actually bought the business.

(Seth also told John that the data given on Searle Drug, its financial and personal entanglements, plus John’s own promising prospects if he remained with the firm through its present crises, still applied. [...] It is scattered through the following sessions that John has witnessed: 37, 54, 63, 70, 95, 135, 166, in Volumes 1 through 3.)

TES8 Session 402 April 1, 1968 John chess grab promotion bag

(John gave us much interesting background information about his company. [...] John could not identify the S A R reference. John has already refused, he said, to commit himself re a promotion to Rochester. [...] Freewheeling basis would pertain to John’s interpretation, he said, of the changed mode of operation by which the pharmaceutical industry attempts to sell its products and its image.

(John Bradley was a witness to the session, and had some questions about his job with Searle, and events within the company. However John gave Jane no details before the session, merely stating that he would like to know what was happening.)

(John went over the points covered so far, and did indeed agree on many of them. [...] The data given here makes sense to John, and this is our concern at the moment.

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

[...] John said Seth was correct re the impression of a new account. [...] Searle makes birth control products, and as Searle’s representative John said the clinic’s business should be his “if I’ve done my work well.” [...]

(John could not offer any data re any new products by Searle. [...] Gleason is an excellent salesman, John said, but he knew of no way they could be competitors. [...]

(After John B. had left, Jane said she felt that many of Seth’s predictions re John & Searle would work out soon, & all at once. [...]

TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 triangle company John messenger Philip

(John has a copy of each of the dozen or so sessions he has witnessed. He plans to go over these paragraph by paragraph and make his comments on the accuracy of Seth’s data over the past few years, regarding John and Searle. John will do this on tape; Jane and I will transcribe the notes and insert them into the record for future use.

(John questioned Seth here about the triangles mentioned early in the data, and above. The exchange was too rapid to take down verbatim, and I so told John. [...] John was concerned about where he would go to beyond the triangle, for at first glance he said he seemed to have nowhere to move to.)

(John Bradley was a witness to the session. Seth has given John the entity name of Philip, and so addresses him.

TES9 Session 484 May 26, 1969 John Philip overcrowded overpopulation mankind

(John Bradley was a witness to the session, and part of the material deals with John’s relationship with his employer, Searle. The first part of the session however takes off on various matters Jane, John and I were discussing before session time, and so is unplanned. Remember that Seth’s entity name for John is Philip.)

[...] A lengthy discussion ensued, during which John said that a number of items given by Seth seemed to fit in, stating with the three-men data, the Midwest, etc. John said a number of possibilities are applicable here, and that we will have to wait to see how some items work out.

(After the session Jane found herself giving some impressions on her own, again involving John and his company and related personnel. [...] Most of it was precognitive, involving Detroit to some extent and a group of men there; although the data was quite clear to Jane, John could offer little help re interpretation.)

TES2 Session 70 July 13, 1964 Philip John compromise jeopardize demented

(John was in a rather upset and depressed mood, due to his job situation. His job was not in jeopardy, but John was restless and needed changes; at the same time he felt he was not the stereotype personality his company demanded for district managers, which position would be the next step up for John in the drug company for which he worked. [...] gave John a Sept. 2 date, in the 63rd session, pertaining to his profession, and that Seth also briefly mentioned John and his company in the 54th session. Now John is due in Chicago next week to meet with his superiors.

(John Bradley, from Williamsport, PA, was a witness for tonight’s session. John was to be joined here by his lawyer friend from Williamsport by 8 PM, but the friend did not appear.

(Jane had been pacing around John as he sat in our now familiar Kennedy rocker; she spoke to him with many gestures, and now John laughed outright.)

TES9 Session 455 January 6, 1969 John Bill Peg fluids retention

(Here Seth refers to the copies of sessions concerning John and his company, Searle, that John has carefully kept. John is also to make a tape for us, correlating all the data, predictions, etc., that Seth has given him to date.

(John Bradley said much of the data was good, and he will cover it in detail in his projected tape. [...] John thinks Chase is the more progressive of the two, and is of the opinion that in any clash between these two men a southern regional manager, Don Robinson, would be in a position to pick up pieces. John told us more that is not covered in these notes.

(John’s wife’s sister is named Evelyn, and so would be the aunt of John’s children. [...] John said there is a tie-in here with some earlier material given by Seth concerning family travel and Hawaii. [...]

TES4 Session 166 June 30, 1965 Philip reorganization John company deluded

(John Bradley, of Williamsport, PA, was a witness to the session. John has witnessed quite a few sessions and read much of the Seth material. Indeed, John was the first to witness a session, on February 18,1964. [...] See Volumes 1 and 3. John was in an excellent mood tonight.

(Seth dealt with one of John’s past lives and his connection with medicine in an amusing way during the 21st session, of February 3,1964. John knocked on our door during the session, but since we had not yet begun having witnesses, we asked him to return later. As soon as the door closed behind John, Seth went into a rather lengthy rundown on him, much to our surprise. At that time, neither Jane or I had seen John very many times.)

(John agreed with Seth. He said that as far back as last January his suspicions had become aroused, when one of his superiors had mentioned John’s involvement with a political organization. John had not told anyone in the company about his activities in politics at that time. From what Seth said in the above delivery, John now believes he knows who the individual is who might be passing along information about him.)

TES8 Session 374 October 23, 1967 table alfalfa Bradley John Hazelton

(John B. was also a witness to the 366th session, which dealt with the wife of John Pitre to some extent, multiple sclerosis, etc. [...] John Bradley was misquoted there; he has heard of alfalfa extract, and indeed remembers his mother using it many years ago. Reading over John Pitre’s two recent letters, John Bradley said it is perfectly possible to make alfalfa tea from alfalfa pills, or the plant itself. [...]

(The above data refers to a young woman John Bradley talked with in Hazelton, PA, recently. John has met her the one time, he said, plus an instance where he had coffee with her. [...]

[...] John said the girl’s first name is Terry, which is an Irish name, but that she is Italian, with black—not brown—hair. [...] Spelling is John’s phonetic interpretation.

TES8 Session 388 December 20, 1967 daughter John wife Peg crippled

(This session was held for John Pitre and his wife Peg of Franklin, LA, following John’s telephone call to Jane earlier this evening. [...]

(John reported that his wife was very ill, had been in the hospital recently for several weeks, etc., and had not entered into a very deep trance state during sessions with a hypnotherapist; Seth had recommended Peg see such a professional. This evening John asked Jane if Seth could say something about why Peg had followed, or chosen, such a role in this physical life—a role seemingly without reward or hope; she has multiple sclerosis.

[...] (Long pause.) John was the man with whom the daughter left. [...] (Pause.) John’s wife loves him, and has been made subconsciously to see the good points in his personality. [...]

TES5 Session 239 March 7, 1966 John perfume dominate Philip wife

(John said it was all right for the personal material to be included in this record, and it is a good example of the way Seth handles such data. Jane and I, incidentally, have never met John’s wife. [...] During break John gave us some information; briefly, it has to do with his restlessness in his job, his wife’s reactions, his wife’s parents, his own strong need to assert his independence, etc. John is also active politically in Pennsylvania, as a conservative. [...] Seth has advised patience here; John said this is difficult for him but that he is carefully considering the advice. [...]

(John said he agreed with Seth’s material. [...] John’s wife is named Mary-Ellen, the cleaning woman is Lois. Lois, John said, is around 40 years old, and she has her own personal problems. Mary-Ellen is not the type to talk with others about personal affairs, John said, but he has had the thought that she may get satisfaction listening to others talk about their troubles. [...]

(John’s entity name is Philip. [...] John’s presence usually calls forth some telepathic and/or clairvoyant material from Seth, and so it developed this evening. The form of the material is a little different however this time, and involves John and his wife for the most part.

TES1 Session 26 February 18, 1964 John Philip Bradley human evolution

[...] John Bradley reported that Seth as he went along began to answer each question he—John—thought of as soon as it came to mind. Jane and I suggested to John that he write a statement as a witness to the session. Break ended just as John, trying to get entity names versus personality names straightened out, was wondering how to address Seth in his statement. [...]

[...] At about 9 PM Jane and I were having a snack when John Bradley called. John is the drug salesman who had visited us during the 21st session.

[...] It will be remembered that during the 21st session Seth had wanted John to stay as a witness. [...] John offered to leave, but I said aloud that we’d rather wait for our regular session time.

TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 enclosure copper tube September incense

(Tonight John told us that on September 2 he was meeting at his home in Williamsport, PA, with his district manager, and that of course business was discussed. John has in the past applied for a transfer to the West. [...] Seth has dealt with the upheavals going on beneath the surface of Searle Drug in various sessions, and in some detail; they are continuing, John informs us. It now develops that John’s district manager is not too sure of his own job. Whether any actual plans affecting John were born at the meeting of September 2, time will tell.

(Thursday evening, September 10, John Bradley visited us while on a selling trip to Elmira for his company, Searle Drug. It will be remembered that in the 63rd session, June 17,1964, Volume 2, page 159, Seth gave a date of September 2 for John, stating that on that day “plans may be born at that date which will affect his participation in his professional field.” John was a witness to that session.

(In the 84th session, September 2, Volume 2, pages 329 and 331, Seth stated that Jane was blocking “a picture of Philip,” Philip being Seth’s name for John’s entity. Without much thought Jane and I had taken the data given on this instance to refer also to John’s September 2 date, since by coincidence the 84th session also fell due on September 2. This evening John said that he’d had no “disagreement in a kitchen, involving two women and a man, with a child close by,” on September 2. So now we wonder whether the above incident is precognition, with the actual date being blocked by Jane, or whether Jane is just plain in error.)

TES8 Session 392 January 22, 1968 displaced minister Philip John committed

[...] John said that nothing in the impressions meant anything to him; he could see no connections—so much so, he said, that as Seth gave the impressions John wondered if they were really directed to him. Since the data was remarkably consistent in that none of it applied to John, Jane and I began to wonder if it was not displaced from someone else.)

(John Bradley witnessed the session. The session started late because John arrived shortly before 9 PM, and we talked for a while first.

([John and I:] “Good evening, Seth.”)

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 537, June 24, 1970 John center Barclay death corpse

(John Barclay, an out-of-town businessman, witnessed the session. John brought a tape with him, as he had promised. [...]

(As Seth, Jane pointed to John Barclay, sitting beside me on the couch. In connection with his business, John had attended a gathering this afternoon at which champagne had been served; he was now sleepy….)

(John: “Just generally. [...] John and Seth then engaged in a brief conversation, and the session ended at 11:04 P.M.

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

(Now John had finished his chart in the studio. [...] room, dictating in her clear strong voice, John entered, poured himself a glass of wine and lit a cigarette. [...] But John shook his head and settled down on the couch. [...]

[...] John arrived at 8:35 with his materials and a bottle of wine. After the glaring distortions of last session Jane had decided that she must relax, witnesses or no, so as the time for the session approached the radio still played, and we played with Willy, our cat, and exchanged banter with John.

[...] John of course was not familiar with much of the material. [...] John said he felt somewhat the same way. [...]

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