Results 41 to 60 of 96 for stemmed:jame

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

(A note: This noon, Tuesday, I mailed to P/H Jane’s manuscript for James. [...]

There are variations, and actually James has explained the natural background there, for it is all tied in with religious, psychological, and scientific beliefs.

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

James. He was James Talbert. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

[...] James explained some issues of greatest importance. [...]

[...] The James manuscript will also help. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] I had some lapses, especially that one day—Thursday—after I finished the Epilogue for James. [...]

[...] James had a rather good remark, that the hypnotist must first hypnotize himself—and that is also a double-barreled remark, for my suggestion will benefit both of you also in other areas.

TES6 Session 247 April 2, 1966 Marian tumor shrink ovarian Spaziani

(A long unscheduled session was held at the home of our landlord, James Spaziani, on the above date. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

[...] That light, however, is literally everywhere at once, and it is a “knowing light,” as Ruburt’s [William] James perceived.3

3. See the passages following Jane’s entry for March 31, 1977, in Chapter 10 of her The After Death Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James.

WTH Foreword by Robert F. Butts omitted hospital unrevealed route foreword

[...] For weeks after her admittance in April, I didn’t know if Jane would ever do any “psychic” work again, but three months later she surprised me by beginning a series of dialogues similar to the “world-view” material she’d produced for her books on the psychologist and philosopher William James, and the artist Paul Cézanne. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

[...] Two days ago, she worked on our new front porch for the first time; she sat in the slanting sunlight and wrote down the information she psychically picked up from the “world view” of William James, the American psychologist and philosopher who lived from 1842–1910. She now has considerable material for her book on James. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 821, February 20, 1978 dna epidemics myths disasters Christ

(On the other hand, with the copyedited manuscript for James and the concluding chapters of Emir mailed to Prentice-Hall earlier this month, Jane found herself with some unexpected free time. [We don’t expect to receive the page proofs for James, for correcting, until late next month.] Jane began to enjoy her break by writing poetry and doing some painting — but she surprised me when she also spontaneously began to rough out some of the notes for Psyche. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

(For the record, let it be known that our landlord, James Spaziani, has already looked at the house in question. [...]

(Later I saw the smiling face of our landlord, James Spaziani. [...]

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

(Yesterday afternoon and evening, May 20, we had as guests Reverend James Crosson and his wife; they visited us at the end of a lecture tour that had taken them from their new home in Florida to their summer camp in the Berkshires. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 831, January 15, 1979 copyedited Tam Sue medieval private

[...] I rechecked my opening notes for the last session: Yes, we did finish correcting the page proofs for James early in April 1978. [...]

[...] Later in July Sue finished typing the notes and started in on the appendixes for Volume 2, just as we received the first books for James. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

A brief note: Your friends Marion and James are important elements in your lives. [...]

[...] I had never asked Seth the reasons, thinking that in some way Jane and I must be involved with Marion and James Spaziani; and thinking also that some time the reasons would begin to emerge in the material.

TES8 Session 341 May 15, 1967 Crosson thermal welm Massachusetts condensed

[...] The letter is from her correspondent in West Brookfield, Massachusetts, the Reverend James C. Crosson. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] As per James, when democracy does not work, people look elsewhere. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] He can copy James then —an hour at a time—however. [...]

[...] Cézanne, for example, will reach some people who have not read the other books, and some historians will read James, and hence be led where otherwise they would not go. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 19, 1978 critical powerlessness bodybuilding determined solve

Now: your friend Tam quite happily gives readings with Ruburt’s experience behind him, and he says “I simply say, I take no responsibility for what James says.” [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 818, February 6, 1978 realms motes dust Weathermen storm

(No session was held last Wednesday night because Jane and I were so busy checking the copyedited manuscript for James. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

It is very important that both of you realize, paraphrasing James, that the universe is with you, that it supports you. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977 firewalker fire bulb flames Framework

[...] The descriptions given by James in the later part of the book actually apply very well to the creative medium of Framework 2, for your needs are anticipated and automatically provided for, if, again, you do not impede them through contrary beliefs.

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