20 results for stemmed:freudian

TPS4 Deleted Session August 29, 1977 Darwinian Freudian Darwin teeth competition

To some extent the Freudian self, as per James, more or less followed the same pattern. A man could scarcely trust his neighbor if he agreed with Darwin or Freudian concepts. Behind any altruistic impulse there had to be a selfish gain. Before all of this, however, nature was seen as primarily passive—put here by God for man’s purpose, but without possessing the uniqueness or even approaching the status of man.

In Darwinian and Freudian terms, certainly later your joint and private pursuits literally made no sense, nor did they conform to any organized religious framework. Many of your difficulties came as your own natural impulses and natural inclinations conflicted with both Darwinian and Freudian concepts.

The value of the artist was deprecated. Contemplation had little part to play. As per James, it was no coincidence that the beliefs of Freud and Darwin merged so well to form western society’s idea of the self, physically and psychologically. The ideas of financial competition, advocated, came into direct conflict, Joseph, with your own inclinations to be an artist. The ideas of manliness in your society, particularly in past years, were directly tied in with Darwinian concepts and Freudian theory. They operated as suggestion that directed the actions of millions of people, and provided a framework through which they experienced their reality.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] “Seth’s been telling us to be alert for negative Freudian and Darwinian beliefs — and suddenly I’m surrounded by my own. [...]

For example: Many of you believe in the basis of Freudian psychology — that the son naturally wants to displace the father in his mother’s attentions, and that beneath the son’s love for his father, there rages the murderous intent to kill. [...]

[...] If any of you do (underlined) still believe in the Freudian or Darwinian selves, then you will be leery about impulses to examine your own consciousness, afraid of what murderous debris might be uncovered. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] As you know, your western world followed its own mixture of Christianity, Darwinism, and Freudian psychology. [...]

I am, again, not telling you to be blind to physical events, but to realize that the news media, and your organizations, are not giving you an “objective” view of the world, but a view compounded and composed by Freudian and Darwinian beliefs. [...]

[...] The world is seen as a patient, sick in body, insane of mind, a thing that needs treatment, a Freudian and Darwinian monster. [...]

TPS5 Session 899 (Deleted Portion) February 6, 1980 dragons erroneous pronouncements breakthroughs dampen

They might have seemed like even brilliant (amused) theoretical statements, my own pronouncements, but little by little you accepted them intellectually while still being emotionally bound through habit, so that indeed, as Ruburt wrote, you almost became programmed, your questions about reality based upon the erroneous facts of Darwinism, Freudianism, or religion. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 10, 1979 shovel sports driveway plowed sexual

[...] Again, Freudian beliefs that filled the books and movies led you both in your own ways to fear that your energies could be “swallowed” by sexuality—that to some extent you had so much energy, and that most of it must go into creative work.

More than this, the Freudian concepts said more or less that each person, regardless of their individuality, was driven by sexual energies of great force. [...]

TPS5 Session 869 (Deleted Portion) July 30, 1979 mistrust devalue Trumansburg tensions reducing

[...] The Freudian, Darwinian dictates quite emphatically degrade man’s capacity for “greatness,” for heroic action in those terms, and greatly devalue the entire meaning connected with an individual self. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 863, June 27, 1979 paranoid spider schizophrenic web values

(Pause, then forcefully:) I am trying to temper my statements here, but your psychology of the past 50 years has helped create insanities by trying to reduce the great individual thrust of life that lies within each person, to a generalized mass of chaotic impulses and chemicals — a mixture, again, of Freudian and Darwinian thought, misapplied.

[...] It did little good in the past for Freudian psychologists to listen to a person’s associations (pause) while maintaining an objective air, or pretending that values did not exist. [...]

TPS5 Session 855 (Deleted Portion) May 21, 1979 Yale jar evangelical pique heroics

[...] Those are the ideas you are combating—not simply Freudian or Darwinian concepts from your lifetimes, but the accumulated misinformation from that historic past. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 5, 1984 sex eruptions degrading bestial police

[...] Unfortunately such concepts are also reflected in fields of psychology, particularly in Freudianism — where, say, slips of the tongue may betray the self’s hidden, nefarious true desires.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 13, 1972 Timothy Foote Seagull Bach Claus

(As it was, Seth spoke very briefly to Timothy Foote at about 3:00 PM, discussing some remarks all of us had been making about Freudian psychology. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 824, March 1, 1978 Cinderella fairy tale godmother adult

(10:02.) The tale of Cinderella becomes a fantasy, a delusion, or even a story about sexual awakening, in Freudian terms. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 20, 1981 Sinful science church religion Frankenstein

(Long pause at 9:02.) The Sinful Self shows itself in a period of transition from its religious to scientific format in science fiction or fantasy in particular, where you can almost trace the translation of religion’s self, tainted by original sin, to the Darwinian and Freudian concepts of the flawed self, bound to destruction one way or another, propelled by the unbridled unconscious or evolutionary defect. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

(Long pause at 9:37.) That idealism, however, ran smack into the dark clouds of Freudian and Darwinian thought. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

[...] You are not born through any sin, either original sin or Freudian sin. [...]

NoME Introduction by Jane Roberts impulses ourselves disclosures Introduction our

Rob and I grew up in the world of Freudian and Darwinian concepts too, of course. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] The “new” Freudian ideas of the unsavory unconscious led further to a new dilemma, for it was then—as it is now—widely believed that as the result of experiences in infancy the subconscious, or unconscious, might very well sabotage the best interests of the conscious personality, and trick it into illness and disaster.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

[...] Partially it was the belief that women were more vulnerable, and the social conditions—Darwinian and Freudian concepts—that led him to accept that position, and all the material I have given fits in here. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 621, October 16, 1972 willpower beliefs examine imagination dissect

[...] On Monday and Wednesday evenings he furnished material on this book, plus some personal material for us; discoursed at length Tuesday night in ESP class; spoke briefly Friday afternoon to a visiting editor from Time magazine — subject, Freudian psychology; and on Saturday evening talked informally to a group of our friends about daily life in Italy during the time he had been a minor pope in the fourth century a.d. [Reincarnation-wise, Seth had first mentioned his papal experience in an ESP class session in May, 1971. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 831, January 15, 1979 copyedited Tam Sue medieval private

[...] If Christendom saw man as blighted by original sin, Darwinian and Freudian views see him as part of a flawed species in which individual life rests precariously, ever at the beck and call of the species’ needs, and with survival as the prime goal — a survival, however, without meaning. [...]

TES4 Session 182 August 28, 1965 Bill hay kill fever mother

(A Freudian slip that Jane made in reference to her own mother in the past tense, “was,” whereas Seth wanted Jane to say “is,” was duly noted. [...]