Results 21 to 40 of 168 for stemmed:"psycholog time"

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Disentanglement From Camouflage disentanglement camouflage disengages bodiless formless

“Complete disentanglement from camouflage comes rarely within your system, although it is possible to achieve it, particularly in connection with Psychological Time. When Psychological Time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage is lessened to an astounding degree. [...]

TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 Jimmy sale warning dump rush

(Concerning Jane making sale of her writing soon, the last statement of the session above now makes four times that this bit of information has come to us, either through sessions or Jane’s psychological time. [...]

(Naturally, after Jane’s experience with psychological time earlier in the day, we wondered whether there would be a session at all tonight. [...]

If you recall, I told you that the psychological time experiments would prove more fruitful now, but Ruburt really came up with a peach.

TES2 Session 59 June 3, 1964 depth horse nail quality Boston

(On Tuesday, June 2, I missed trying psychological time. [...]

[...] It could easily be called the inner extension of your psychological time, so you will see its importance.

Psychological time indeed involves you in the initial venturing. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

The use of psychological time is a basic necessity for any experiment. Such use of psychological time is extremely important, since it enables the personality to bypass physical laws to a large extent; and also, and this is important, bypass certain chemical reactions that would ordinarily occur, and tend to overtax the physical structure.

(Both Jane and I have lately begun to practice psychological time regularly, if only for a few minutes each day. For myself I have nothing yet to report; and as previously noted, Jane has had some success at various times with what are usually quite brief flashes of insight.

[...] Ten minutes of your clock time a day would certainly be of great value in the use of psychological time, and I suggest that you try this.

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

[...] Upon leaving the state of psychological time I forgot this sighting, but remembered it while in the state of psychological time the following day.

(After my sensation episode [see page 81] I made a second try at psychological time. [...] This was interrupted by Jane calling me, since I had set a time limit. [...]

(While trying psychological time I had the following experiences. [...]

TES2 Session 52 May 11, 1964 neck arthritis punishment wry infantile

[...] My dear friends, I wish you a fond good evening; and may I mention briefly that you were right, Joseph; your last experience with psychological time was most significant. And Ruburt had also tuned in on the same conversation, but had already begun to tense, and therefore was blocking every psychological stimulus in the hopes of blocking out the right one. [...]

[...] By the time we obtained treatment for it the time was close to noon, so it seemed there would be no session this evening, or at most a few words from Seth acknowledging the seriousness of Jane’s predicament.

[...] At the same time our cat Willy began to cry and try grasping at Jane’s legs and ankles. [...]

TES3 Session 130 February 8, 1965 semitrance brisk efficient transition outer

[...] I will again suggest that for the present psychological time experiments be carried on once a day. There is no reason to give further time to it, in the evening, at this time. [...]

[...] The situation began as he completed his psychological time experiment this morning, and has continued. [...]

[...] But she felt “disconnected,” and recalled her psychological time experience of the morning, in which she felt “separated.” [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 15, 1970 Theodore sensitivity pious badger mask

[...] The more terrified you are personally, the less you dare let down your guard, and you build up psychological walls to protect you. [...] Now, using psychological time and learning to be spontaneous, you can free these abilities within yourself. [...]

[...] When you are doing psychological time, however, you cannot afford to be using energy to hide your own emotions from yourself. [...]

(Theodore had been discussing the trouble he was having in psy-time.)

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 notime painting blaring foreground segments

[...] You, Joseph, at the least several times a week, should make an effort to embark upon more psychological time exercises, for your own abilities have also grown; but you have not realized it.

Now these symbols are those that I believe you will find suitable for you, and some of the information should help you interpret information received in psychological time. [...] Otherwise the time element can become confused.

There is less differentiation, in your terms, in notime, but far more differentiation in terms of consciousness, and psychological experience. All probabilities have their reality in notime, and the creative accomplishments that take place within notime generate all the probable realities that will ever exist or have existed within the various time systems. [...]

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

(Telling us about his recent dream and apparition experiences, Bill had mentioned that at times when his eyes were closed he was aware of the feeling of a white light, or glow, that varied in intensity at different times. Jane was interested in this description because it tallied with an effect she attains quite often in psychological time experiments—this feeling of a light within, even though the eyelids are squeezed tightly shut. At times Jane has seen images after the appearance of this inner light, but Bill has seen only the light. [...]

[...] He is now doing better with his psychological time experiments, and he must let this spontaneity expand into other aspects of his life. [...]

Ruburt’s psychological time experience recently was correct, in that he will soon hear about a sale. [...]

TES4 Session 178 August 16, 1965 waking brogue beneficial traffic routes

(It will be remembered that in the 140th session Seth suggested Jane avoid psychological time for a while, after she had unwittingly gone too far, too fast. A week later Jane resumed psy-time on a reduced time basis. [...] She has however had some rather startling clairvoyant experiences outside of psy-time.

(Jane has been practicing psychological time regularly. [...] The only suggestions she gives herself now are to the effect that she is completely relaxed, and free of space and time. [...]

[...] However in his psychological time experiments he is trying too hard. [...]

TES1 Session 26 February 18, 1964 John Philip Bradley human evolution

[...] It did not appear constructed, that is in constructed form, for a long period of physical time however, and we have discussed psychological time as being part of what I will call for now an inner time sense.

This human self-consciousness existed in psychological time and in inner time long before you as a species constructed it in terms of your particular camouflage patterns. [...]

This was in Belgium—and I will not be tricked, my dear Joseph—it was in Belgium in 1632, and our Philip in a rather sensational case for the times actually brought this husband to a village trial, a particularly unusual occurrence at that time. [...]

TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964 universe inwardness parallel sales regenerated

[...] I have told you that as the dream is only connected by the smallest thread to your time, so also, although it is difficult, you could manage to pinpoint the apparent beginning of a dream in clock time. This time, you know intuitively, has no psychological inner relationship to the dream experience.

We have spoken concerning the relative impossibility of first origins as you consider them, occurring at a particular point in your time. Inward, individualized, aware energy existed before the conception of your time, your time obviously being an interpretation of the spacious present, from which all creation not only originally began but continues in terms of value fulfillment. Without such a development before the conception of your time, indeed, your universe would never have come into existence.

[...] Psychologically, dear friends, you do not. I will at one time discuss a fascinating facet, though important not shattering, concerning identical twins, in which slip-ups have occurred in this line.

TES3 Session 106 November 11, 1964 Kiley Nan Playboy November doctor

His own work will go well this week, and his energies be refreshed through his usual activities, and also through painting if he finds time. The fifteen-minute limit for psychological time experiments should be kept until our next session, at which time I will give other directions according to the situation.

(The following are from Jane’s psychological time notebook:

(The following are from my psychological time notebook:

TES2 Session 77 August 5, 1964 congenial sensuous vacation compensate psychic

[...] I even suggest that you dispense with your psychological time experiments during that time.

(Trying psychological time on Tues. [...]

[...] I also suggest that you dispense with psychological time for the remainder of this week. [...]

TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964 Mark Ed barn discipline son

Art of any kind is extremely important as a way of paying off debts, that is psychological debts. [...] Now like Joseph and Ruburt, you give away parts of yourself, fragments of yourself, made more or less into living psychological forms that according to your ability are free from not only time, but free from many of the defects of your own present personality.

(At 8:00 PM Jane and I both tried psychological time, before taking a brief nap. [...]

[...] I would suggest that Mark also exercise himself in the use of psychological time. [...]

TES2 Session 57 May 27, 1964 notself skin self secondary constructions

(Jane, while trying psychological time on Tuesday, 5/26 at 11:15 AM, tried to project herself to Bill Macdonnel’s hospital room. [...] Checking with Bill later at the hospital, we learned he was asleep at this time. [...]

(Tuesday, May 26, 9:00 PM: While trying psychological time I had a few instances of my thrilling sensation. [...]

I am giving you various material along certain lines in preparation for a discussion of some of your own experiments with psychological time. [...]

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

(Jane has been using her twenty-minute psychological time period recently for health purposes, with excellent results. [...] She has also been attaining excellent “states” during her psy-time periods. [...]

[...] She spoke with her eyes closed for the entire session; at times her delivery was quite fast, other times it was broken by pauses. [...]

[...] There are many psychological reasons behind such a psychological truth.

TES3 Session 115 December 16, 1964 universe storefront December Crucifixion helmets

[...] I have now experienced both sensations many times. [...] I was lying upon my back at the time, and this is the position I use while trying psychological time.

They move through psychological time. [...]

(The following data are from Jane’s psychological time notebook:

TSM Chapter Fifteen Pietra probable selves Rob injections

[...] Seth told Rob again that contact could be facilitated by the Psychological Time exercises. (These will be explained in the chapter dealing with the development of psychic abilities.) Rob did these exercises several times that week without making any contact with Dr. Pietra as far as he knew. [...]

“It should be obvious that the psychological frameworks must be different when the time-experience is different. You can see for yourself the psychological variations that exist simply between the conscious and subconscious, for example. [...]

[...] Over the next few weeks he did psychological time exercises suggested by Seth, and tried to be intuitively alert to anything out of the ordinary. [...]

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