7 results for (stemmed:"expect chang" AND stemmed:emot)

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

While many of your expectations are formed in childhood, no switch is really stuck in one position, and it is your prerogative to channel your emotional energy into whatever pattern for action you desire. It is extremely important, if difficult, to probe and to discover exactly what your present expectations are. Not your desires but your expectations, for you will only construct physically that environment which you believe capable of construction. It has been said that oftentimes men’s expectations are too high for their abilities, but indeed expectations form abilities; and if expectations were higher, so would abilities flourish.

It may even improve. Since I have said that expectations are formed by the emotions, then it is obviously the basic emotions themselves that must be manipulated, since the expectations are the frameworks formed by the emotions. This is the starting point.

If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results.

TES2 Session 79 August 12, 1964 property price expectations veteran minimum

There are times when expectation suddenly shifts. It has been in the process of changing, but it suddenly shows the change as it suddenly becomes obvious through physical construction. When it finally manages to change constructions, bringing them into line with present alterations, the individual realizes that something has happened.

The heat problem of which Ruburt learned, was the result of expectations on the part of the previous tenants, and need not (underline need) have concerned you. It goes without saying that your expectations have been transformed into reality, and the house now would not be practical, unless of course your own expectations changed drastically.

Incidentally, as you may have noticed, your expectations instead have changed as far as your apartment is concerned. [...] Expectations then will always bring about a definite change, not only in your attitude toward matter, but in matter itself.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

[...] Thought patterns and emotional patterns, left alone, would change one into the other as stormy weather changes into sunny. [...] I am not telling you to be so frightened of a negative thought that you want to run into a corner or hide under the bed or say “Oh, this is a negative thought, I must change it at once” and half-terrify yourselves to death. I am telling you that when you indulge in such thoughts for a period of time so that they become habitual then you must change them and no one can do this but yourself. [...]

As you all know, and this is not new, your pitiful body changes with each thought that you have and with each emotion. [...] If you do not know your own thoughts, and if you cannot change them when you want to, you are not at the mercy of your thoughts. [...]

[...] None of you are helpless to change events, to change your health or your reality at this moment. [...] Now, you may have built up poor habits of thought, but you can recognize this and change them. Every time you say, I am helpless, and I am slipping into chaos, whether you get laughs or not, or whether you say it humorously or not, you are indeed pushing yourself further into the chaos you are creating with every breath you take because you make no effort to change the nature of your thoughts and this is what you must do, exert your own control. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session August 16, 1971 game trust mistrust areas healthy

The set and expectations will change. [...]

The life that you two personally have, has been brought about through trust and expectation. Your artistic endeavors are the result of trust and expectation. [...]

It has been acted out imaginatively and physically, with some changes and variations. [...] This scene will change not necessarily because of any particular effort to reenact the scene differently imaginatively, but because of the overall “as if” game. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971 Bert Gnosticism Jim kick wring

(To the member): You have, indeed, been performing a useful service in class, but I expect to see it changed. [...]

[...] Jim explained his ideas and emotions concerning the incident, and wanted to know how he could change them.)

[...] To change your world you must change your thoughts. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Joel Daniel violent Ned wring

(To Florence.) You have, indeed, been performing a useful service in class but I expect to see it changed. [...]

(Joel told of finding a man asleep at his work, explained his feeling and emotions and could he change them?)

[...] Now, you form the physical reality that you know, individually and en masse, and to change the world that you know you must change your thoughts and to change them you must become consciously aware of what you tell yourself is true every moment of the day for that is your reality, and that is what you project outward. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session June 30, 1973 distractions youthful curtailment backslidings noise

[...] Your expectations must be changed, and despite what so-called practical experience shows you. [...]

[...] Your emotions follow your beliefs. [...]

Since all of this made such sense to him, he did not change it. [...]