Results 41 to 60 of 79 for stemmed:"creat realiti"
You must understand the nature of reality before you can manipulate within it intelligently and well. In this environment and in physical reality, you are learning—you are supposed to be learning—that your thoughts have reality and that you create the reality that you know. [...] If you still do not realize that you create the reality that you know, then you return and again you learn to manipulate and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. [...]
[...] If you have too many ties with this reality and if you are too impatient, and if you have not learned sufficiently, then you may return too quickly. [...]
And into this reality you do not go as a grown man with preconceived ideas. [...]
[...] You can only create it as a reality in so many dimensions. You cannot appreciate, for that matter, all the systems of reality in which the painting does have reality. [...]
[...] They may be necessary at one time or another, but they can never be primary realities. [...] You have to deal with them only because you have created them. [...]
Each painting that you create represents the death of the self that you were before you created it. [...]
Now, you see, when you paint a picture you use your physical body as a tool to create your inner idea. When you create physical matter you are not aware of doing so, but you affect energy directly in such an execution, your own attention being focused primarily in the physical system.
When I say “You create your own reality through your thoughts,” you, meaning anyone, have a tendency to imagine each thought as a small brick, a psychological object, each one being formed into the structure of your experience. [...]
(I ended up this evening wondering why nature would provide within its limitless possibilities that of such nasty ideas or creations—which, I told Jane, only meant that we had the power or ability to create such ungainly hassles. [...]
All realities are the result of idea construction. [...]
(10:05.) Those processes, however, contain the basic mental structures from which ideas and concepts as you understand them come, and they are also responsible for the inner mental and psychological processes, individually and worldwide, that form private and mass physical reality.
Every nerve and fiber within the physical image has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with physical reality—in other words, that allows the inner self to create physical reality.
[...] Your control over it is quite effective, for you create it as you create your fingertip. [...]
[...] There are methods and means, hidden to the ego, whereby the physical universe as you know it is constantly created and maintained. [...]
Thoughts and images are formed into physical reality and become physical fact. [...]
[...] This cycle that psychologists have recently discovered, having to do with the various dream levels, corresponds to the ebb and tide of consciousness as it appears within and disappears from physical reality. It creates physical reality, as you know.
[...] The consciousness as it reasserts itself within physical reality has no memory of the interval in which it did not physically exist. [...] Dreams allow consciousness to disentangle itself from physical reality. [...]
[...] Now these nonintervals are indeed openings into other realities, and you can theoretically explore them. They exist as actually as physical reality. [...]
[...] Your perception of time causes many difficulties when you try to examine reality as it exists independent of matter. [...]
If all of your beliefs, not just your “fortunate” ones, were not materialized, you would never thoroughly understand on a physical level that your ideas create reality. [...]
[...] You could say that the identity, existing in another dimension entirely, plants the seed into the medium of physical reality from which its own material existence will spring.
Within the basic framework of the body chosen before physical birth (for reasons that will be discussed later), the individual has full freedom to create a perfectly healthy functioning form. [...]
[...] Such a course would not, in physical reality, present you with anything like a balanced picture of perfection.
You have an excellent grasp of “Unknown” Reality, and of all the material contained therein. [...] It can deliver it to you in the same way as your crossword puzzle exercises, but you have not thoroughly understood, in that regard, that the point of power is in the present, and that you do there also create your own reality.
[...] You make your own reality.
(While speaking tonight, Jane said she has within a definite “feeling of a pulsation”; it might be likened to the perpetual opening and closing of a fist, she said, with each opening and each closing creating a new reality, and thus moving itself perpetually on.
[...] You do each create your own reality, however (intently), and en masse you create the realities of your nationalities and your countries — so at that time the Germans saw themselves as victors, and the Jews saw themselves as victims.
[...] In his grandiose, idealized version of reality, he saw that race “set in its proper place,” as natural master of mankind.1
[...] Jane was concerned and not concerned, and once again I saw in her that innocent acceptance of the reality she was creating—the one I often had such trouble understanding [as well as my own participation in creating it!]. [...]
How ironic, I thought, that Seth could say he’d be unnecessary if generally we human beings did a better job of creating our reality!
[...] As Seth does, they represent one portion of her psyche offering reassurances to another more conscious portion, in our terms; they deal with her questioning of the reality she’s creating in the finest personal detail—her wanting to know why she’s made her choices, her determination to press ahead, her embracing of our beloved earth and our universe. [...]
Your own entire structure of life, therefore, with its acute and precise definitions in the package of reality, is a living life cloud that may or may not be perceived in other realities. [...]
Over the phone Ruburt reminded Andrea of her own basic uniqueness, and also of the fact that she was creating her reality through beliefs. [...]
[...] Information or events running counter would be ignored to a large degree, or distorted in such a fashion that they would be made to fit in with what the mind said was reality.
She had wanted to leave her job for another one but was afraid of taking the step, so she created circumstances in which the decision was seemingly taken out of her hands; it would appear as if she were the victim of unfeeling co-workers, jealous and misunderstanding, and a boss who would not stand up for her.
Ruburt advised Andrea to accept the validity of such feelings as feelings — not to inhibit them, but to follow their flow with the understanding that they are feelings about reality. [...]
Your own value system then is built up of your beliefs about reality, and those beliefs form your experience. [...] You may believe also what I have told you — that your thoughts create your reality — so you become all the more frightened at mental or actual expressions of an aggressive nature. [...]
Because you accept the rain as a present reality does not mean, either, that you must believe that all days are stormy, and make that obvious misconception a part of your beliefs about reality. [...]
[...] Within your reality it is as foolish to deny the existence of certain thoughts as it would be, say, to pretend that deserts do not exist. In following such a course you deny dimensions of experience and diminish your reality. [...]
[...] In my present book, The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book, I am including techniques that will allow you and thousands of others to use these ideas in normal daily living, to enrich the life that you know and to help you understand and solve your problems.
[...] In quotes: “By the time” this realization comes, inner value fulfillment has already created new realities. [...]
[...] It will serve a purpose and be a reality in your time. In a like manner can personality structures be of assistance and be realities to you within your time, although they have long since entered other dimensions.
[...] You know you breathe, and in the same manner that you undertake physiological, biological and mental leaps and functions, so do you also create the reality of the dream world.
[...] What you do not realize, however, is that these images that you all create, have an existence independent of your knowledge, once you have created them.
This in many instances will be distasteful to many, but all physical constructions are transformations of energy made manifest as idea, and then constructed into physical reality. Without the idea you have no physical reality, and without belief that our aims are possible, there will be no achievement. [...]
There religious interests, therefore, are repeated in the present personality, but efforts are made to tie these ideas into the world of so-called reality. [...]
[...] But this computer is so highly endowed with creativity that each of the various personalities it programs spring into consciousness and song, and in turn create realities that may have been undreamed of by the computer itself.
Each personality has within it the ability not only to gain a new type of existence in the environment — in your case in physical reality — but to add creatively to the very quality of its own consciousness, and in so doing to work its way through the specialized system, breaking the barriers of reality as it knows it.
I must explain this before I can clearly give you an idea of my environment, or of those other systems of reality in which I operate. [...] In a very real way of speaking, your concept of reality as seen through your physical senses, scientific instruments, or arrived at through deduction, bears little resemblance to the facts — and the facts are difficult to explain.
Root assumptions are those built-in ideas of reality of which I spoke — those agreements upon which you base your ideas of existence. [...] Each system of reality has its own set of such agreements. [...]
[...] As the outer ego manipulates within the physical environment, so the inner ego or self organizes and manipulates with an inner reality. The inner ego creates that physical reality with which the outer ego then deals.
[...] It constantly translates the components of its gestalt into reality—either physical reality through the EE units I have mentioned, or into other realities equally as valid.
The individual inner self, then, through constant massive effort of great creative intensity, cooperates with all other inner selves to form and maintain the physical reality that you know, so that physical reality is an offshoot or by-product of the highly conscious inner self.
Having determined upon physical reality as a dimension in which it will express itself, the inner self, first of all, takes care to form and maintain the physical basis upon which all else must depend—the properties of earth that can be called natural ones. [...]
[...] She could say but little about what she had picked up: Since consciousness creates reality, reality is not independent of consciousness; but there was more here.
It is not that your being exists in a lesser reality. It is that (eyes open occasionally, slitted again) you have not learned to recognize the extent of the reality in which you do exist. So our information must somehow appear within the small scope of what you recognize as reality, or you will not perceive it.