Results 21 to 40 of 52 for stemmed:"camouflag pattern"

TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced

[...] You are merely allowing yourself a momentary release from the limitations of camouflage ideas, and release of these ideas brings a corresponding release from the physical camouflage patterns themselves. [...] Now this breaking through is a release of the inner self from the camouflage, and the resulting camouflage laws of any particular plane. [...]

Using the senses developed on a particular plane to perceive its characteristic camouflage patterns, it is almost impossible to see beyond these boundary effects. [...]

[...] The camouflage effect surrounding a plane, and apparent in your universe, can be measured. But it must be recognized first as a camouflage distortion, and then translations of the camouflage measurements must be made.

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

The grouping of inner senses with which we are now concerned deal with the disentanglement of one set of camouflage patterns and the taking up of another set. The groupings of inner senses most dependent upon the use of psychological time are those which involve a nearly complete disentanglement from camouflage pattern, without taking on other patterns, and these are perhaps the most important because they come closer to the direct experience of unveiled reality.

Even for example, levitation is involved with camouflage to a large degree, in that the camouflage physical body itself rises, but we are still here using the camouflage physical form. Traveling without the camouflage physical form is a giant step, of course, but a possible one according to your development. Here you are traveling however through camouflage space. It is very difficult on your level to do without any camouflage, and yet it can be done; and here again the use of psychological time is extremely important, since when psychological time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage becomes lessened to an almost astounding degree.

[...] He was concerned with a camouflage idea, that of time, and clock time at that, the clock itself being a camouflage. Clairvoyantly he merely disentangled himself enough to ignore some camouflage in order to perceive camouflage that lay behind it, and this is a necessary first step.

TES2 Session 44 April 15, 1964 laws space camouflage universe durability

The brain is a camouflage pattern. [...] Your camouflage universe, on the other hand, takes up space and has an existence in time, but it is not the real and basic universe, any more than the brain is the mind.

Now the so-called laws of your camouflage universe do not apply to the inner universe. They do not even apply to other camouflage planes. However, the laws of the inner universe apply to all camouflage universes, and all consciousnesses on any plane must follow the basic laws of the inner universe. Some of these basic laws have counterparts known and accepted on various camouflage planes. [...]

In your physical universe this law is followed through idea constructions which become idea approximations of inner reality that are, nevertheless, distorted to a large degree, and make up the various camouflage patterns with which you are familiar.

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

[...] Your camouflage patterns can be likened to the patterns cast by sun and shadow upon the ever-moving waves. As long as you keep the pattern in mind, you create it, and it is there. [...] Your camouflage and your world is created by conscious focusing and unconscious concentration. Only by turning your head away for a moment can you see what is beneath the seemingly solid pattern. By plunging into our ocean of value climate you can dive beneath your camouflage system and look up to see it, relatively foundationless, floating above you, moved, formed and directed by the shifting illusions caused by the wind of will, and the force of subconscious concentration and demand.

Concentrating upon your own camouflage universe, you are able to distinguish only the distortive pattern, and from this pattern you deduce your ideas of cause and effect, past, present and future, and ideas of an expanding universe that bloats. [...] The camouflage patterns that seem to enclose consciousness are temporary, for short term only, and for limited but necessary purpose.

[...] The inner senses inhabit directly the atmosphere of our value climate; and they see through the evervarying camouflage patterns, and the flux and flow of apparent change. In our sessions to some small degree you plunge into this ocean of value climate, and to the extent that you are able to divest yourselves of the clothes of camouflage, to that extent can you truly be aware of this climate.

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

When it is understood that space and time are both camouflages, and that your cause and effect theory is a result of a continuity theory that no longer makes sense, then your scientists will recognize the impossibility of trying to decipher basic reality with camouflage instruments, and vehicles, that of themselves produce distortive theories, and only serve to probe further into a camouflage pattern.

I have also explained how energy is transformed, and changes, adapting itself to the particular camouflage pattern of any given plane. [...]

[...] You are free of space, and to a large degree of time, in the sleeping state, because you are not using your energies to transform ideas into durable physical camouflage patterns.

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

The fact is, that even in your own universe all of your camouflage forms are not perceived by any one species, your own included. At best your scientists will only discover more of these camouflage patterns, but the entire system will simply not be perceived by any one species, and you will never perceive camouflage patterns outside of your own patterns. [...]

[...] Your outer senses are equipped to perceive your own camouflage patterns. They are not equipped to deal with other camouflage patterns.

Now, although your space vehicles are not as apparently connected to the ground, they are indeed connected to the ground of your camouflage patterns in a most meaningful manner, since they are themselves camouflage. [...]

TES2 Session 54 May 18, 1964 entities forest extral chicken durability

[...] In order for this material to come through, you must have already reached an element of inner freedom, and a certain ability to realize your own existence behind the camouflage patterns with which you are usually concerned.

In their materialization upon your plane, and as seen from your own camouflage perspective, you seem to be aware of new entities, but this is because of your own limited viewpoint. [...]

The cells combine into other patterns, forming finally into your physical organs. [...]

TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

The outer ego, under such advantageous circumstances, is more nearly able also to communicate its experience in the physical world to the inner self, and hereby to actually help enlarge the inner self, which then directly experiences stimulation and manipulations in a camouflage pattern which is otherwise denied to it.

Each existence in any of many camouflage patterns trains and fulfills the inner self to develop the greatest possible fulfillment of its own qualities and characteristics. [...]

The inner self obviously needs the outer ego with its outer senses, in order to permit its own materialization in various camouflage forms. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] The smallest imaginable particle gives evidence of that basic unity of energy adopting form, materializing the camouflage pattern necessary for efficient manipulation within your universe, that is composed of diverse but interwoven fields of apparent, semi-apparent, or unapparent activities and correlations. [...]

[...] The automatic wrist motion that he regularly uses in his touch typing was knocked askew, the pattern broken, and he used an erratic pressure that induced strain. [...]

[...] Emanations from this field continue, traveling further, projecting energy that is transformed as you know into matter; and in a simplified version of your universe perceived in terms of such force fields, you would have seemingly endless atoms and molecules spinning about the nucleus, or an endless variety of such patterns that would appear on first appraisal random to an observer from another field.

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

In all these cases the available projections are interpreted according to the set conceptions of those in whose dimension they appear, and the data can only be interpreted according to the particular camouflage patterns which are inherent for existence within a given dimension.

As you know, camouflage elements are formed from the vital energy, which itself forms of itself all dimensions and all realities. It exists within all camouflage, since the camouflage itself is merely the form that is adopted. [...]

The whole self as you know has its existence in uncamouflaged energy, and is therefore capable of the assimilation of knowledge in so far as it can, if it chooses, be basically unaffiliated to any one camouflage dimension or perspective. In actual practice this takes a supreme development, but even for general purposes the inner self retains a freedom from camouflage perspectives, and is aware in varying degrees of other perspectives, and of its existence outside of them.

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

[...] Camouflage initiative is another such characteristic. Within the limitations set by itself, a system may nevertheless, from the opportunities available to it, vary its camouflage patterns.

A system may say that within its limitations there is room for still further transformation of energy into still more various camouflage forms. It may be generally said, but only generally, that the most advantageous system is that system which has great diversity of camouflage patterns, in that energy, always individualized, is then given expression within the system in different materializations, which then allow for further individualization to the benefit of the whole system.

[...] Increased consciousness and awareness of itself, through the manipulation and materialization of its own energy into more complicated camouflage patterns, is another characteristic of a system or unit.

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

[...] As the vitality of the universe forms, of itself, the boundaries of the various fields of activity, and as vitality itself takes on the coloration of the various fields and forms the camouflage patterns within them, so also vitality, in the form of emotions that the camouflage patterns of the personality, even while this vitality forms both emotions and personality for every individual, every consciousness, may be thought of as a separate field of activity; and all the data relating to fields of activity may be seen to apply to any consciousness as well.

The peculiar and individualistic aspects of personality are the result of those camouflaging abilities of which we have spoken earlier. [...]

TES6 Session 249 April 6, 1966 ribbon quasars card Artistic bow

[...] They do not conform to the camouflage patterns within any system outside of their own. [...]

[...] That they see them now is a direct result of enlarged concept patterns on their part.

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

[...] The distortions in all cases form your physical camouflage patterns.

[...] (Long pause.) Now once energy is formed into any kind of a pattern, the identity of the pattern is maintained. [...]

[...] You only accept data when it appears within the physical camouflage system. [...]

TES6 Session 267 June 13, 1966 begonia plant office chain monolithic

[...] Your brain is itself a camouflage pattern. [...]

It is as much camouflage as the glass on the table, (pointing) and its knowledge must come through the physical system. [...] The mind is uncamouflaged. It perceives the uncamouflaged reality of sense data, or its sees the energy that exists. [...]

[...] I want it understood that camouflage physical reality is indeed a reality, even while it is a distortion of something else.

TES7 Session 287 September 21, 1966 pseudoobjects tangerine uncamouflaged undifferentiated camouflage

[...] They are merely the camouflage patterns by which you perceive reality. [...]

[...] It is less camouflaged in the dream state. For this reason, in any projections you may be startled, for here you also enter a less strictly camouflaged situation.

[...] The lack of even pseudoobjects obviously means that you have gone beyond your camouflage system. If it were possible for you, you would then travel through a range of intensities in which no camouflage existed. [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

[...] In each system it can only be perceived according to the camouflage patterns inherent there.

[...] The interwoven working of telepathic communications lends itself to mass patterns. [...]

TES8 Session 343 May 22, 1967 offspring electromagnetic action structure universe

[...] The thought also exists in other systems, being materialized according to other camouflage patterns, and entirely different possibilities arising because of the differences.

[...] Thoughts take electromagnetic patterns that have their own materializations as universal systems. [...]

[...] They may not be perceived as physical objects, but as reality that conforms to the particular camouflage structure within.

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

“As their instruments reach farther into the universe they will ‘see’—and I suggest that you put the word ‘see’ into quotes—they will ‘see’ farther and farther, but they will automatically transform what they apparently ‘see’ into the camouflage patterns with which they are familiar. [...]

[...] That is, they will create more and discover more until they are ready to go out of their minds, because they will always create [physical] ‘camouflages’ of the real [nonphysical] thing. [...]

[...] The instruments will be planned to catch certain camouflages, and since they will be expertly thought out they will perform their function. [...]

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

[...] As Seth told us in Session 20, on January 23, 1964: “Time and space, dear friends, are both camouflage patterns, therefore the fact that the inner senses can conquer time and space is not, after all, so surprising. [...]

[...] What more could she have accomplished in our camouflage reality had she chosen to live physically for, say, even another decade? [...]

[...] How far back into camouflage time should one try to trace such connections?

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