Results 161 to 180 of 1102 for stemmed:word
[...] We voiced the idea that three key words seemed to symbolize her physical hassles—fears of scorn, criticism, and flamboyance. [...] I made a brief note about the three words on a sheet of our pendulum questions.
(After lunch we discussed her own notes on the morning’s work, and stressed that she should use the word “flamboyant” as part of her own true nature, attaching only positive meanings to it, being proud of it, realizing that it gave expression to her abilities in a way that few could match. [...]
[...] I simply went into trance twice a week, spoke in a “mediumistic” capacity for Seth, or as Seth, and dictated the words to my husband, Robert Butts, who wrote them down.
[...] I think that it operates as a psychological and psychic framework that frees me from normal verbal reference, letting me express and communicate inner feelings and data that lie just beneath formalized word patterns.
[...] These correct predictions were quite specific, and included such words as “cave” and “long swim.”
[...] She seemed to try to supplement her verbal descriptions by outlining objects with her hands, as though she was seeing things somewhat difficult to put into words specifically enough. [...]
(Note the confusion here with the words cove and cave. [...]
(Jane said my parting words yesterday, that she shouldn’t worry, that the leg will work itself out fine, cheered her quite a bit. [...]
It is, indeed, and some evening I will tell you that you had better change your entire conception of the word lives and this is the first hint I have given, either in our private sessions, or in this one, of some rather important material, but think of what you mean when you use the word life, or lives, and see how limited it really is. [...]
Your personality is truly multidimensional, and after you have been here for some time, you will realize what the words multi-dimensional really mean, for they mean that you are not imprisoned within time, as you know it, in any way. [...]
([Rachel:] “In other words, the entity has many parts all helping to evolve as one?”)
[...] I usually use the term “entity” in preference to the term “soul,” simply because those particular misconceptions are not so connected with the word “entity,” and its connotations are less religious in an organizational sense.
[...] The soul or entity — in other words, your most intimate powerful inner identity — is and must be forever changing. [...]
[...] The ego, in other words, the “exterior” self that you think of as your self — that portion of you maintains its safety and its seeming command precisely because inner layers of your own personality constantly uphold it, keep the physical body operating, and maintain communications with the multitudinous stimuli that come both from outside conditions and inside conditions. [...]
[...] Not long after, however, I felt impelled to say the words aloud, and within a month I was speaking for Seth while in a trance state.
[...] As a whole it was completely new to me, though each word had been spoken through my lips, and I had devoted many evenings in trance to its production. [...]
[...] I have awakened many times, when such dream sessions were taking place, hearing Seth’s words still lingering in my mind.
Centuries ago, in your terms, words and images had a closer relationship — now somewhat tarnished — and this older relationship appears in the dream fabric. [...] The great descriptive nature of names, for instance, can give you an indication of the unity of image and word as they appear in your dreams. [...]
[...] Later, in waking life, you may discover that a friend of yours, a Mr. Taylor (spelled), has a party, or dies, or gets married, whatever the case may be; yet you might never connect the dream with the later event because you did not understand the way that words and images can be united in your dreams.
3. Each morning in bed or after breakfast Rob to remind me to trust the physician within and the ancient wisdom of the body—those words.
(The rather peculiar use of the word enable in the above paragraph is evidently just the word Seth wanted to use. I asked Jane to repeat it, to make sure I had it right the first time, and she very definitely pronounced that word.)
I use the word tissue with some caution. Nevertheless all entities, except for a few important exceptions, are in one way or another enclosed within themselves, and also connected to others by some sort of capsule, and your word tissue would seem to be the closest I can come to this.
Direct experience in these inner senses will give you a much clearer picture of them than any words, even mine, can do. [...]
[...] Jim felt more comfortable now, his chills had abated; my hand was okay; and Bill had a list of perhaps two dozen instances wherein he had known beforehand what series of words Jane would use to present certain thoughts. The phrases were three and four words long.
[...] Because I was using the word light for the first time in these experiments, [with a rather ill-defined idea of levitation in mind, after Jane’s attempts], I also told myself I was not afraid. I repeated these few words a few times, but do not believe I put myself in any kind of a trance, although at the time I took the precaution of reminding myself I could snap out of it any time I wanted to.
Mark took the word nun for monk, because he knew Roarck when Roarck was a priest, and substituted monk really for priest.
[...] For that matter we do not have Seth’s word for it, in so many words, that the Gallaghers are on Nassau; we surmise this because of what Peggy said last Friday night, October 14.
[...] (Pause; my interpretation; her eyes closed, Jane attempted to write in the air with a finger the words she tried to pronounce.) De, I believe, seven—Savrantinos (halting pronunciation) I said concordi—Concordiat de Savrantino.
[...] The word galleon appeared to be strange to Jane.)
The words that I speak to you transmit information, but the words themselves are not the information but verbal carriers. [...]
[...] You take its usual transmission in daily life for granted, overlooking the fact that all the physical aspects of its transmission and appearance serve to hide its basic non-materiality, and that words and printed data and moving pictures, all visual or physical symbols, are not the knowledge itself. [...]