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([Bette:] “During break Jane stood here talking to Dee and as I stood and watched these two, Jane all of a sudden was a very little girl looking up at this man and the man was trying desperately to get Jane to say that she was sorry for something that she had done, and Jane would not say this. The conversation had absolutely nothing to do with what my thoughts or what I was picking up on these two. Was Dee like a headmaster in a school that Jane attended?”)
[...] He was a makeup personality—that is, through Frank Watts I had to make up for past errors. [...] This plane for Frank Watts was a plane of sorrow. [...]
[...] At 8:45 I received the words, “No winds ever blew across the prairie but I was there.” [...] Rob asked questions and I began to answer, using my own voice, which was more wavery in tone than usual however. [...]
(Finally someone who said her name was Malba Bronson spoke through me, in my own voice. [...] She said that she knew Seth, who was however on a higher plane, and that he would explain the term midplane to us. [...]
[...] Rob asked about prairie quote earlier, Malba said she was trying to make contact. She is not related to us in any way in a past life, just was available. [...]
(In line with doing things differently, no session was held last Saturday night because over the weekend we decided to give up the Monday–Saturday session routine we’ve followed for the last eight months, and return to our original practice of holding sessions on Monday and Wednesday evenings. The change was made to give Jane more time on weekends to handle the mail. [...]
Growing from an infant to a full adult was probably one of the most difficult, and yet the most easy of feats that you will ever accomplish in a life. [...] You intuitively realized that your being was immersed in and a part of the process of growth.
[...] This is an often-heard sentence — and yet the main point of the Christ story2 was not Christ’s death but his birth, and the often-stated proposition that each person was indeed “a child of the father.”
[...] Christ’s “father” was, however, the God who was indeed aware of every sparrow that fell, who knew of every creature’s existence, whatever its species or kind. [...]
[...] At times her delivery was slow. Her voice was pitched somewhat lower but not louder; she did not wear her glasses and she did not smoke while delivering material.)
[...] To bring this even clearer, you could even imagine that the whole inner universe was an organism, of which your universe represented but one small portion. [...]
One point before I close for this evening: He was quite correct in his interpretation as he watched your expression one evening while you slept—and it was no coincidence that he awakened to see it. [...] That relationship was also responsible for [your] eye improvements, and Ruburt was able to perceive differences in you before you were aware of them at all.
“It was almost as if you were being reborn,” she laughed after tonight’s session. “When the Barbers were here the other night with their baby, I saw something like the same thing on the baby’s face—only yours was like the adult knowing version of that—you know what I mean?”
Jane was very relaxed after supper. [...]
I could only reply this evening—as I had at the time—that I was glad she’d had her perception, but that consciously I hadn’t been aware of any bodily changes. [...]
[...] At the time he believed deceit was involved in the church hierarchy.
[...] On the other hand he still was not completely (underlined) committed, and therefore mistrusted.
He did not want to use his work (pause) to place his work, at the service of a cause to which he was not indelibly committed. [...]
His energy was very purposefully restrained and held back last winter. [...]
[...] Oh, wait; it was that same day, the 13th that I called. [...] Then on April 14 Ethel Waters calls from Production at Tam’s insistence saying that after Events was delayed till May 14 because of the disclaimer problems; so it would come out the same month as God of Jane.... but that there were 10,000 back orders for Events, so I’d say that my dream probably gave me that indication, that something was held up. [...]
[...] Suppose that today your home was robbed. Yesterday, the theft was one of innumerable probable events. [...] (Pause.) Why was your home ransacked, and not your neighbor’s? [...]
[...] It was about some limiting attitudes I had concerning painting and age; it was very perceptive, and I was somewhat surprised to realize that the ideas had been right there before me all along. [...]
(With a smile:) Probable dictation: What you must understand is this: Each of the events in each of your lives was “once” probable. [...]
All of your present experience was drawn from probable reality. [...]
He was afraid that they were lost. Then he thought only one lens was saved. This shows that he was worried for his vision, and thought that only the one right eye would operate properly. [...]
[...] Before, he was afraid to go down into the fears, represented by the water. [...] The part of the self responsible for the fears was the part that thought success a male prerogative, so that the woman had to exert extra discipline. That was also one of the reasons behind Ruburt’s fear of the world’s scorn.
Following his natural impulses automatically brings issues out into the open, so that today he worried about not writing, and so was consciously aware of the conflict and of its reasons. [...]
[...] Her delivery now though was average. [...] The next moment, her eyes much darker, she was in full trance.)
1. The Seth Material was published by Prentice-Hall, Inc. [...] Seth Speaks was published by Prentice-Hall in 1972 and by Amber–Allen Publishing/New World Library in 1994.
[...] We hadn’t taken it very seriously, since we’d finished proofreading Seth’s first book, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul,1 only last month; certainly we weren’t prepared for the fact that he was quite capable of launching another such project so quickly. [...]
[...] By now the story of that book’s conception is well known: Late one night in 1959, Dick was walking beside a canal near a West Coast beach when he heard a voice say, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull.” No one else was around. He was astonished. He was even more so when, on his return home, the voice initiated images that gave him the bulk of the book in three-dimensional form. [...]
(“The truth came to you and was given to you, but the originality and uniqueness was provided by your own inner being, which may now be so separated from your conscious self that it seems to be apart from it.
(The session was witnessed by writer Richard Bach and his editor, Eleanor Friede. [...]
[...] Do not simply look in the center of your inner room of consciousness; and make sure that you are on guard against the certain invisibility that was mentioned earlier (in this chapter), where an idea, quite available, appears to be a part of reality instead.
[...] Then we declared an end to it at 12:05 A.M. Actually, I was the one who was bleary. [...] I was tempted, but …)
[...] Her first book-length fiction, The Rebellers, had been published (as a paperback) that summer, and she was experimenting with several new ideas. [...] We hadn’t realized it at the time, of course, but it embodied some of the ideas Seth was to enlarge upon in his own material. [...] To Hear A Dolphin was then laid aside, evidently for good. [...]
[...] The ghostly qualities in that event fit in with what I was trying to do in the painting: By leaving the thick gray and white underpainting of my “portrait” of “Jane” without color, I realized, I could express not only a probable interpretation of her, but the colorless qualities of the Saratoga experience itself. Once I made those conscious connections I was able to finish the painting very easily. [...]
[...] I won’t take the space to describe the series of mistaken efforts I went through in producing the work, except to say that finally I came to the rather simple conscious understanding that I was trying to paint a probable Jane. [...]
[...] The day was very warm—50 degrees—but rainy and gloomy. Nevertheless, Paul O’Neill’s son David was raking leaves as I left the house. [...]
(The hospital was very quiet today. [...]
(I’d ordered a turkey dinner to go with Jane’s. They weren’t bad, although my pie was left off the order. [...]
(After she’d eaten and I was getting ready to leave, Jane said, “I really feel guilty at making your life so hard,” and added more words to that effect. [...] At once I thought it was excellent material for free association, and that we should pursue it. [...]
[...] I should have realized those feelings were contributing to her overall discomfort, for watching her I’d been positive that much of her trouble was caused by her own reactions. [...]
(My own exasperation had shown through clearly at times, for it seemed that no matter what I did myself, or what anyone else did, my wife was just not going to be comfortable — not then, anyhow. [...]
(My own pendulum sessions lately have told me that I was feeling my own guilt because I thought I should have helped her more in the past. [...]
[...] In the past he was still afraid to touch those beliefs with any but the slightest of hands.
What he wrote was pertinent. [...]
They were not only his private religious beliefs, but those of his contemporaries generally—(louder:) and the foundations upon which your present civilization was made. [...]
(Pause.) For a while you did not feel that the way was clear, psychologically, between yourself and Ruburt. In the beginning this was on your side. [...]
(This material was given us by Seth at the end of the session for May 11/70 —the 527th; and is deleted from the regular record.
You did not die by water, but it was a past reincarnational self and you nearly drowned and you were pursued by sharks, but you did not drown at that time. This was off the south coast of Africa in approximately 1342 and it was not a galley but another kind of ship, a native ship, but with a high mast. [...]
It was in the Indies and it was dry. [...]
(Sue Mullin was a witness.)
[...] The planetary system of which we spoke in our last session was the first one within your universe, when you are speaking in terms of time.
This vast void, this infinite mind, came out of another that was greater than itself. [...]
[...] As your own universe was formed by entities that you do not presently understand, so the discards of your own consciousness form realities for entities that are scarcely aware of your existence.