Results 1061 to 1080 of 1884 for stemmed:was
It was, indeed. I was aware of that, incidentally. [...]
I was aware. When any of you think of another, you are aware whether you know it or not, and when he thought of me, I was aware. [...]
[...] You have perceived and to some extent had the sensations of the personality that was Dolly Madison. [...] But because you insist it must be one thing or another, legitimate reincarnational information or complete fantasy, there was no way he could give you this information clearly, except in the way that he gave it to you. [...]
I was indeed. [...]
(She was still blue at session time, but her Seth voice was stronger than usual.)
(4:46 p.m. It was time to turn Jane. [...] She called me, with Carla’s help, at 9:20, as I was finishing typing the session.)
(Jane had been blue and depressed yesterday, and she was that way again when I got to 330 today. [...]
[...] This was the end of the personal material. [...] During the above presentation, Jane was again aware of channels being available from Seth, about us, the speakers, the book, etc.; she could tune into any of these, etc.
(This afternoon while Jane was going down the front flight of stairs from our apartment, etc.)
[...] You held back in your work, and in selling it, feeling that you must make up—not for Ruburt’s symptoms, but because you felt you were not relating as emotionally as you could, and realizing that this same warmth was necessary to your work.
[...] Jane was well dissociated. She said she thought it was a good session, because “my head feels as though there’s absolutely nothing else in it but the session.” She thought Seth was trying to use her abilities as best he could, in order to present the material without mix-up.
[...] It was 10:23. Once again, as in the 133rd and 134th sessions, Jane was shocked out of her trance state. She was disoriented, groping for her bearings. [...]
[...] Jane was very relaxed the moment she came out of trance. [...] I told her there was no need to continue the session. [...]
We’d also noticed that as soon as Billy lost his appetite his littermate, Mitzi, became “just a little busybody,” as Jane put it, playing and running about the house and out on the porches, as if in her own way she was trying to compensate for Billy’s unaccustomed lack of activity.
[...] She replied that she’d rather wait on the request: She was becoming very relaxed, and didn’t want to get involved with “deep questions” that might interfere with her increasingly comfortable state. [...]
(To Theodore.) It was your own exuberant energy and not my own, your group energy, that played the tricks with the fire. Had I been around it would have occurred to me, and it would have been a great trick, but I was not. [...] It was very well directed, and you made certain none of you got burned. [...]
(To Theodore.) Now, I simply came to let you know that I was in on your conversation, and because I did not want to have you think that I played your little trick and rob you of the pleasure of realizing that you did it for yourselves. It was an excellent phenomena. [...]
Now, if there ever was a puritan remark it was the one that just escaped our friend, Ruburt’s lips, for in his mind still, you see, you must have this purpose and be active and it is wrong to simply go back to bed for no better reason than that you want to go back to bed. [...]
One, however, was as a merchant in Germany in approximately 1830, the area now around Austria. [...] You believed so strongly in principle, for example, that you would do anything to uphold it and there was little leeway in your personality. [...]
(Seth said it was coincidence that the Gallaghers and the woman from Duke were in Puerto Rico at the same time, but not coincidence when they met. There was telepathic exchange between the three of them. [...]
[...] The place you refer to was just a village base to explore from... [...] They died, and their home city was never aware of their location.
[...] and he did appear in your form, but he was not of your form... [...] a fragment that was part of a larger reality they could not understand...
[...] Jane was in a fine mood, spoke rapidly as Seth for the most part, and I did not try to record each word. [...]
(Yesterday was ESP class night, so the Reverend attended class; a session was held during class, which was recorded; when received a copy will be added to these records. Part of it was addressed to the Reverend and his wife, and was quite successful. [...]
Your good reverend was far more impressed after his visit, and he will speak about our work to many others. [...]
The exaggeration of negative influences was brought about because of the repression. [...] Very seldom was he even aware of his true feelings here, and when he was he was ashamed of them, and was 10 times nicer to your mother to cover up the feelings from all of you.
[...] 3. I was curious to know something about the mechanics behind Jane’s slowed-up movements after she had been quiet for a while. That is, after she had been sitting for, say, half an hour, she was slow in getting up and under way, etc.
(“I was wondering if the same things applied to his getting up in the morning.”)
[...] The whole cosmic structure, however, was the materialization of one original thought, for the thought, the basic reality, must always exist before its representation. There was intelligence, therefore, within that first system. [...]
(Sue Mullin was a witness.)
Now: The planetary system of which we spoke in our last session was the first one within your universe, when you are speaking in terms of time. [...]
This vast void, this infinite mind, came out of another that was greater than itself. [...]
(Seth was almost amused and understanding at once. [...] I’d interpreted that dream to mean that a meaningful settlement was still far away from us, but there nevertheless. [...]
[...] Margaret Bumbalo visited her just as I was leaving.
(“Seth was right,” Jane said with a smile as soon as I gave her the news. [...]
[...] I always got away and hid, in room after room, but the dream was an upsetting one, like that I’d had a week or so ago, when I’d lost my way amid a series of deserted factory buildings on the edge of Elmira. [...]
[...] I repeated my old comments that I’d have been more than willing to chuck the whole psychic bit years ago, if she wanted to, for I’d seen signs of trouble way back when she was producing Seth Speaks. If the psychic work was at the base of her troubles — which I didn’t really believe, and still don’t.
[...] When I saw that she was giving up on those movements after a couple of months, I took it as another sign of resistance on the part of deeply entrenched parts of the personality.
[...] Instead I saw the fevers and infections, and realized that those events meant the time for healing and walking was not now.
(After last night’s session I was so upset I couldn’t talk about it, nor did Jane ask me anything about the contents of the session. I was upset because I felt it was all true, and because I’d felt like interrupting constantly as Seth was giving his material. [...]
[...] She said several times that she was frightened. [...] The ultimate fear had manifested itself, then: Jane was no longer able to maneuver in the bathroom. [...]
[...] I told Jane the session was very good, and she sighed with relief. [...] She agreed when she’d heard it, though it was more difficult to listen to the session than to read it at leisure. [...]
[...] I was speechless once again, hardly able to sort out the thoughts and feelings churning in my head. [...]
([John:] “When I was in Rochester about three weeks ago I noticed a definite change in my boss’s features, while he was giving a speech. [...]
(John Bradley was a witness to the session.)
The man who offered the suggestion to Philip may not realize himself that the original idea was not his own. [...]
[...] John was asked to run since the 313th session, and has turned down the offer; it would involve a financial loss.
[...] There was work involved in the typing of manuscripts, hours spent, but the success itself was the result of your individual and joint intuitive creativity, curiosity, your sense of challenge and more adventure.
[...] For you, the artist was not connected with any ideas of homemaking, though outside of that context you wanted to own your own piece of land, however small. [...] This was quite necessary, for you were in danger of thinking of conventional people as symbols only—not as individuals with their own problems and concerns.
[...] Ruburt did distrust the body because it was female—a belief quite helpful, if distorted, when he was 15 or 16 years old, or even in his 20’s.
[...] The creativity implied was beside the point.
Now in the 14th century in what is now called Spain there was a family unit and this was the father (Lawrence) and this was the wife (Ron) and this was the child (Mark) and they have met, in your terms, after many years. [...]
[...] It does not mean that free will does not operate, it simply means that they knew the way and the time was not right. [...]
[...] We see it every day of course but I was sure Jane wasn’t aware of these two specific leaves separately. [...] Note that the word “top” is penciled on the back of the Bristol; this was done by me after the experiment, but before Jane saw the objects, as will be shown later.
I believe that Dr. Instream was here just before twilight this evening. [...] I believe that hypnosis was under discussion. [...]
[...] Her pace was fair.)
[...] You think then, “This was no projection, simply a dream.”
[...] I added that I didn’t care how “tough” or difficult a book it might be — if such was needed to get Seth’s ideas across, then okay. [...] It was obvious that she was pleased with this new project, that the successes of Seth Speaks and Personal Reality had given her a strong confidence in Seth’s and her own abilities; yet she was starting right in with questions:
(Actually, Jane continued, she found the material on probabilities intellectually stimulating, while wondering about its emotional connotations — the inferences that she was but one of countless billions of creatures, “blinking on and off like lights in all of those probable worlds …” What value was there to the tiny individual? [...]
There was a constant give-and-take between the individual animal and the mass herd consciousness, so we are not speaking of a condition in which the individual animal was controlled.
[...] “I was going to ask them during the delivery, but I’m afraid to hear the answers — at least to the first two.” I was only half joking. [...]