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NotP Chapter 4: Session 769, March 29, 1976 bisexual sex sexual heterosexuality love

(Jane finished typing her book, Psychic Politics, and has been receiving more material on the manuscript she now calls The World View of Paul Cézanne. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 793, February 14, 1977 children play imagination games adults

A certain amount of leeway in space and time lingers, for even biologically the child is innately equipped with a “forevision” that allows it some “unconscious” view of immediate future events that forewarn it, say, of danger. [...]

TES8 Session 394 February 19 1968 sculp cross wife Pitre hanging

[...] Another view or two of a church interior followed, and I was aware, briefly, of empty seats. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session June 1, 1979 Ida Dick golf impulses brother

[...] I want you to realize also, however, that like many others, they have no handle on the world, so to speak, no perspective outside of their experience, from which they can view their lives, and I want you to appreciate those dimensions in your own reality.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 928, November 12, 1980 Paul Christ master Iraq Iran

[...] The heavy, specialized use of so-called rational thought has often caused him to narrow even his neurological recognition of other kinds of experience that might enlarge his view. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 643, February 26, 1973 Andrea inferior beliefs aggression opposing

(11:01.) When you think in other terms, then you fall into distorted views in which power is assigned to negative elements — and seen as threatening, wrong, or even given demonic connotations. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 6 Tuesday, April 20, 1982 candidate joints hospital surgical replacement

[...] In the overwhelming medical view, then, as Jane said, the operations were the only way for her to go….

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

The message was “Do not condemn yourself or others,” for Christ well knew that self-righteous condemnation of the self or of one’s neighbors served to darken the door through which man might view his own potential and its greater source.

UR2 Section 5: Session 720 November 13, 1974 shadows hallucinations oak cast camera

[...] Few view this natural inner environment, however.

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

[...] It’s not a Seth book, but one of the three “world view” books from highly creative people in the arts that Jane tuned into on her own as gifts for me. The other two are The World View of Paul Cézanne (1977), and The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James (1978). When we get to the Rembrandt material in this series I’ll offer my interpretation of Jane’s very interesting world-view material.

[...] On November 26, 1963, when Jane and I received those first incoherent “messages” on a borrowed Ouija board, our world views began to change, to enlarge. [...]

[...] Then, with Laurel driving and our friends’ cars following, we traveled up a steep and winding hill just outside the city to not only a fine view but to Quarry Farm, an old-fashioned but large and elegant wooden homestead where Mark Twain had done some of his finest writing. [...]

[...] On the map Laurel showed me how the bird had suddenly zoomed into view low over the house from Pinnacle Road, and then flown even lower toward the two women near the back of the second car in the driveway. [...]

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

In The Seth Material, published in 1970, I explained these events and gave Seth’s views on a variety of subjects with excerpts from the sessions. [...]

[...] The closest I’ve come to explaining my own views was in a short intuitive statement I wrote for my ESP class, as I tried to clear my ideas for myself and my students as well. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 8, 1981 dmso innocence Sinful bonding Christianity

[...] People often throw off their childhood beliefs then and begin to look for their own view of reality, once again. [...]

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

So far we have covered the areas of the subconscious from almost a one-dimensional view, using depths to be sure, but only in the most shallow of terms, and we will progress as we should.

TES9 Session 445 November 4, 1968 Martin Club Lions telepathic Emma

[...] Those who view your creations will also have more abilities than they do now.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] It is, therefore, the focus of your attention that delineates your time period, and provides a psychological stance from which you will then view all other selves, or all other experiences of your entity. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 789, September 27, 1976 predream events ee undecipherable rocket

The dream state can be used then as a psychological or psychic platform to view other realities, and to glimpse the inner mechanics by which nonphysical events become actualized in your world.

TES9 Session 428 August 12, 1968 Elver fox Van Lennon Alice

[...] I viewed it as a helpful expression, and wondered if it was connected with the letter she had received from Harry Edwards, in England, last Friday, August 9. In the letter Edwards told of a program he had begun, to send healing energy to Jane.

TES7 Session 292 October 10, 1966 cap beer Friday tipping trio

[...] I did this deliberately on Friday evening during the gathering, in full view of everyone, for at that moment I decided to use this cap as the envelope object for the session tonight. [...]

[...] Seth didn’t help us out here and I neglected to ask him to after break, but in view of later data Jane and I believe this applies to the design on the Draft Beer can, furnishing the cap used as one of the envelope objects. [...]

TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964 plane enzymes Malba saucer ectoplasm

[...] It is a view caused by the difficulty of getting any perspective about the particular plane which you happen to inhabit.

[...] Now, so strong is this tendency for vitality to change from one apparent form to another, that what you have here in your flying saucers is something that is actually, as you view it, not of your plane nor of the plane of its origin. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

In the foregoing chapters, I have taken excerpts from many sessions in order to present Seth’s views on various topics. [...]

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