Results 481 to 500 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

TES8 Session 419 June 26, 1968 entity prisms coordinates limp transparent

In one way we have seeded ourselves through endless universes. [...]

[...] The personality is transparent also with your nature, and learning to use those abilities which are natural to it, can indeed then rather easily learn to merge consciousness with natural phenomena.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 11 Cunningham Miss starlings killing Rah

[...] Yet consciously, she was ignorant of her own inner decision.

Of course, the conscious mind cannot be aware of such critical inner decisions. [...]

[...] Every time I passed it, I wondered again: Was she transferring her consciousness to another level of reality? [...]

[...] Was their consciousness born anew, and was it really something quite independent of the images they wore?

SDPC Part One: Chapter 4 enzymes chlorophyll solidified Rob mental

By now, we were both convinced that the human mind or consciousness had abilities and methods of perception far beyond those we had thought possible. If this was the case, then my consciousness possessed these potentials, and I was determined to discover their nature and extent. [...] On the other hand, it never occurred to me that there was any other way to study consciousness except by studying my own — a journey into subjectivity seemed, and still seems, as valid as a journey into objectivity.

These mental enzymes, to go back to them, are solidified feeling, but not in the terms that you usually useI have said that our imaginary wires that seem to permeate our model universe are alive; and now if you bear with me, I will say that they are mental enzymes or solidified feelings, always in motion, and yet permanent enough to form a more or less consistent framework. [...]

[...] I wasn’t conscious of any muscular weight or pressure at all. [...]

[...] By then I was no longer frightened but merely curious and trying with one part of my consciousness to find out what the other part was up to — and how it went about its business. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

[...] Imagine what it is like also to be a tree, to be a nail, and then to be an entirely different consciousness. Then after many trials, make an attempt at a bridge from their consciousness to the self that you think of as you. [...]

[...] You are being changed in this class and through your own experiences in that you are learning and you are expanding your idea of reality and of consciousness. [...]

[...] You are a consciousness in your time—dwelling within flesh. [...]

[...] It is to demonstrate that you are no more physical than I am, and it is also to demonstrate that consciousness is a joyful and a vital thing. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] You have taught yourselves to be aware of and to follow only certain portions of your own consciousnesses, so that mentally you consider certain subjects taboo. [...] One life is all you have, and that one is everywhere beset by the threat of illness, disaster, and war—and if you escape such drastic circumstances, then you are still left with a life that is the result of no more than lifeless elements briefly coming into a consciousness and vitality that is bound to end.

[...] In a universe formed by chance, with the survival of the fittest as the main rule of good behavior, illness became a kind of crime against a species itself. [...]

[...] The “new” Freudian ideas of the unsavory unconscious led further to a new dilemma, for it was then—as it is now—widely believed that as the result of experiences in infancy the subconscious, or unconscious, might very well sabotage the best interests of the conscious personality, and trick it into illness and disaster.

Science, however, seeing the body as a mechanism, has promoted the idea that consciousness is trapped within a mechanical model, that man’s suffering is mechanically caused in that regard: You simply give the machine some better parts and all will be well (amused). Science also operates as magic, of course, so on some occasions the belief in science itself will seemingly work miracles: The new heart will give a man new heart, for example.

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

(9:31.) Give us a moment … As you lay there you were aware of the fact just beneath consciousness — usual consciousness — that you had not brought in the paper before your nap, as is your habit, and almost at a dream level you idly wondered what stories it might contain. [...]

(Just before we sat for the session Jane finished reading my account of my “light of the universe” experience of last Sunday evening, September 21, and my account of the experience involving … clairvoyance … precognition … that I’d had at naptime today, involving my idea for a novel and an article in tonight’s Star-Gazette, Elmira’s daily newspaper. [...]

[...] Consciously, intellectually, the boys had no idea they were triplets. [...]

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

[...] Here the critical consciousness is quite apparent, while the body sleeps. [...] For the development of the whole self however, and for the perfection of such experiences, it is beneficial that such projections be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. You learn therefore to manipulate your own consciousness in different realities than the ones with which you are usually concerned.

[...] Whichever motion you experience there will be a moment where you feel yourself, your identity and consciousness, definitely withdrawing from the physical organism. [...] Now when you feel the consciousness withdrawing, there are two things you may do. [...]

Now your consciousness will not be in it, but it is hardly lifeless. Its maintenance is being controlled by the consciousness of the individual cells and organs of which we have spoken. [...]

[...] University Books.)

TES3 Session 94 October 5, 1964 vessel leaking lad Loren pajamas

[...] The intense but limited focus of usual consciousness will itself distort the true nature of dreams, and the ego will hold any such conscious examination of dreams within rigid bonds.

They will indeed burst through, or appear through, into the egotistical consciousness if given the opportunity; but the egotistical consciousness cannot go after them. [...]

[...] The intellect, again, was also and is a means by which the inner self relates itself to the camouflage physical universe which it has itself constructed.

[...] I have said that consciousness is merely the direction in which the inner self focuses at any particular time. [...]

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

[...] Ruburt leapt back to his body to safety and normal consciousness. [...]

He attempted to separate from himself all those elements he considers negative, and fight them at once, almost as if in doing so he removed or could remove evil from the universe. [...]

Now in the first place the symptoms are not evil nor his enemies, but methods of instruction that he has himself chosen; and if ever he imagines them isolated in such a fashion, they should be imagined instead as being projected out from him into the whole of the universe where they are absorbed harmlessly, and their energy used to the greater good.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

[...] It is one thing to project a god outward into another universe and then try to find it. You realize by now that this is a futile attempt, but it is also futile to try to reach yourself by imagining that yourself is somewhere else in another universe. [...]

[...] Consciousness poised between exquisite points of imbalance. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 house family Foster Borledim Sayre

[...] Jane listed Seth’s families of consciousness last month in Session 732, but wound up the evening’s work thinking that several years ago, soon after she’d initiated the Sumari breakthrough, Sue had psychically tuned in on the name of a second family of consciousness — one that Seth didn’t give in the 732nd session. [...]

(Before tonight’s session Jane told me that she felt the Grunaargh represented a variation of Seth’s Gramada family of consciousness. [...] Then she reminded me that several times during the past week she’d felt that Borledim, the next family of consciousness on Seth’s list, is strongly concerned with parenthood and related roles.)

[...] It’s also important to keep in mind what Seth told us in his first delivery for the 735th session: “Each personality carries traces of other characteristics besides those of the family of consciousness to which he or she might belong … A book would be needed to explain the dimensions of the psyche in relationship to the various families of consciousness.”

[...] In them I wrote about the delay involved before Jane’s and my perceptions of that particular dwelling blossomed within our conscious minds in any meaningful way; the results of that joint metamorphosis are described in sessions 738–39. In the meantime, then, Seth’s material in this (737th) session deals only with the house on Foster Avenue, in Elmira, and — as discussed shortly — with Mr. Markle’s house in Sayre, Pennsylvania, since those two places were the ones we were consciously interested in at the moment. [...]

TES5 Session 206 November 8, 1965 record Philip awakening lamp dream

[...] And you will also be gaining, additionally, excellent discipline and training over your own states of consciousness, and this in itself you see will be an important yardstick of progress for you both.

[...] We shall also use them to give you training in the utilization of various stages of consciousness, that will result in time with excellent control over various aspects and stages of your own awareness.

I think of a letter from another university, of three or four very brief paragraphs, not taking up the whole page.

Philip was not consciously thinking of me, and his ego was not on guard. [...]

TES3 Session 110 November 25, 1964 a.j inquiring November Dee objectify

Another thought here is the love of continuing creation, which is continually formed by, through, and because of inquiring consciousness. It, inquiring consciousness, is as you know always individualized, and it is because of this amazing diversity that so many forms are possible.

Everything that is, is a materialization of aware, individualized, inquiring consciousness; and to love this is a personal, almost all-encompassing discipline and devotion. I say discipline because whenever, individualized inquiring consciousness expresses itself in form, it not only expresses its spontaneity; and this is not contradictory: But even while expressing its spontaneity, it disciplines it.

[...] I love the inquiring consciousness in whatever form it may appear. [...]

[...] The love of individualized inquiring consciousness has always been my strength, and the source of my energy.

TES4 Session 196 October 6, 1965 sig Bill office upstairs layout

These apparent inspirations from nowhere definitely come from somewhere, and this somewhere is that inner dreaming condition, which is a necessity on the part of every consciousness, human or otherwise. Here I am using the word consciousness to cover all organisms with awareness. This dream activity seems divorced from the conscious state itself, and came before the conscious state within your physical system. [...]

It is rather important that the reality of these electromagnetic systems be understood, as they are so important in the construction of physical images and dream images, and since they are responsible for the inner communication which takes place beneath consciousness.

His unconscious communications will also follow this same pattern. [...] His mind continues this activity even while the conscious self goes about its daily chores.

These dreams go unrecognized by the conscious ego; but they do not go unrecorded by the inner self, and they therefore exist, and they form electromagnetic channels of their own to which—make that by which—the physical body itself is affected. [...]

TPS5 Jane’s Notes & Deleted Session April 24, 1979 relaxation looser vacation floppy overview

[...] During half-waking periods I was conscious of my lower jaw continually dropping, so that I sat with my mouth gaping open in a most uncharacteristic manner. [...] After a while my arms began to twitch and jump spasmodically without my conscious volition. [...]

[...] Then Jane called S. Schindler with that news; he in turn has “a list” of West Coast publishers he wants to try, evidently thinking the university press route won’t work.

[...] My condition became so totally relaxed that any conscious and deliberate movement was forgotten unless I made a strong effort to exert myself—to pick up a piece of paper, to lay this notebook on the coffee table, say. [...]

[...] By now, I was conscious enough to sit with her through the balance of a dated mystery movie starring Rock Hudson. [...]

TPS1 Session 598 November 24, 1971 Sumari Rob guilds chant speakers

[...] (Pause.) There are alliances in all levels of reality—there are attractions that reach even bright space and time, groupings of consciousness, associations, psychic attractions that hold and mold various kinds of consciousness in a loose organization. [...] These groups of consciousness range throughout history as you know it. In their own way, and according to their capacity and purpose, they change and alter the nature of the universe, sometimes by being born within your historical time, and sometimes by trying to reach those who are within your historical time. [...]

[...] The conscious self was not told, you see. You are now ready to take up conscious membership. It is only a way to acquaint your conscious self with your real and deep alliances. [...]

[...] Their main activities take place in other levels of consciousness. [...]

[...] Consciousness generally can be divided into certain characteristics, hardly the number, the small number, presently given to it, for example, in charts, the twelve houses. [...]

TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965 astral gallery seesaw tassel exhibition

[...] By the 59th session he had also included eleven basic laws of the inner universe, plus three properties of physical material.

The basic consciousness is never physical. [...]

While we are dealing now with your own species, it should be realized that all consciousness also possesses its own astral identity. [...]

The inner senses collect information of which the conscious self may not be aware. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 22, 1981 Sinful redeemed grace church Self

[...] When his creative abilities found contemporary scientific thought also too narrow, however, and his natural intuitions had led him toward a new framework—one that, again, introduced values having to do with the nature of consciousness, or soul—then the new ideas began to conflict directly with the old buried ones, particularly those that had to do with the conflicts between creative expression, the church, and “forbidden knowledge.” [...]

[...] Most religious concepts, unfortunately, regardless of the original intentions behind them, end up by dividing man from his own sense of grace—his sense of rightness within the universe, and the individual will do almost anything to gain back that sense, for it is highly vital. [...]

TPS3 Session 768 (Deleted Portion) March 22, 1976 ence ex peri Wheeler tal

Ruburt keeps track of intuitive details that neither of you are even conscious of, and so there shows an integrity that he at least sometimes is not aware of. [...]

[...] Certainly a connection with all of this is the call Jane received from Andrija Puharich a few days ago; he wanted her to see what she could get about physics; he’d been to a meeting of physicists at Princeton University, Wheeler’s home base; he’d given Jane the names of some well-known physicists who were interested in what psychics could get, but she hadn’t remembered any names.)

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1980 spider artist web esthetic acclaim

[...] Although it may seem to your consciousness that one spider web is like any other, this is not true, of course, in the world of spiders. [...]

The true artist is involved with the inner workings of himself with the universe—a choice, I remind you, that he or she has made, and so often the artist does indeed forsake the recognized roads of recognition, and more, seeing that, he often does not know how to assess his own progress, since his journey has no recognizable creative destination. [...]

[...] By its nature art basically is meant to put each artist of whatever kind into harmony with the universe for the artist draws upon the same creative energy from which birth emerges. [...]

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