Results 401 to 420 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] It is powered by the energy of the universe. [...] Your mind and your body come from the same source, from universal energy. [...]

[...] According to its tenets, any such feeling of conscious choice is instead the reflection of the brain’s attitude at any given time. [...]

[...] I am speaking also of other natural abilities — that of dream communication, the conscious utilization of dreams and creativity in daily life. [...]

TES5 Session 232 February 9, 1966 photo Ezra twisted table envelope

He is obviously drawing upon knowledge that is beyond his own conscious abilities. [...] He is reaching beyond his own personal subconscious, for while the personal subconscious does have definite knowledge unknown to the conscious mind, it also has definite limits.

[...] He added more material on such frequencies along with the data on the inner senses, by the 50th session; then elaborated further in the material on the electrical universe, given in the sessions from 122 on. [...]

[...] So it is not so strange to imagine other portions of the self with which you are not at all familiar in any conscious way.

[...] Each cell is an intimate part of your reality, and yet consciously you are not as familiar with it as you are with the rug upon your floor.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 669, June 11, 1973 imagination twenty simultaneous current solution

[...] In it, symbolically, you have “death” as your physically attuned consciousness comes to the end of the amount of stimuli it can comfortably handle without rest. So, at your normal physical death, you come to the point where your earth-attuned consciousness can no longer handle further data without a “longer rest,” and organize it into a creative meaningful whole — in terms of time.

(10:42.) The physically attuned conscious mind in your now cannot handle those staggering probabilities while maintaining a sense of identity, yet there are conscious traces within your daily thoughts that are the psychological representations of such knowledge.

The adventures of your simultaneous selves, again, appear as traces in your own consciousness, as ideas or daydreams or disconnected images, or sometimes even in sudden intuitions. [...]

[...] It does mean that in your own life such information automatically appears in intimate ways, but couched within the framework of your own comprehensions, even passing unobtrusively through your conscious thoughts.

TSM Chapter Nine Phil illusion Gene dunes Shiva

[...] Dr. Eugene Barnard, a psychologist then at North Carolina State University, came out publicly with a statement favoring astral projection. He said that he had propected his consciousness out of his body, and that no hallucination was involved. [...]

[...] How could he record my perceptions when my consciousness was across the continent? [...] One thing I knew: He was pretty tricky—sending me “out” without my prior conscious knowledge of what he was planning. [...]

[...] Gene has his Ph.D. from the University of Leeds, England, in experimental psychology, and taught at Cambridge. [...]

[...] He views suffering as simply an attribute of consciousness and an indication of vitality, considered alarming only by those areas of identity that still fear death as an end.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 831, January 15, 1979 copyedited Tam Sue medieval private

Not only was he set against himself, but he saw himself as a part of an uncaring mechanistic universe, devoid of purpose, intent, and certainly a universe that cared not a whit for the individual, but only for the species. [...]

The temporal rose
Eternal seeds
In which
The entire universe
(and you and I)
Are all implied.

[...] It is an accidental universe, or it is not.

[...] Man was seen as divided against himself — a conscious figurehead, resting uneasily above the mighty haunches of unconscious beastliness. [...]

TES8 Session 364 September 13, 1967 hopelessness marriage peanut trap reliable

The husband, now, should follow this exercise three times dail: He should imagine the energy and vitality of the universe filling his wife’s form with vitality and health. [...]

[...] (Forceful delivery.) On your part, do not manufacture hollow, false assurances, but honestly and persistently remind yourself that the physical matter of your wife’s image is formed from and filled with universal energy. [...]

[...] Although she is unaware of it, she is telepathically conscious of all such powerfully-negative suggestions. [...]

TES5 Session 234 February 16, 1966 letter Fell Rhoda Marian January

You think that the information is wrong, for John X, you are convinced, is a friend of yours, has always been a friend of yours, and consciously you are convinced that you have always found him agreeable. Consciously you have forgotten the past, and you have remade it.

It constantly expands, as does your own universe. [...] From it you choose those patterns of thought which you will weave into the physical matter of your universe. [...]

[...] Ruburt, generally speaking, has been doing very well in utilizing the energy available to him from other portions of the self, and in so doing he has indeed picked up clairvoyant information of which he is not aware on a conscious level.

[...] It is quite as real as the physical universe. [...]

TES4 Session 170 July 19, 1965 Footage dear display prove doctor

[...] Consciousness of any kind is merely the direction in which the self looks. [...] Consciousness is the focus, the direction of focus. Your ordinary consciousness is as much a trance state as any trance state induced through hypnotism. [...]

[...] Objects could be placed upon it; and yet, Doctor Instream, our entranced individual is not conscious of that table. [...]

[...] The ordinary state of consciousness is no different from that trance state. [...]

Adequate scientific proofs, such as science so surely needs, requires the enlargement of consciousness; not, my dear doctor, on my part, but on the part of science. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, March 17, 1970 Brad Theodore God Margo learn

Now, you have been what would now seem to you to be chaotic energy—forming universes. [...] You have traveled without knowing who or what you were as elemental particles of consciousness. [...] You have added to your consciousness. [...]

You will learn that you are a part of the webwork of consciousness. You will learn to be conscious cocreators. [...] And if you do, your consciousness will begin in another reality. [...] And you will create with joy and spontaneity when you recognize that within the leaf of a flower the consciousness that is within it, and relate it to yourself, and honor it and treat it as a little brother, you will be free. [...]

Yet consciousness, and your individual consciousness, always was and always will be, in your terms. [...] And if he were, that would be the end of creativity and the end of any kind of existence or consciousness. [...]

Now in bidding you all good evening, again I encourage you to find within yourself the source of your own energy and consciousness and strength and to let it sing within you as a vitality of your being. And do not cower and do not cry, but sing in pure joy that your consciousness knows itself and that even in your ignorance you create and give joy to others. And know that there is no end to your consciousness or to the reality of which you are a part. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 841, March 14, 1979 viruses immunity thoughts Jonestown autopsies

[...] When you think thoughts, they are conscious. [...]

[...] I consider myself an exuberant psychological explorer, finding myself, at my own request, happily set adrift among universes, able to shout with a loud hearty voice from the hypothetical shore of one to another, news of what I have found and am still finding.”

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

[...] Now, when you allow negative thoughts to predominate in your conscious mind you then become more open to the negative thoughts of others. You are given a natural protection but you weaken this protection when your conscious thoughts are negative. [...]

(To Brad:) Now, your conscious thought patterns and your subconscious thought patterns are the same. Therefore, using your inner senses that day you felt the urge to get into your car because consciously you were looking for negative patterns. [...]

[...] I want you to watch your own conscious thoughts. [...]

[...] Therefore, often you allow these thoughts to take all of your conscious attention. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 core bridge beliefs invisible sensual

[...] If so, the conscious knowledge may appear suddenly in the middle of your waking day. A reconciliation will be felt within the self following such a conscious understanding, though the dream itself may not be consciously remembered. [...]

(After supper Jane began to show signs of going into an altered state of consciousness. [...]

Dictation: As you examine the contents of your conscious mind, it may seem to you that you hold so many different beliefs at different times that you cannot correlate them. [...]

[...] Let me emphasize that they are consciously available. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 17, 1978 accident death family killed tragedy

[...] Your conscious mind perceives these clearly, while you pretend that this official version is all that exists. Your conscious mind, generally speaking, interprets reality according to your private beliefs and those of your civilization. [...]

[...] As you know, in a fashion you are appealing to portions of peoples’ minds that exist “beneath” the conventionalized version of consciousness that they take for granted. The words are perceived consciously, but the concepts run directly counter to many usual beliefs—not just scientific ones, but to the beliefs that underlie the accepted establishment of the world.

[...] It seemed too much to bear, and quite unexplainable in ordinary conscious-mind terms. [...]

[...] In a manner of speaking, your conscious mind, as you think of it, is a psychological convention. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 675, July 4, 1973 affirmation firecrackers spacious bread brain

(As we waited for the session Jane began to enter a transcendent, or enhanced, state of consciousness. [...] Then she had the feeling of those familiar “giant faces” peering down into our universe — and rather nostalgically, too, she laughed. [...]

[...] The brain (and the entire physical system) is meant to insure your bodily survival and to follow your conscious beliefs about reality. [...] You will not use your spacious mind until you affirm its reality within yourself, and until you are ready to handle the additional data which will then become consciously available to one extent or another. But the spacious mind operates through your creaturehood; in your terms it represents latent abilities of consciousness that can be more or less normal functions.

[...] He accepted the belief that any consciousness could be in some kind of direct intimate contact with experiences and realities usually not perceived, but ignored.

Now: Ruburt’s mind is far more aware of other realities than his brain is, but he consciously believes in the greater reality of himself and his perceptions. [...]

TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966 playground Ryan impressions todon mas

Now, I will tell you further that these dimensions merely represent various capacities of consciousness. All these dimensions exist at once, and even within your system, but your consciousness cannot perceive them.

[...] I saw the universe… or whole reality, an infinity of spirals and stars, in depth somehow. [...]

The information was perceived through the inner senses, and though Ruburt is not consciously aware of the dream’s importance the inner self has assimilated the knowledge. [...]

[...] You perceive but the lowest point of its reality, so I will tell you now that the various stars and planets and heavenly bodies that you observe in your universe do indeed exist as such, but only within your system.

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

[...] We have on two evenings visited the home in question, and we have personally done our best in directing the healing energy of the universe to this woman.

[...] None of us had any conscious memory of reading about it, etc.)

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

[...] And as I reread them I understand once again that my wife is still teaching me about her courage, and about the ineffable, unending mystery of the universe that each one of us is creating moment by moment, separately and all together.

(In this poem, which she wrote just a year ago, Jane deals not only with her transformation of her work into its inevitable literary, physical form, but restates her belief that her individualized consciousness will live after her physical death. [...]

TES6 Session 275 July 25, 1966 parking ticket noninterval intervals Treman

Conscious projections—I should clear this: Projections that are conscious ones—usually occur only to highly creative individuals. Spontaneous projections however do occur constantly to every consciousness. You do not dwell within your physical universe as completely as you imagine, and as I have told you, you exist as long out of it as you do within it.

The consciousness exists however. The consciousness as it reasserts itself within physical reality has no memory of the interval in which it did not physically exist. [...] Dreams allow consciousness to disentangle itself from physical reality. [...]

The amount of focus and the intensity varies according to the individual, but consciousness is never entirely focused within physical reality. Now when conscious projections occur you are taking advantage of these intervals between materializations. [...]

[...] Consciously you do not perceive the intervals (smile, eyes wide open) during which you yourselves simply do not exist as material organisms.

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] Value fulfillment is the law of the universe, and it appears as growth within your system.

Whenever you are attached in any way, whenever consciousness is attached to a physical organism, then inner data will be interpreted in physical terms. [...]

[...] I have told you—and incidentally my lovely skeptics I have told you in the past—that you create your own physical environment and universe. [...]

( The Power of Universal Mind, by Muriel Noyes Gillchrest. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 740 February 26, 1975 infinities infinite Millers Corio finite

12. Seth’s ideas in this paragraph and the one just preceding it are consistent with his material in a number of sessions for Volume 1. In sessions 681 and 684, for instance, he discussed the on-off fluctuations of our physical universe and everything within it, moment points, probabilities, Jane’s sensations of massiveness, the basic unpredictable motion of any wave or atom, and much more. In sessions 682–83, he stressed the nature of his CU’s, or units of consciousness. [...]

(Just before the session Jane began to edge into an altered state of consciousness other than the one she uses for her “Seth trance,” as she put it. [...]

So the psychic families, or the families of consciousness, can be thought of as natives of inner countries of the mind, sharing heritages, purposes, and intents that may have little to do with the physical countries in which you live your surface lives. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) You are not subordinate to some giant consciousness. [...]

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