Results 341 to 360 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
(Early in the sessions Seth began giving us lists of the inner senses and the basic laws of the inner universe. Value fulfillment, or the value climate of psychological reality, is the first basic law of the inner universe; Seth presented it in the 45th session in some detail. [...]
[...] For now this moment point which appears within your physical universe is but a small materialization of larger portions of the spacious present. [...]
[...] For now consider what we shall call self A. And we shall say that he is the physical self in the physical universe. [...]
In the dreaming state and in other states of consciousness, he can indeed to some degree become aware of perceptions which will be neglected by the ego alone. [...]
[...] Ruburt wrote that there were clumps of consciousness, and of course he is correct. You are a part of many such clumps of consciousness. [...]
There are various levels all operating, various levels of consciousness and identity. [...]
[...] Consciousness at your level is at a crisis point for many reasons.
Within your system, for the “first time”, in quotes, individualized consciousness is strongly-enough organized to do, in quotes, “good or evil.” [...]
The entity itself does not have to keep constant check on its personalities, because in each personality there is an inner self-conscious part that knows its origin. This part, for now, I will call the self-conscious beyond the subconscious. [...] It is the part, and the self-conscious part, that receives all inner data.
When such abilities as telepathy occur, this telepathic function is carried on continually by this other self-conscious part of you, but as a rule you act upon such data without the knowledge of the conscious self with which you are familiar. [...]
There is also a corresponding, but lesser, self-consciousness that connects your present personalities with the dream world, which is aware of its origin and communicates data from you to it. Again you are no more aware of your dream creations, and no less aware than your entity is of you, but in the last analysis you are aware and connected with your entity through this self-conscious part of you that faces another plane.
[...] It is a phenomena in which he gives consent, and he could, at any time and in a split second, return his conscious attention upon the physical environment.
[...] His name is P I E T R A. (Spelled out.) In psychological time or simply when you are still, close your eyes and imagine your physical universe as one room in our analogy, and his as another with a passageway between. [...]
Now there is no reason why this cannot be conscious on your part, although portions may take place in the dream state. [...]
I repeat: some of this can be conscious, if you use a psychological-time framework. [...]
The ego is only one layer of the self that has self-consciousness. Being self- conscious, the ego attempts to be conscious only of itself. Self-consciousness results in an intense, but necessarily limited focus. [...] It depends upon some sort of inner psychological decision as to what will be considered self, and therefore accepted by consciousness, and that which will be considered notself, and not accepted by consciousness.
Now, my dear friends, your self-consciousness is the self-consciousness of the ego which you know, and which you consider your self. But where this self -conscious self ends, another self-conscious self begins. The two selves, being self-conscious selves, cannot be aware of any reality but their own.
[...] If you would have some idea of what the probable universe system is like, then examine your own dreams, looking for those events which do not have any strong (underline) resemblance to physical events in your own conscious existence. [...]
There are other self-conscious portions of the self however, with which the ego is not at all familiar, but of which the subconscious has intuitive knowledge. These self-conscious portions of the self exist in different reality systems. Before we go into our Dr. Instream material, let me remind you however that there is a whole self, composed of these various self-conscious selves, and that a portionof the self is indeed aware of the unity that exists to form the whole psychological gestalt.
The conscious mind allows you to look outward into the physical universe, and see the reflection of your spiritual activity, to perceive and assess your individual and joint creations.
If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those beliefs that come to you. [...] If you use your conscious mind properly, you are also aware of intuitive ideas that come to you from within. You are only half conscious when you do not examine the information that comes to you from without, and when you ignore the data that comes to you from within.
[...] The conscious mind is brilliantly attuned to physical reality, then, and often so dazzled by what it perceives that it is tempted to think physical phenomena is a cause, rather than a result. [...] When the conscious mind accepts too many false beliefs, particularly if it sees that inner self as a danger, then it closes out these constant reminders. When this situation arises the conscious mind feels itself assailed by a reality that seems greater than itself, over which it has no control. [...]
Your inner self adopts the physically conscious, physically focused mind as a method of allowing it to manipulate in the world that you know. The conscious mind is particularly equipped to direct outward activity, to handle waking experience and oversee physical work.
[...] You react consciously and unconsciously to your beliefs. You collect from the physical universe, and the interior one, data that seems to correlate with your beliefs.
[...] This is usually at an unconscious level merely because your conscious mind is in a state of becoming. [...] As an example, if your conscious ideas are relatively positive you will react to telepathically received information of a similar nature, even if you do so on an unconscious level.
[...] You will react, therefore, to all the information that you receive according to your conscious beliefs concerning the nature of reality. [...]
It will often neglect any clairvoyant or precognitive material that comes into the conscious mind from the deeper portions of the self. [...]
He was looking for a state of higher consciousness that would represent a unique and yet universal source of information and revelation. [...]
[...] Granted that Seth’s material may “only” be bringing into our conscious awareness knowledge we already possess and use on other levels, still it’s a fine thing that his material makes us aware of that inner comprehension — and so new dimensions of consciousness become available to us. I “drew” a rough analogy with painting (to make a pun): The artist may start working on a blank canvas, yet each physical brush stroke he or she delineates is built upon inner knowledge and experience; in the painting these qualities are objectified in new combinations, which in turn add further to the artist’s conscious comprehension. [...]
[...] To one extent or another, again, each portion of consciousness, while itself, contains [the] potentials of all consciousnesses. [...]
1. Speaking of books: Even with all of the help Jane has given me lately on Psyche and Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality (see the opening notes for sessions 821 and 823, respectively), I’m still only too conscious of the work I have to do to finish the notes and other material for both books, and put together their manuscripts for the publisher. I often discover the overall commitment, or plan, lingering in my mind on a distant conscious level — a pressure toward accomplishment that seems bound to accompany these long-range projects. [...]
Too great a conscious focus upon these purposes gives a negative reaction of doubt and anxiety. I am not saying that you should not be at all consciously concerned with your purposes. [...]
[...] An idea is hardly a closed system, but the reality of an idea, its growth and potential, comes much closer to a description of the characteristics of the universe than any current theory.
[...] Your lack of success lately with psychological time has been to a large measure caused by too great a conscious concentration upon the task. [...]
[...] The inner senses, when the physical body is relaxed, will carry you through the imaginary boundaries, but a conscious focus upon the boundaries to be passed through will tend to reinforce them. [...]
Psychically, your world is composed of the contents of its consciousness. [...] So at any given time there is a world consciousness, a perfect jigsaw of awareness in which each identity, however large or small, has its part.
[...] There are also inner earthquakes of consciousness from which the physical ones emerge — storms of mind or being, eruptions in which one segment of the world consciousness, repressed in one area, explodes in another.
If you could orbit your planet in a different kind of craft, you could view the psychic contents of the world, seeing the world consciousness shining far more brilliantly than any lighted city. [...] So does consciousness form its own kind of inner structures from which, again, the physical ones emerge. [...]
(All emphatically and joyously:) In your terms, the world is intensely different from one moment to another, with each smallest portion of consciousness choosing its reality from a field of infinite probabilities.3 Immense calculations, far beyond your conscious decisions as you think of them, are possible only because of the unutterable freedom that resides within minute worlds inside your skull — patterns of interrelationships, counterparts so cunningly woven that each is unique, freewheeling, and involved in an infinite cooperative venture so powerful that the atoms stay in certain forms, and the same stars shine in the sky.
[...] And why do you believe that the energy of the universe which flows through frog and tree—does not flow also through your own being—or to refuse to use this tremendous energy because you feel you are unworthy. [...] In a million universes, who am I that I should grow and develop?” It uses its abilities spontaneously and with joy. [...]
[...] By all means now—(to Brad) give me a summary!Iam always interested in how much you remember of what I say at least on a conscious level. [...]
And if you would work, and if you would look inward, and if you would explore the levels of your own reality and the levels of your own consciousness, then you would know what this state is—and you would remember it—and you would always have its reality as a guide. [...]
You can mount the steps of your own consciousness. [...]
[...] That is, I can let him know; but overly conscious preoccupation blocks him from knowing.
[...] Now the chair represents a subdivision in matter, being what you term dead matter, though we know that consciousness is everywhere.
[...] Energy and the consciousness within continually constructs itself into completely new constructions; because of the various speeds I have spoken of, and because you do not perceive the full reality, you do not notice the simultaneous constructions, and think them continuous, rather than separate and ever new.
[...] This will not mean much to his present personality on a conscious level, but the fact that the message was not delivered will mean much to the inner self, for that previous personality had set store by it.
[...] Emotionally accept them, then see them as natural phenomena in the same way that you observe the splendor and strength of a storm, and then let them flow out of you and outward into the great healing universe that uses both storms and emotions creatively. Trust the vitality of life and the universe, recognize the feelings and let them flow out of you. The universe knows what to do with them. [...]
Feelings are life, feelings are consciousness. [...]
Now, consciously, you meant well, of course. [...]
[...] The physical universe does not contain physical objects of solidity, width and depth, for example, to those whose existence is not within it.
Other kinds of consciousness coexist within the same “space” that your world inhabits. [...]
Now: This is highly simplified, but the subjective experience of any consciousness is automatically expressed as electromagnetic energy units. [...]
These units are natural emanations from all kinds of consciousness. [...]
[...] The conscious withdrawal of mental life during life makes normally conscious experience possible. [...]
You have started the free association in a good and rousing fashion, so that Ruburt becomes consciously aware of some of his own attitudes that he has more or less become blind to. [...]
(4:48.) Remind Ruburt — in the meantime — that he is indeed a beloved daughter of the universe, and that his parents are as much the sea and sky as his physical parents. [...]
There are such lights throughout the entire universe, but this one is at your own apex point, to which your consciousnesses are attuned. [...]
[...] She could say but little about what she had picked up: Since consciousness creates reality, reality is not independent of consciousness; but there was more here.
(“...something to the idea that knowledge was meaningless if it wasn’t applied to consciousness...” [...]
[...] Fear and ignorance and superstition quite obviously limit the potentialities of the ego, and therefore to some degree limit even its effectiveness within the physical universe.
We shall however consider those aspects of consciousness which are present within the dream environment, and absent in the physical environment. [...]
In our final discussions we will, in a practical manner, discuss the ways in which conscious goals can be achieved with the help of the sleeping personality. [...]
[...] But all of you sit here very nicely, very spontaneously, very alive, very conscious and none of you know, egotistically, how you do so or what make your thoughts work. When you begin to question how your heart beats or why, then you can encounter difficulties if you lose the faith that they work spontaneously and that your conscious knowledge is not necessary for the fine mechanisms that keep you alive. [...]
(To Ned.) Though we had an honest answer from someone over here in the corner, I would still like a more adventurous spirit so when you ask yourselves the questions during the week then allow yourself, my dear friend, to feel the uniqueness and the integrity of your own personality as you now know it and realize that there is none like it, in this universe or any other. [...]
[...] All action is change, for otherwise there would be a static universe, and then indeed death would be the end. What I am is also what you are: individualized consciousness.
[...] Feel it travel through the universe and know that it is not dependent upon your physical image. [...]
[...] Man will not learn the basic nature of reality by studying the physical universe alone, nor will he learn it by studying the personality as it operates within the physical universe alone.
Most studies even dealing with the conscious state are extremely superficial, dealing only with those upper layers of egotistical awareness that are immediately concerned with the manipulation of the self within physical reality.
All layers of the personality are indeed conscious layers. [...]
You see, the work involved in these experiments will of itself allow you to be extremely flexible, and you will discover finally that you can bring a portion of your consciousness with you while you sleep. [...]