Results 321 to 340 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
I also think that if asked Seth would point out that since the concept of quantum mechanics is based upon the idea that everything we “know”—matter, energy, our sensual information—is made up of quanta, or the interactions of insubstantial fields that in turn, and quite paradoxically, produce very active subatomic packets or particles, then quantum mechanics is at least analogous with his statements that basically the universe is composed of consciousness itself. But I think that the continuum of consciousness, or All That Is, contains not only the phenomena of quantum mechanics, but also Seth’s nonphysical EE (electromagnetic energy) units, and his CU’s (or units of consciousness). [...]
[...] From what Jane and I can gather (through our reading especially), at least some of the world’s leading scientists are becoming willing to contend with consciousness itself. (Including their own consciousnesses? [...]
[...] Yet there is no answer within quantum mechanics as to how or why one’s personal identity chooses to follow a certain probable pathway, and consciousness per se is not considered. (Some physicists, however, have implied that subatomic particles—photons—communicate with each other as they take their separate but “sympathetic” paths.) Pardon my irony here, but Seth has always dealt with the ramifications of consciousness and maintained also that we do not inhabit just one probable world, but constantly move among them by choice—and by the microsecond, if one chooses.
[...] Seth says this spontaneous creation happens all of the time through the actions of consciousness. [...]
You are a you who has a consciousness and you can use this consciousness as you will. [...] You can light a universe with it. You are not your consciousness. You are a self who is conscious and has a consciousness. Now I want all of you, including my friend here (Rob) to contemplate the part of you who has this consciousness to use. [...]
[...] You can use your psychic abilities, to throw your consciousness into the spider. [...] However, as the earth’s atmosphere hides the conditions in the universe from your scientists, so also do the conditions of the body blind you to true color and design. [...]
And I want you both to know if you do not already know that the creativity and the joy and the wonder that is inherent in each consciousness is present not only in your minds and in your consciousness as you think of it, but also in the smallest cell within your fingertips. [...]
[...] However, the very attempt to handle more data in itself enlarges your own consciousness and does not detract from it.
I want you to take a break but first I want to make one other point, and that is this: The mind contains the conscious and the subconscious, but the conscious and the subconscious are fluid. At various times the consciousness becomes unconscious, and the unconscious becomes conscious. [...]
The conscious mind deals directly with survival as far as the particular camouflage patterns are concerned. But there is no actual dividing line or distinction between the conscious and the subconscious, nor among the apparent levels of the subconscious itself.
[...] The sense of touch, as you are consciously familiar with it, does not seem to leap out in this manner. [...]
[...] But the physical body and all camouflage patterns, looked at in another manner, are also transformers of the vital inner stuff of the universe, where this vitality is then enabled to operate under new and various conditions.
[...] (Long pause.) The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel. [...]
[...] Only the conscious self dwells within it in any case, and it is other portions of your personality who simultaneously dwell within the other training systems. [...]
Creation, creativity, is natural under all systems and all circumstances, but your system is a training system for emerging consciousness; for having a talent does not yet know how to use it, and must be trained.
You have, however, become so specialized in its use, so prejudiced in its favor, that your tendency is to examine all other kinds of consciousness using the reasoning mind as the only yardstick by which to judge intelligent life. You are surrounded everywhere by other kinds of consciousness whose validity you have largely ignored, whose psychic brotherhood you have dismissed—kinds of consciousness in the animal kingdom particularly, that deal with a different kind of knowing, but who share with you the reality of keen emotional experience, and who are innately aware of biological and psychic values, but in ways that have escaped your prejudiced examination.
“The true artist is involved with the inner workings of himself with the universe—a choice, I remind you, that he or she has made, and so often the artist does indeed forsake the recognized roads of recognition. [...] By its nature art basically is meant to put each artist of whatever kind into harmony with the universe, for the artist draws upon the same creative energy from which birth emerges.”
[...] (Long pause.) It depends upon conscious thinking, problem-solving methods, and it is a natural human blossoming, a spectacular mental development in its own framework of activity.
I want to add that even with ideas of religious determinism—that man cannot know God’s will, for instance, or is quite dependent upon that divine grace—we’re still creating our conscious ideas of what God is, in those terms. [...]
You forget that consciously you did not beckon the fragments at York Beach, and that last night’s materializations were consciously requested. This certainly must hint at some conscious control, Joseph, and should make you feel more confident about our sessions, not less. [...]
[...] Your friend is caught between charming gullibility and self-conscious, sardonic refusal to accept many things. [...]
[...] So in a like manner the wires that we constructed are real to us in the universe, although there are no wires. [...]
[...] Consciously he had no intention of trying to dominate the session, but underneath he really wanted so much, and I don’t know him very well. [...]
As you all know, you can become as conscious sleeping, and you do, as you are in the normal state, or now when you listen to me. But, if you go to bed this week each night with the idea that you are not sleeping in the terms in which you usually accept that term, but you are instead changing the focus of your consciousness and that you will be as much awake and consciousness, then you will become aware of what you do consciously when you sleep. [...]
Now, when you go to sleep this evening, in your terms, you are every bit as much this conscious and aware. Your consciousness is not inhibited, it is not blurred. [...] You simply turn your conscious feelings and perceptions and abilities into different directions. You have a consciousness, and you use it in a multitudinous fashion. [...]
Feel, now, your own consciousness. [...] Now, I tell you that in another reality you are presently sleeping, in your terms, and yet how conscious and aware you are. [...]
[...] Be content with that and do not put so many questions to the voice of the universe when it speaks, and you will get a clearer message. [...]
(Pause at 10:30.) When Seth Two speaks, Ruburt initially is aware of the following: His consciousness strains upward, following an inner psychic pathway, an energized funnel, until quite simply it can go no further. It seems to him then that his consciousness goes out of his body through an invisible pyramid whose open top stretches far up into space.
There is no need to create a separate god who exists outside of your universe and separate from it, nor is there any need to think of a soul as some distant entity. [...]
[...] It was meant to serve as a map that would lead, not into another objectified universe per se, but into inner roads of consciousness. These inner roads or strands of consciousness bring elements into play so that it becomes possible to realize that the content of a given objectified universe may actually be perceived quite differently. [...]
[...] And whenever I read about conventional Eastern conceptions of a supreme spirit, I remember what Seth had to say in the 596th session in the Appendix of Seth Speaks: “I have used the term ‘expansion of consciousness’ here rather than the more frequently used ‘cosmic consciousness’ because the latter implies an experience of proportions not available to mankind at this time. Intense expansions of consciousness by contrast to your normal state may appear to be cosmic in nature, but they barely hint at those possibilities of consciousness that are available to you now, much less begin to approach a true cosmic awareness.”
However, the work we do deals with concepts that consciously we’d paid little attention to in earlier life. [...] (This was true even when she was consciously unaware of what she was up to. See the verse from her early poem, Summer Is Winter, which precedes these notes.) As I see it, her task with the Seth material is to place these basic artistic ideas at our conscious service, so that their use in our daily lives can change our individual and collective realities for the better; and by “artistic ideas” here I mean the deepest, most aesthetic and practical — and, yes, mystical — truths and questions that human beings are capable of expressing, then contending with. [...]
[...] It remains nebulous because it is consciously unrealized. The best I can do is to point out areas that have been relatively invisible, to help you explore, actually, different facets of your own consciousness … I am well aware that the book raises many more questions than it presents answers for, and this has been my intent….”
(10:00.) Usually when you look into your conscious mind you do so for a particular reason, to find some information. But if you have schooled yourself to believe that such data is not consciously available, then it will not occur to you to find it in your conscious mind. If furthermore your conscious data is strongly organized about a core belief, then this will automatically make you blind to experience that is not connected with it.
[...] Connected with it is the consciousness of all those who understand it, perceive it or originate it. [...] Instead, the consciousness that held, or holds, or will hold the information attracts it like a magnet…. The information itself wants to move toward consciousness. [...]
(“Your consciousness attracts the consciousness that is already connected with the material. [...] Information, then, becomes new and is reborn as it is interpreted through a new consciousness, as Seagull was.
[...] You are consciously aware of these, though often you do not focus your attention upon them. They become invisible, therefore, unless you become aware of the contents of your conscious mind.
[...] As Seth does, they represent one portion of her psyche offering reassurances to another more conscious portion, in our terms; they deal with her questioning of the reality she’s creating in the finest personal detail—her wanting to know why she’s made her choices, her determination to press ahead, her embracing of our beloved earth and our universe. [...]
(A one-minute pause at 10:10.) Even infinity is being everywhere expressed in each moment, for infinity itself is not something apart from what the universe is. As the universe is a portion of infinity’s creativity, in that light there are new species appearing all of the time, whether or not your own situation allows you to perceive that emergence. [...]
[...] She was fully aware that that quality became much more obvious in her class singing and sessions, but she didn’t have to consciously evoke it—the drama was just there. [...]
(Pause.) Joseph (as Seth calls me) used the term today in a discussion, and it is an excellent description of the way in which your universe was “initially” seeded.14
[...] The knowledge of multidimensional existence is not only in the background of your present conscious activity, but each man knows within himself that his conscious life is dependent upon a greater dimension of actuality. [...]
[...] Her transcendent experience led to her manuscript, The Physical Universe as Idea Construction, which in turn led to these sessions. [...]
[...] In such a religious drama however (long pause), the main personality is much more conscious of his inner knowledge, more aware of his abilities, far better able to use them, and exultantly familiar with his relationship to all of life.
[...] Many have asked about this, and I’m always conscious of it. [...] The Seth material is a long way from being on computer—if that ever happens—and relatively few readers will make the journey to Yale University Library, to study the collection of Jane’s and my papers that’s available there for anyone to see.
[...] Eventually they’re added to the collection of our papers at Yale University Library, while not being open to the public for privacy’s sake.
[...] Weathermen speak of local conditions and merging air currents — but my journeys are in a realm where consciousnesses merge. [...] Recall Ruburt’s episodes with the [psychic] library.1 Those are examples of far lesser versions of my activities, and yet in those terms, and using an analogy, I travel to many great universities of the mind.
[...] Portions of your consciousness are alive in mine, so you are to some extent carried along where I go, as motes of dust might be swept along with a brisk autumn wind from one area to another. [...] These arouse your curiosity even when consciously you are not aware of perceiving them. [...]
[...] Knowledge is changed automatically through the auspices of each consciousness who perceives it. [...]
[...] While our meetings take place in your time, and in the physical space of your house, say, the primary encounter must be a subjective inner one, an intersection of consciousnesses that is then physically experienced.
[...] I cannot force, and will not attempt to force, Ruburt to accept my independent structure on a conscious level. [...]
(On July 20, Jane and I received a letter from Dr. Instream, in which he mentioned the possibility of a session with another doctor at Oswego State University College; the other doctor also wanted to consider the study, within limits Seth may feel advisable.
[...] “You’re in your normal state of consciousness.”
[...] It must then be transformed into a pattern that can be distinguished by the ego, if the individual is to be consciously aware of the data.
Often the information is picked up translated by the subconscious and acted upon without conscious approval or recognition. [...]
[...] Now, when the sun shines and the rays fall from the sun down through your solar system, the sun is not consciously aware of its rays nor of the rooms that these rays may illuminate. [...]
[...] Now, I can write as the many selves I have been, with full knowledge of my background so that I can address myself to mothers, and fathers, and children...consciously remembering my experience in those roles. [...]
Now when your teacher appears on the TV screen, he is not aware consciously of himself within the image that you see. [...]
[...] I ask you to sense within yourselves the energy in this voice that you hear, to realize that this energy is also a portion of your own energy—the energy of individuality, the energy of the universe, the energy that grows you from a fetus to the self that you know. [...]
[...] The soul or entity is itself the most highly motivated, most highly energized, and most potent consciousness-unit known in any universe.
[...] You do form it, from the inside out, and yet you form it from living substance, and each smallest particle has its own living consciousness. There are clumps of matter, and in that respect there are clumps of consciousness, each individual, with their own destiny and abilities and potentials. [...]
In my notes introducing Volume 1, I wrote about placing the basic “artistic ideas” embodied in the Seth material at our conscious, aesthetic, and practical service in daily life. [...] Such an endeavor essentially involves the pursuit of an ideal, and represents our attempts to give physical and mental shape to the great inner, creative commotion of the universe that each person intuitively feels. [...]
[...] There are different kinds of organization present, however, and in any given section of the book, several levels of consciousness are appealed to at once.”
[...] Your religions do not explain your greater reality, and your sciences leave you just as ignorant about the nature of the universe in which you dwell.
What Jane has to offer results from the study of consciousness itself, as it’s expressed through her own experience and abilities. [...]
[...] Some new habits have finally taken; consciously he has learned to leave himself alone enough so that the body can clear itself.
Now this does have personality characteristics in terms of consciousness and intent. [...]
These are personalities, in that they do possess consciousness, in this case built upon Ruburt’s most creative tendencies. [...]
[...] In one way both personalities were accidental, in that Ruburt did not consciously (underlined) form either. [...]