Results 261 to 280 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
If there is no life after life,
then what cosmic spendthrift formed
the universe,
for Chance alone can’t be
that prolific, or fake an order in which
an accident of such proportions
as the creation of a world
seems so inevitable,
each random element
falling pat, into place,
and each consciousness promptly appearing
with body parts all neatly assembled—
only to be squandered,
falling apart, dissolving into nothingness
while Chance grinds out newer odds.
[...] As its physical growth takes place in the womb, so the shaping of its consciousness is also extended by genetic dreams. These particular fetus-oriented dreams are most difficult to describe, for they are actually involved with forming the contours of the individual consciousness. [...]
Genetic dreams of one kind or another continue throughout your lives, whether or not you are consciously aware of them. [...] Those dreams are most closely related to survival in physical existence, and whenever that survival seems threatened such dreams arise to consciousness whenever possible.
[...] These help form and direct consciousness as it exists in any given individual from before birth.
Your conscious knowledge rests upon an invisible, unspoken, psychological and physical language that provides the inner support for the communications and recognized happenings of conscious life. [...]
[...] You encounter events in the arena of waking consciousness. In the dream state, and at other levels of consciousness, you deal more directly with the formation of events. [...]
Information flows through the universe at such a rate and in such quantities that you could not possibly process any but a small portion of it.
On occasion the waking consciousness does participate during other usually very depressed periods. [...] Such conscious projections are automatically spaced out. [...]
It is the same with the conscious retention of dreams in general. [...] You are learning to manipulate within other dimensions of consciousness. [...]
[...] Conscious projections do not occur with any frequency as far as a large percentage of humanity is concerned. Note that I speak only now of projections in which you are self-consciously aware.
During projection you are dealing with environments and realities with which you are not acquainted on a conscious level. Yet during projections you will be consciously aware of them.
[...] In practical terms, it is very important to understand that such knowledge and protection do exist, that all of your problems need not be solved through conscious reasoning alone—and, indeed, few problems can be solved exclusively (underlined) in that fashion.
(9:40.) That k-n-o-w-e-r (spelled) is instantly aware of all your needs, and is the portion of the universe that is personally disposed in your direction, because its energies form your own person. [...]
[...] Early man was in that same position, and his inventions—his tools, his artistry, and so forth—came into being from the inner, ever-present realm of the mind, triggered by his unconscious but quite real estimation of his position within the universe at large, and in regard to his own environment.
[...] It is true that, practically speaking, a man’s mind, or a woman’s, could not hold all of the information available now in your world—but much of that information does not deal with basic knowledge about the universe or man’s place within it. [...]
To some extent the greater expression of consciousness can be experienced under usual waking conditions, but only when a personality is flexible enough and secure enough to alter the focus of consciousness. [...] Any of your scientific or religious disciplines could benefit from a study of the dreaming consciousness, for there the basic nature of reality exists as clearly as you can perceive it. [...]
[...] It is as native to its level of consciousness as English is to your own — or Indian, or Chinese, or whatever. The various focuses of consciousness will have their own “languages.” [...] Others are so slow that he feels a sentence would take a week to utter.12 These are the signatures of different focuses of consciousness as they are transposed in your space-time system.
Give us a moment … Other focuses of consciousness besides your own have different concepts of time, and are actually more biologically correct, in that they have greater knowledge of both cellular and spiritual realities. There is nothing “wrong” with your present habitual kind of consciousness, any more than there is anything wrong with speaking only one language. There is within you, however, the impetus to explore, to expand, to create, and that will automatically lead you to explore inner lands of consciousness; as, in your terms, it has led you to explore the other countries of the physical world.
[...] Both together represent the dimensions of your consciousness, and they exist simultaneously. [...] Obviously, then, your consciousness is equipped to function in the known and unknown realities, and the divisions that you have set up are quite arbitrary.
[...] In those terms, we each have our personal ‘God,’ and I am convinced that the universe knows us no matter who or where — or what — we are. I think there is a God of Mitzi, and a God of Billy, for each of our cats, and that each consciousness, regardless of its status, possesses this intimate connection with the universe….”
[...] It’s our direct connection with the universe … from which we emerge in each moment of our lives.
[...] When you are working with your consciousness, as you did this evening, you become aware of the inner symbols in your own mind. Now, there are symbols that are personal but there are also symbols that are, in your terms, universal and you build with these. [...]
(The class did a mobility of consciousness experiment.)
I want all of you to become aware of this inner mobility of consciousness. [...]
[...] It gives you suspense and Ruburt would say it gives you a great story line and while you are reading the story, however, you are automatically taking in the inner truths that are within it whether or not you are consciously aware of what you are doing. [...]
[...] Consciousness fulfills itself by knowing itself. [...] There have been experiments upon your earth (by consciousness) with both men and animals at a different level than just mentioned, but with that in mind — herds of animals, for example, with each animal quite aware of the joint knowledge of the herd, the dangers to be encountered in any individual territory, and a psychological structure in which the mass consciousness of the herd recognized the individual consciousness of each animal, and protected it.
[...] At those times the individual consciousness became so entranced with its own experiences, however, that the clear-cut, steady, and conscious communication with the mass consciousness went underground, so to speak. [...]
The point of all this is that these units are unpredictable, and fulfill all probabilities of consciousness. [...] You view the fantastic variety of physical life — its animals, insects, birds, fish, man and all his works — with hardly a qualm; yet you must understand that the nature of consciousness itself is far more varied, and you must learn to think of an inner reality that is as infinite as the exterior one. These concepts alone do alter your present consciousness, and change it in degree. [...]
[...] There are, then, stratas of consciousness existing at once. [...] Your consciousness straddles those existences, and even the atoms and molecules within your present body contain the coded knowledge of those other (really simultaneous) forms. These units of consciousness are within all physical matter, containing their own memories. [...]
[...] There are an infinite number of inner universes. Only the very highest, most developed gestalt consciousness can be aware of anything like their totality. [...]
[...] Some of these are geographical in your system, but in all cases, a tuning-in of consciousness is a necessary preliminary. [...] There are adjacent states of consciousness that occur within the sleep pattern, that cannot be picked up by your EEG’s — adjacent “corridors” through which your consciousness travels.
[...] For now it is sufficient to realize that specific steps, definite alterations, occur as consciousness is shifted from the exterior to the interior reality, and that these changes are not random; that consciousness leaves through a very predictable route to its many destinations. [...] Some have excellent recall, for example, but often misinterpret their experience because of conscious ideas.
[...] They are highly creative on an unconscious level, constantly forming psychic frameworks beneath normal consciousness that can be used both by themselves and others in dream and trance states. [...] They form images with which the dreamers can relate, images that can be used as bridges and then as gateways into kinds of consciousness more separated from your own.
[...] Identity and consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. [...] Consciousness is the force behind matter, and it forms many other realities besides the physical one. [...]
“When we make contact, his consciousness and personality in concentrated form make a journey—in your terms, like a speck in space—the consciousness reduced to its essence. [...]
[...] “The laws of the inner universe [which had been given to us by Seth] are not laws in some book. [...]
“Each simple law of the inner universe that I have given you is in actuality a small inadequate statement in single-dimensional terms, yet it is more than most are given, and the best approximation that can be made of the basic facts beneath any existence, the best statement that can be made under the circumstances with which we must work. [...]
(To Dennis and Giselle.) You both have been learning very much and when you are ready to become consciously aware of what you have learned in the past week it will rise to the surface of your consciousness. [...]
Human existence, again, represents growth and development and the birth of consciousness into a different and new dimension of activity. [...]
Such a primary construction allows consciousness to operate, manipulate and be perceived in the world of matter. The physical construction of consciousness never is complete as far as fulfilling the inner purpose is involved; that is, consciousness can never fully construct itself in matter, and to do so would indeed imprison such a consciousness so that it could not escape the transient nature of matter itself.
The cooperative aspects of consciousness construction forms the whole fabric of your material universe. [...]
What you consider your consciousness, or your self, or your thinking ego, represents of course only one portion of your entire consciousness, that part which you are using at this time. It is as if, for example, consciousness of any whole self were compared to a huge, and indeed almost infinite light, with the ability inherent in the light to focus in many directions; to be diffused, as if the light had many switches that would turn it to greater or lesser intensities and directions.
The intertwining of consciousness and matter is most intricate and highly complicated. In all cases consciousness is first, and it forms its physical constructions according to its abilities, first of all forming its own primary construction, and then branching outward, constructing secondary images of other consciousnesses with whom it comes in contact.
They would consider your own system as a probable universe. [...] They coexist but they cannot meet naturally, as the negative universe coexists with your own but is divided from it.
[...] Yours is not the only system that exists within what you would call the same space as the physical universe. [...]
[...] They violate the known laws of physics; although at the limits of our observable universe they are much too bright, and their energy is much too fantastic.)
[...] You cannot however understand much concerning even the basic structure of your own universe unless you make some attempt, at least in imagination, to project yourselves beyond it.
I am still waiting for the day when you become aware of your own dreams while you are awake, and conscious at the same time, fully, of your physical environment, and able to operate normally at the same time in the physical universe.
What you call the astral body does much of its traveling when you are not consciously trying to experiment. [...] This does not mean that conscious experimentation will not work however. It simply means that what you are trying to do, consciously, you have been doing without knowing it all the while.
You have both been so consciously concerned with your Ouija board pointer that it is difficult for me now to get much information through. The conscious demands inhibit inner information. [...]
(The new book is titled The Expansion of Human Consciousness. [...]
We have spoken of the interdependence and cooperation, biologically, among organisms in your physical universe. [...] Almost at once the new libido takes up its adopted duty of maintaining the physical universe, along with all others, and without hesitancy.
The cooperation can be joyous, given freely on subconscious and conscious levels, or it can be given in a grudging manner, but it will be given.
[...] I insist upon an honest, humble and proud acceptance of your own relationship with the universe, and an acceptance of your responsibility in it.
Here you will discover man’s true origins, and the mechanisms and ways in which the unseen self operates, forms his universe of matter through psychic energy, and communicates on levels unperceived by his outer physical organism.
[...] Quasars are distributed, so to speak, throughout all realities—throughout all universes, in other words. [...] They are not suns, planets, galaxies or universes in those terms.
It is their energy that gives energy to your own, and all other universes, and it is their energy that forms the matter of your own physical universe. [...]
You perceive portions of such actions consciously, some subconsciously, some with the inner senses, but you do not perceive the whole action. [...]
[...] Once again, quasars are quasi-stellar radio sources, presumably at the farthest reaches of our observable universe according to our instruments. [...]
We also realize that permanency of form is an illusion, since all consciousness must be in a state of change. We can be, in your terms, in several places at once because we realize the true mobility of consciousness. [...] This form, projecting outward from your own consciousness, completely escapes your egotistical attention. When I think emotionally of someone else, I do the same thing, except that a portion of my consciousness is within the image, and can communicate.
[...] If there is any point where your own consciousness seems to elude you or escape you, or if there is any point where your consciousness seems to end, then these are the points where you have yourselves set up psychological and psychic barriers, and these are precisely those areas that you should explore. Otherwise you feel as if your consciousness is enclosed within your skull, immobile and constricted, and every lost thought or forgotten memory at least symbolically seems like a small death. [...]
What happens to a thought when it leaves your conscious mind? [...] For these thoughts and emotions that have left your conscious mind will lead you into other environments.
[...] In a gigantic cooperative endeavor, all consciousness joins together to make the forms that you perceive. [...]