Results 201 to 220 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

NotP Chapter 7: Session 781, June 28, 1976 language unstated God archaic tenses

On a conscious level certainly you are not all that God is, for that is the unstated, unmanifest portion of yourself. [...] Each person alive is a part of the living God, supported in life by the magnificent power of nature, which is God translated into the elements of the earth and the universe.

[...] You mark the universe. [...]

In larger terms, while you speak your own language, the universe also speaks “your” language as it constantly translates itself into your private perception. [...]

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

[...] Now until we have done more talking you will simply have to take my word, for the sake of our discussion—our one-way discussion—that any action or energy possesses consciousness seeking to know itself, therefore; and acting within itself it forms new consciousnesses that are individual and independent, and yet connected to every other consciousness.

[...] The shift of his consciousness is unsteady. He has no discipline over it, and is sometimes in a state of consciousness that is between. [...]

I have lived in physical terms within your three-dimensional universe, and I am aware of that universe. [...]

The purpose is the expansion of consciousness itself, and this automatically leads to the knowledge that every consciousness is connected to every other, and that any harm to one is harm to all. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

Give us a moment … Your planet as you know it is a certain kind of focus point for consciousness. [...] Your consciousness is tuned in to frequencies of perception that give you that impression. [...]

[...] It is really futile to question whether the universe came from a big boom (again emphatically, humorously), or is constantly expanding (though in those terms I have said it continually expands, as an idea or a dream does). I am not saying the universe does not exist — only that it does not exist in the way that it seems to you.

[...] The true dimensions of a divine creativity would be unendurable for any one consciousness of whatever import, and so that splendor is infinitely dimensionalized (most intensely throughout), worlds spiraling outward with each ‘moment’ of a cosmic breath; with the separation of worlds a necessity, and with individual and mass comprehension always growing at such a rate that All That Is multiplies itself at microseconds, building both pasts and futures and other time scales you do not recognize. Each is a reality in itself, with its own potentials, and with no individual consciousness, however minute, ever lost.

[...] However, many of my readers, or their offspring, will be involved in a new dimension of selfhood in which consciousness is fully explored and the potentials of the soul uncovered, at least to some extent.

TES7 Session 284 September 7, 1966 root agreements assumptions spacious device

[...] The physical universe is far more complicated than you know, and you understand little about its origins or even about its nature.

Individually, you move in a very limited area of this vast universe, and yet inner reality is more (long pause) massive in size, if you speak in terms of size. [...]

The nonphysical systems are frightening to the ego-centered personality; but the bulk of the individual’s reality does not lie within the physical universe, but in those unknown areas. [...]

You agree to accept certain data in the physical universe. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

[...] I have explained that the expanding universe theory contains gross error, since the universe, the real universe, is expanding; but it is expanding in terms of value fulfillment and has nothing to do with expansion in space.

[...] These images are as independent of your conscious control as the inner workings of your own physical body are beyond your conscious control.

[...] That is why I have said that your universe does not exist in the same fashion as the web, simply because it is not bound by space or time. The universe expands, again, in terms of value fulfillment, and in ways which your outer senses cannot comprehend.

[...] In the light trance state, the inner self is free from the camouflage nature of your plane, and the truly humorous aspect is this: Only by freeing yourself from your own camouflage universe can you see it clearly, understand it for what it is, and actually learn to use it for mankind’s best advantage.

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

When the outer ego, from the surface of its consciousness, reflects the outer world, it sees reflections of the inner ego which are the images within its own eye; and as the self creates matter subconsciously within its own eye, and as the self creates matter subconsciously and not consciously, and as the self creates matter in line with inner and not outer expectations, so then does the ego, in viewing the material universe, come face to face with the face of its own inner ego; and the outer ego cannot escape from this inner self.

[...] I will indeed speak concerning the inner ego, which is the organizing principle within the subconscious, but which looks into other worlds; toward worlds in which it has its origin, and does not have awareness of itself or possess self-consciousness within the physical universe. [...]

[...] They are conscious of themselves, but they are not conscious of themselves in relation to other selves. They are conscious of needs and drives, and of their existence. They are different from the inner ego or director in that the inner ego is conscious not only of itself, but of the outer ego, and is aware of the existence of the outer world, although not too much concerned with it unless the whole self becomes jeopardized through the actions of the outer ego.

The consciousness had its origin in the subconscious, from which it sprang. The consciousness was not at one time the center of the subconscious. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 2, 1971 bull pasture listen Gert silence

[...] There are many more experiments that you can do, and I hope that you will, with the nature of plant activity and consciousness. [...] For one week stop asking questions of the universe and simply listen to what it has to say to you. [...]

Now the universe speaks in many voices, and it can indeed speak through a leaf if you have the wits to listen. [...]

[...] And you will not get such knowledge by asking goodies of the universe like, what was I before? [...]

[...] Your thoughts, all of your thoughts at this moment, to you seem to come and go without a trace and yet they leave traces that you do not see, nor perceive, nor even sense, and yet if you quietly examine your experience, if you listen to the universe, you can begin to perceive some of these realities and that is what I want you to do. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 897, January 21, 1980 Billy David divine model weather

[...] Your universe is not the only one. Nothing exists isolate in nature, and to that extent the very existence of your universe presupposes the existence of others.

In a manner of speaking, your universe and all others spring from a dimension that is the creative source for all realities—a basic dream universe, so to speak, a divine psychological bed where subjective being is sparked, illuminated, stimulated, pierced, by its own infinite desire for creativity. [...]

Such an idea is much like some scientific ones, that see the universe running down, [with energy] being dissipated and order gradually disintegrating into chaos. [...]

[...] We are discussing a model of the universe in which creation is continuous, spontaneously occurring everywhere, and everywhere simultaneously, in a kind of spacious present, from which all experiences with time emerge. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 560, November 23, 1970 drama Christ twelve disciples God

God, therefore, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe but of an infinite variety of probable existences, far more vast than those aspects of the physical universe with which your scientists are familiar. [...]

[...] As you learn to turn the focus of your attention away from physical reality and therefore experience some slight evidence of other realities, your consciousness will cling to old ideas that make true explanations impossible for you to understand. Multidimensional awareness is available to you in your dreams, however, in some trance states, and often even beneath ordinary consciousness as you go about your day.

[...] If you will forgive the term, this was like a local morality play, put on in your corner of the universe. [...]

[...] Its power and strength then returned to the dream universe. [...]

TES9 Session 459 January 22, 1969 role ego presence poetic ascribe

[...] It will also include in the opening chapter several occasions when I tried to reach Ruburt in the dream state, and the ways in which I was able to insert several ideas into his dreaming consciousness, and the ways in which the conscious mind utilized and distorted the information.

[...] As you have a tendency to think that earth is the center of the universe, although you know this is not true, so you have a tendency to think that the ego is the center of the personality, and that other aspects of the personality exist for the use of the ego, that all else revolves about the ego. [...]

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

[...] Consciousness of self, if you recall, is self-consciousness that still retains self as a part of action, self that perceives its existence within action. Ego, originally a part of this consciousness of self, splits off as previously explained, and attempts to dissociate itself from action, indeed to view action as a result of itself; that is, to view action as a result and not a cause.

[...] Remember here the difference between consciousness of self and the ego, for the difference is important. The ego is but part of the self, part of the conscious self, but focused in one direction.

[...] Remember here again that there is a difference between the ego and consciousness of self. It is not necessary that the ego assimilate all experiences that are open to consciousness of self. [...]

[...] But you are familiar only with the results of action as they appear within the physical field, as long as you insist upon viewing your physical universe with the eyes of the ego-self; for the ego-self attempts to cut itself off from that action of which it is a part, and in so attempting it loses contact with this larger reality.

TMA Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 translating poetry playacting rational ancient

[...] If you remember the early portions of our latest book (Mass Events), then this information should fall into place, for consciousness emerged from the inside outward. [...]

[...] It conveyed quite necessary information about man and the universe. [...]

Ruburt translates what I give him without being consciously aware of receiving the material in usual terms, or of translating it. [...]

[...] You may “speak” through art or music, through trance activities, but you will specialize in the use of the inner senses, and in translating the inner knowledge of the species, bringing it to whatever level of ordinary consciousness that is considered the official one.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable

You are teaching yourselves the value of consciousness and vitality and strength and life, by pretending to yourselves that death is death and that your consciousness will not continue and that your parents who die are forever still, by pretending that the voices you have heard in childhood will be heard no more. By pretending that when you breathe your last breath here, your consciousness is forever still. [...]

([Bette:] “Last week you said that we are the black sheep of the universe and I want to know do all the black sheep of the universe have dimples?”)

[...] In Alpha I you are used to one short adjacent step away from what you call your consciousness. [...]

[...] It is not the answer to the nature of reality or to the responsibility of consciousness. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

Human self-consciousness existed in psychological time, and in inner ‘time’ long before you, as a species, constructed it. For your friend’s sake, I will say this as simply as possible: Human consciousness was inherent and latent from the beginning of your physical universe. [...]

[...] … When he asked it, he was referring to the point at which self-consciousness entered into so-called inert form. You know, now, that all form has consciousness, and so there was no point at which self-consciousness entered with the sound of trumpets, so to speak. Consciousness was inherent in the first materialization upon your plane.

Self-consciousness entered in very shortly after but not what you are pleased to call human self-consciousness. I do not like to wound your egos in this manner, and I can hear you yell ‘foul,’ but there is no actual differentiation between the various kinds of consciousness.

You are either conscious of self or you are not. A tree is conscious of itself as a tree. [...] What I am trying to point out here is this supreme egotistical presumption that self-consciousness must of necessity involve humanity per se. [...]

TES6 Session 244 March 23, 1966 Peggy locations photograph envelope switch

For you see, you think that you are only conscious when you are focused in physical reality. [...] In Freud’s terminology, the dice are indeed loaded, on the side of the conscious mind.

[...] Pretend that while you are in the dream state, you are concerned with the problem of consciousness and existence. From that viewpoint the picture is entirely different, for you are indeed conscious while you sleep.

[...] Let us speak no more of a conscious self and a subconscious or unconscious self. There is one self, and it focuses its consciousness in various dimensions, and that is all.

[...] Do you remember some of the material that I gave concerning the expanding universe?

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

[...] I have earlier explained that no real division exists between consciousness and subconsciousness, both equally being conscious, and both being part of the same consciousness of the whole self.

I want to mention that while form is not a characteristic of matter, it is one of the characteristics of consciousness. The form which consciousness takes is usually composed of matter on your plane.

Each consciousness, besides the material structure or material form, also possesses a psychological structure that exists in a depth and solidity in another perspective which the outer senses do no perceive. [...] Consciousness adopts many forms, in as many various perspectives as it is capable of manifesting itself.

Consciousness actually creates these perspectives, in which it can then manifest itself in form. [...] In other words, individual consciousness operates in many different perspectives, in many various kinds of forms. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 9, 1981 annals approach magical harmonious land

It is the adult’s version of childhood knowledge, the human version of the animal’s knowledge, the conscious version of “unconscious” comprehension. [...]

The magical approach puts you in harmony with your own individual knowledge of the universe. [...]

(9:55.) The universe is not dependent upon your belief in it in order that it can exist. [...]

[...] It was a lapse of consciousness —that’s what bothered me. [...]

TES4 Session 188 September 15, 1965 astral downstairs Hagel Bob plastic

[...] The dream reality cannot be entirely disconnected from the material universe because of its connections with human personality. [...]

Dream images, not astral projections, operate within certain electrical limits, limits that form the boundaries of the dream universe. [...]

(Jane said she was even conscious of my movements, slight as they were. [...]

(Jane said she was even conscious of the sound my pen made on the paper as I wrote. [...]

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

These fields or planes are more various than you can imagine, and they are formed in the same manner, basically, as your own universe was formed, and many of those inhabitants tune in on your universe spontaneously and quite accidentally. [...]

[...] When they are clicked open, usually but not always chemically through a momentary imbalance, the physical organism itself is connected to the dream universe, as well as to your physical universe; and to some degree the physical organism can be affected through this connection.

[...] I have told you that it is possible to tune in on the dream universe. [...]

A few of them did involve a tuning into the dream universe. [...]

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] When projections occur now he is not consciously aware of them. [...] I will go into this perhaps soon, for there are the similarities here and significances, involving states of consciousness used by both Ruburt and myself, and the type of projection achieved. [...] Less satisfactory projections cause distortions, you see, that are characteristic features of this state of consciousness at that time.

[...] Projections of a kind do also occur while the normal waking consciousness is up and about its normal chores. These are rarely remembered: that is, the waking consciousness retains no memory of them.

When dream elements combine to cloud a projection, this is the work of a certain level of consciousness, trying to interpret the strange conditions. This usually occurs at certain levels where consciousness is not yet completely free of the physical body. [...]

[...] The most extensive traveling is done in nightly excursions, but it is easiest to remember those dream projections that occur during naps in the day, simply because the waking consciousness is more alert.

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