Results 881 to 900 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

He is on the verge of realizing that they were all one all the time.

[...] I have said this before: as he helps you by releasing, as he has, these energies in the directions mentioned, then help him by taking the initiative at times, as he has in those directions.

(Which, of course, is just why I hadn’t stressed such things for some time. [...]

TPS1 Session 379 (Deleted) November 13, 1967 exercise strenuous relaxation weapon tremor

At the same time you threatened yourself with the possibility of complete failure as an artist, almost in retaliation. (Pause, one of many through here.) You would not (underlined) be a full time commercial artist, regardless of any old demands, though you felt still somewhat guilty at your refusal.

I suggest the exercising images be executed in the time now given to the relaxation exercises, and replacing those in the book (Psycho-Cybernetics). [...]

The tremor represented guilt here, but also a threat, for you thought: before I will do this full time for money, my hand would fail. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 25, 1983 belt motion move weightless hips

[...] After Dawn left Jane said she felt motion in her hips for the first time. [...] “The first time I could move them,” Jane said. [...] “They definitely moved in a new way for the first time.” [...]

[...] Even her head raised and lowered itself on the pillow in time with the foot motions. [...]

[...] “But at the same time I’ve been afraid to think such thoughts....” [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 3, 1983 chipmunk cranberry foot juice motions

[...] At various times she’s also felt motion even with her head and shoulders. [...]

[...] “I can feel Seth around, but every time I do, I start moving again.” [...]

Yes: when you have time do reread the sessions. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1983 Steve tray butter foot left

[...] This was her best effort yet, even better than last time. [...] At times the type became quite dark, she said. [...]

[...] “It’s all right, kid,” Jane said several times to herself. [...]

(Jane talked about 458 W. Water St., in Elmira, and some of the great times we’d had there. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 29, 1983 diet cream patient cure distress

[...] It was the type of dream where one returns to it several times. [...]

Many times people at the point of desperation seize upon such ideas, and often they are valuable because they relieve people of hidden guilts; they are not “to blame” for their difficulties—but certain elements outside of their own selves are the culprits. [...]

Ruburt felt some dismay when you told him of the letter about the diet because he felt momentarily threatened—attracted to the diet, and suspicious of it at the same time. [...]

WTH Foreword by Robert F. Butts omitted hospital unrevealed route foreword

[...] Seth did help her, many many times over the years. [...] Well, why not, since as Seth describes reality, everything exists at the same “time?” Tricky concepts and questions to wrestle with, I know, and sometimes contradictory. [...]

[...] It was the third time she’d been hospitalized since February 1982. [...]

[...] In all that time I missed spending up to six or more hours a day with my wife only once, because of a heavy snowstorm. [...]

DEaVF1 Introductory Essays by Robert F. Butts essays wrenching addenda delve Lumsden

Moreover, the choice of presenting the material in essay form proved to have one virtue that was more valuable than all the others combined: It allowed us to delve into the events I describe, and “our deep-seated, sometimes wrenching feelings connected to them,” a little bit at a time. [...] And how many millions and millions of times through the ages have other human beings on this planet felt the same way—and will yet? [...]

Yet, Jane and I were being creative with it all—the whole time—and moving several stages closer to understanding All That Is in the process. [...] “You make your own reality,” Seth has told us innumerable times. [...]

[...] And I’m sure that as the reader works his or her way through the essays, it will become quite apparent that I wrote them just as much for Jane and me as I did for others—all in our ceaseless attempts to better understand, to grasp a bit more firmly, those mental and physical adventures that we’re trying to delve into “this time around.”

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

If at any time in the future there is even the necessity for a deeper trance on Ruburt’s part, I will let you know at the time and there will be nothing to worry about. But as a rule this will not be the case, and at all times Ruburt can use his own volition, giving or not giving his permission. [...]

[...] Ruburt naturally can learn and is learning to control his responses to such conditions, and incidentally this week he has made a few strides as far as the quiet times he has spent in using psychological time.

[...] I have drawn it several times, the most elaborate drawing being one I intended to incorporate in a tempera painting last winter. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 719 November 11, 1974 snapshots photograph milk camera picture

[...] With the eraser the “evil hand” would try to rub out all of the good, and at the same time the “good hand” would be trying to erase all of the evil. [...] You will have a tendency to consider the body with its natural appetites wrong, and deny them, while at the same time the physical part of you will look upon your “good intents” as wrong, and infringements upon its own existence.

[...] At the same time, you are more free. [...]

[...] At the same time your own physical being knows better, and basically cannot accept such a concept.2 So in daily life you may project this idea of unworth outward onto another person, who seems then to be your enemy; or upon another nation. [...]

TES3 Session 135 February 24, 1965 electrical distance intensities Callahan Mark

I would also suggest Joseph, that will all due respects, that within your crowded schedule you find time now and then for your psychological time experiments. [...]

[...] I do not speak in any of these matters as far as definite times and places are concerned, nor do I intend to. [...] The material will see wide circulation; and at a time when you are both able to handle such circumstances.

[...] Jane saw her at 3 PM, mail time. Jane has been picking up Miss Callahan’s mail as suggested, and also sometimes manages to look in on her at another time of day.

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

(Jane now misses trying psychological time quite a bit. [...] Jane believes the above experience stems from her psy-time experiments, for during some of them she had achieved a similar effect.

[...] Ego most of all resents and fights against time as you know it, yet ego is to a large extent responsible for your conception of time. [...]

[...] We have spoken at various times about specific portions of action’s manifestations. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 games pill Rakin edgy pregnant

(Jane was terrified a couple of times that she might be pregnant by me. Yet except for one time in a passionate moment she never had any urge to have a child. [...]

[...] The first time they met, Jane said Father Rakin said to her when she was but 13: “You’re just too forward.” [...] Several times in Florida she thought I was going to leave her. [...]

[...] Perhaps I’ll take the time from Dreams to work out a final fan letter — including Seth’s — to send folks who write. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby

I have told you time and time again, in class, and I tell you all again—and Ruburt has told you: you form your own reality. [...]

[...] I will say this over and over again—I will say it simply—and I will repeat it time and time again, until you understand intuitively what I mean. [...]

[...] But now it is time for you to be challenged. It is time for you to challenge your own mind and your own intuition. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

[...] At one time the males might have been drafted into the army, and, secretly exultant, gone looking for the period before full adulthood — where decisions would be made for them, where they could mark time, and where those who were not fully committed to life could leave it with a sense of honor and dignity.

(Through all of the mass and personal events referred to in the sessions and notes since she gave the 832nd session on January 29, Jane has occasionally written poetry and painted — and worked steadily at her third Seven novel: Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time. [...]

[...] In historic terms as you understand them, this is the first time that all of the inhabitants of a country were to be legally considered equal citizens one with the other. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 718 November 6, 1974 James view Jung tuned William

[...] I not only record the current session in the latest one, of course, but have in there a page or two of comments and questions so that from time to time I can ask Seth to clear them up. [...]

Do probable selves actually communicate with each other through their world-view frameworks, then, or can such an interchange of idea or emotion take place more “directly” at times — simply between the probable personalities involved? Either situation can apply, it seems to me, or the two methods may merge at any given “time.” [...]

[...] But now I can return to my longer project — the 40 line drawings for Jane’s book of poetry, Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

(It also seemed that both of us had made the decision to confine the psychic work to sessions only, which I thought would at this time automatically shut down a lot of possible developments. I also felt there was a strong possibility the sessions themselves would go by the board unless Jane showed much improvement before too much more time passed. [...]

Most individuals dwell focused so rigidly in your particular area of space and time that the greater dimensionality of the entity is unknown to them at a conscious level. [...]

[...] An individual sets for himself those challenges that lie within his realm at any given time. [...]

TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969 sand plain Carl Sue empty

And within that context he knew it was now the time for him to walk out upon those messages that had gone before, and change the distortions, for he knew there would be no other birth and death for him, the time of reincarnations being finished.

Now the walls within the rooms could be compared to your physical time, each wall a moment as you think of it. But each moment can be used as a threshold into experiences that have no time, and I explained this to you, though you do not remember.

[...] At times the personality traits that it had earlier color this perception. [...] It has mental images of its own probable future, and parts of it do become frightened at times, to relinquish old adult powers for an infant’s helplessness.

SDPC Preface Sonja Jack program television camera

Usually a session runs for several hours, and the energy is used up by the time the session is over. [...] When it was cut short, all that energy was still available, and subjectively I was aware of its full strength for the first time.

[...] He projects part of his consciousness, at least at times, into mine. [...] Seth doesn’t have any great interest in taking over my body for any length of time, while I have an insatiable curiosity about the experience of getting out of mine.

[...] At a level beneath words, I knew that Seth was right: this was the time. [...]

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

[...] The exercise he read of, done three times daily, would benefit him. We will still devote a session to this sort of thing when you find the time.

[...] It is not space or time that divides one system from another. [...]

[...] Space, time, size, density, all of these are the results of your own perception.

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