Results 801 to 820 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TES1 Session 22 February 4, 1964 woodcarvings kiddo Joseph chickadees taunted

I cannot afford to give you any predictions at this time for fear that you would unconsciously distort them, and then it would seem that I was to blame.

[...] For the first time we did not use the Ouija board. [...]

My remark about the lively arts had to do with the method of communication we use at the present time. [...]

TES6 Session 269 June 20, 1966 burlap newspaper knife panel electromagnetic

[...] Consider using psychological time. You have experiences within a few physical moments of physical time, experiences that are entirely independent of your time structure.

[...] Had I realized how tired she was the session would not have been held; both of us have been extremely busy lately and cramped for time. [...]

(Jane and I had been quite puzzled at the visitors of this afternoon and supper time. [...]

TES8 Session 344 June 7, 1967 job nursery symptoms restraints fear

Give us time for a moment. [...] He has felt held in for some time. [...]

Summertime may or may not be a good time to begin private classes. He may be frightened to give up the job ahead of time. [...]

(Jane had voiced these thoughts while getting supper this evening; it was the first time I had heard her speak this way. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

In its way the meson may have all of the “time” it needs, or wants. [...] (As far as “time” goes, some particles live for far less than a trillionth of a second.) I’m quite sure, however, that the meson, or any short-lived particle, searches out its own kind of value fulfillment while here with us. [...]

In those terms, then, there was in the beginning an almost unimaginable time in which energized consciousness, using its own creative abilities, its own imagination (underlined), experimented with triumphant rambunctiousness, trying out one form after another. [...]

[...] Like an adolescent leaving home for the first time, individualized consciousness was also somewhat homesick, and returned often to the family homestead—but gradually gained confidence and left finally to form a [universe].

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

Events, then, are materialized in your time from their origins in ‘no time.’ There is no end to the source or supply of probabilities, therefore ‘no time’ is not a static, completed storehouse. [...]

[...] In some, the inner self is aware of having more than one ego, of playing more than one role at a time. [...] In such a system, there would be no breakup of time, you see. [...]

[...] ‘You’re the York Beach couple again,’ I cry, and this is the first time they notice me.

TES6 Session 275 July 25, 1966 parking ticket noninterval intervals Treman

[...] To the inner self no time passes. You experience of course physical time. [...]

[...] I tell you this for your own information. 6 plus 1, or 7 times.” [...] Since we didn’t take the time we cannot claim them.

(We visited the park three times during that week, but I kept the date for the ticket straight by attaching a penciled slip to it. [...]

TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger

I simply meant that at times you still worried as to whether or not he was a subconscious fiction in the writing sessions; but you did not feel this as strongly in your psychological-time experiments, because of the mental activity of your own that they provided.

When you are working alone in psychological time experiments, you do not so fear emergence of the subconscious, and you trust your material more. [...]

You can indeed misinterpret it at times, but you cannot divest yourself entirely of personality any more than you can entirely drain a room of air.

UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974 Linden selves inventor birth hysterectomy

[...] At one time, then, in your father’s past as you think of it, having met Stella, he did not marry her after all. [...] Whole regroupings of energy occurred, psychological and psychic implosions, so that two equally valid personalities were aware in a world in which only one could live at a time.

From the 15th session for January 13: “Imagination allows you to enter into these planes … Pretend that you not only understand your cat’s concept of time to some degree, but could also experience his sense of time through the cat [Willy] himself. [...]

[...] At the time we understood little of what happened; yet the event represented a key episode at the very beginning of our psychic education; for in a crowded, smoky hotel barroom Jane and I unknowingly created physical “personality fragments” of ourselves — then came face to face with them. [...] (Naturally, the more Seth told us about the human ability to generate such forms, the more questions we had!) In that 9th session Seth also used his term, “probable self,” for the first time.

UR1 Section 2: Session 693 April 29, 1974 Markle estate Joseph house Sayre

At the time of the session I understood Seth to mean that the second house Jane and I looked at on April 25 was also my mother’s second choice of the day for us. [...] For not only would both houses have to be for sale at the same time, and not only would Jane and I have to inspect them on the same day — but of the hundreds of houses in Sayre, it would be necessary that these two had ranked first and second in my mother’s preference for many years. [...]

[...] A coincidence — a mere trick of fate that Joseph could be walking through the old man’s home,2 and that Mr. Markle would be spending his last time in a nursing home, as had Joseph’s mother — meaningless but evocative that this house was for sale, and that the old man was insisting upon a price higher than the house is worth, just as Joseph’s mother insisted upon a high price for her own home, and determined to get it.3 Period. [...]

Give us a moment … (Jane, as Seth, took the time to light a cigarette.)

TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage

[...] I had indeed been watching the volume of her voice, for several times during this delivery I thought I noticed a tendency to escalate in volume. A couple of times I was on the verge of asking Seth to be careful, but the voice quieted each time by itself.

[...] Seth’s whiskey connection arises from the fact that he was drinking heavily at that time in Asheville; the only time he did so. [...]

[...] However at the same time you do set up these blocks; for you are not afraid of the answers, but you are afraid basically that they could be given in this manner.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 24, 1980 Leonard Crestwood deer thermometer message

[...] This is our first daylight session in some time.

[...] At the same time you were concerned for him, of course. [...]

Your body cells knew at the same time that your friend was in some difficulty, and wanted help. [...]

TES9 Session 484 May 26, 1969 John Philip overcrowded overpopulation mankind

The third time involved Atlantis. The first time I mentioned with the epidemiclike disaster, was 14 centuries after Atlantis. [...]

[...] The first part of the session however takes off on various matters Jane, John and I were discussing before session time, and so is unplanned. [...]

When you think in terms of mankind solving its own problems, remember that reincarnation is involved, and not a group of persons in existence for only a particular time. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

This is an excellent time to try the library together, to lie down on purpose to try out-of-bodies, or psy-time. It is an excellent time to see how many enjoyments can be found in the day, to putter creatively. [...]

The message blazes across your television screens at a time when fundamental religion has begun to sprout again, both eastern and Christian. [...]

(With some amusement:) You are both experiencing what should be a natural time of rest—not a low point. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

I mentioned the Crucifixion once, saying that it was an actuality and a reality, although it did not take place in your time. It took place where time is not as you know it… in the same sort of time in which a dream takes place. [...]

[...] Basically, even the physical universe itself is so constructed, but for all practical purposes, as far as perception and experience is concerned, time and physical growth apply. As a result, the ego portion of personality is, to a large extent, dependent for its maturity and development upon the amount of time that the physical image has spent within the system.

[...] You come into awareness of a dream, and you leave it, but in your terms of time, the dreams that you seem to dream tonight have been long in existence. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 732 January 22, 1975 counterparts Peter family Henry Ben

[...] They spend time searching for their soul mates — but the search involves them in a pilgrimage for a kind of impossible communication with another, in which all division is lost, with the two then trying to join in a cementing oneness, suffocating all sense of play or creativity. You are not one part, or one half, of another soul,4 searching through the annals of time for your partner, undone until you are completed by your soul mate.

Before I got around to asking Seth about whether or not Peter Smith and I were counterparts, Sue had enough time to do some thinking of her own about the subject. As she’s done before (in Volume 1, see the opening notes for Session 692, with Note 2), Sue produced some excellent writing on matters psychic — this time on possible variations within the counterpart relationship. [...]

[...] At one time or another almost everyone has that kind of experience, but children have it often. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

[...] You may spend time trying to understand the nature of dreams and their implications, without ever realizing that your physical life is to some extent a three-dimensional dream. It will faithfully mirror your dream images at any given time.

[...] You find yourselves in other times and places because basically neither time nor space exists as you suppose.7

[...] Jane and I find certain other research claims inconceivable: that in some of those earlier times verbal exchanges between members of the species, whether they be called prehuman or human, could have been a hindrance rather than an asset. [...] I’m only noting that such abilities represent one more means, upon a vast time scale, by which consciousness inexhaustibly seeks to know itself in this camouflage reality.

TES4 Session 176 August 9, 1965 Ella buttons Aunt Jay Alice

[...] We had not heard from Dr. Instream recently, up to the time we mailed the letter.

[...] Some are more complete than others and can happen at any time of the day. [...]

[...] Her spiritual existence this time was a very happy one. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

[...] Your body is in the right place at the right time—and (louder) I can see that I was in the right place at the right time for our chat. [...]

[...] We’d been visited today by Loren, Betts and Doug, and Dick, Ida and David, and at times my left groin area had bothered me considerably. [...]

[...] Each time it helped, temporarily. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 829, March 22, 1978 Christ resurrection ascension Gospels Luke

[...] The old religious myths fit a different kind of people, however, and lasted for as many centuries in the past as Christianity has reached into the future.2 The miraculous merging of imagination with historical time, however, became less and less synchronized, so that only r-i-t-e-s (spelled) remained and the old gods seized the imagination no longer. The time was ripe for Christianity.

[...] The idea was the result of a spectacular act of the imagination that then leapt upon the historical landscape, highlighting all of the events of the time, so that they became illuminated indeed with a blessed and unearthly light.

[...] You project yourselves into time like children through freely imagining your growth. [...]

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

[...] This ability escaped us for some time, until we finally realized the various approaches used by Seth to make the material given meaningful to the very different personalities involved.)

The material is quite legitimate, regardless of the ways in which I may choose to present it at various times. [...]

The whole body of the material, by the time that we are done, will speak in various ways to various types of individuals who may not be able to speak to each other. [...]

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