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SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Bernice predestination aristocratic slums justification

[...] You pretend to agree that it does; we meet in no place of space or time. [...] You know that you hallucinate the room, that you are as much in trance here as you ever are when you are in psychological time. [...]

As you know yourselves, you only accept those suggestions, ideas and hang-ups that suit your purposes at this time. [...]

[...] You did not set them like millstones about your neck, hoping ahead of time that you would drown.

NotP Chapter 8: Session 785, August 2, 1976 sentence cellularly attuned grammar previews

[...] So far, no one has interrupted us at such times, though more and more visitors are finding their ways to our door. [...]

[...] You do not mentally diagram the sentence ahead of time. [...]

[...] Now it seems to you that because you speak one sentence at any given time, rather than ten other possible versions of it, the sentence as spoken is the “correct” one. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 Framework technique art monotony vaster

[...] Again, while appearing in your time, the contents of the books come from outside of your time.

[...] You [both] are privately at a time where you are ready to go ahead again, where the information given is catching up to you in time, so that there can be renewed bursts of comprehension, dream experiences, and other such events.

[...] In a way the suggestion was my idea of trying to do something about Seth producing books within books, as I discussed in my opening notes for the 814th session; but Seth is so prolific that it seems we’ll never get all of his material published at this time.

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

(Tonight Jane said she thought she’d “done a damn good job” of keeping her mind off her condition, especially while painting and writing—all the time except when “something hurt quite a bit.” I saw her remarks as correlating with my primary question for this evening, since Seth has told us that her feelings of distress at such times result from her mental attitudes as much, or more than, physical circumstances.

[...] When you are awake for periods of time during those hours, very refreshing conditions exist mentally and physically. You might, in parentheses, put that this is connected with the waking-sleeping patterns prevalent on earth, to which you referred some time ago.

Now: you are, of course, taught that any meaningful endeavor takes a great amount of effort of a certain kind—the exertion of the will, the utilization of the time in an organized fashion—and this can promote a tooth-gritting determination in some people.

UR2 Section 5: Session 716 October 30, 1974 station drift home program focus

In your home station, events are encountered clearly in space and time. When you move away, however, you may meet events in time but not in space, and reality that you have tried to deny may then appear vividly. [...]

Each particular “station” of consciousness perceives in a different kind of reality, and as mentioned earlier (in Session 711, for instance), you usually tune in to your home station most of the time. [...]

Take as much time as you want to with this exercise. [...]

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

[...] I really think that this particular material can hold its own with the best metaphysical writings of our time. For this reason I am continuing this chapter with excerpts from sessions 426, 427, and 428, where Seth began with a fuller explanation of space, time, and probable realities and then led us, step by step, into a discussion of God.

[...] Growth and challenge are provided not in terms of achievement or development in time, but instead in terms of intensities. Such a personality is able not only to react to and appreciate Event A, say, in your present time, but to experience and understand Event A in all of its ramifications and probabilities.

[...] Unfortunately it is difficult to imagine that all the young men in all of the countries will refuse to go to war at the same time. [...] Within the next hundred years that time may come. [...]

TES7 Session 298 October 31, 1966 teaching Piccadilly teacher object school

(“Six again, I do believe referring to time.” [...] Thus there is a time connection.

[...] Connection with a past incident at about that time, and a seeming connection with a 1967 incident yet to occur.” [...] As stated the date could very well refer to the time Jane lectured a class at Elmira College on poetry. [...]

(“A long locomotive, and a connection with a note mentioning time.” [...] The object is concerned with a specific amount of time; although not a note, it is printed, and the printing conveys a message in detail.

TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 triangle company John messenger Philip

[...] Now is the time to learn what your strength is. It is not the time to move.

Allow us our parables, and give us time here. [...]

[...] They dislike you for the aggravation, but they admire you because you make them think, and they now are beginning to believe that your thoughts can save them money and time.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 642, February 21, 1973 aggression violence passive beliefs animals

[...] Pause.) The nature of your personal beliefs in a large measure directs the kinds of emotions you will have at any given time. [...]

[...] As you become more aware of your beliefs over a period of time, you will see how they bring forth certain feelings automatically. [...]

[...] Nor had I. Yet I remembered how we’d believed in it so implicitly at the time of purchase….

TPS6 Deleted Session February 11, 1981 public arena spontaneous withdrawing white

(My “discovery” cheered Jane considerably, and she mentioned it several times today. [...] Seth has mentioned her fears at times recently; so have we; still, I asked that if she had a session tonight Seth might give some information on the fears. [...]

(Jane had spent a lot of time today either on the couch or the bed [in the latter case making notes], and seemed to be better, generally speaking. [...]

[...] In these recent sessions Seth has several times referred to points he wants to go into in more detail later. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 587, July 28, 1971 Hebrews god dramas Mohammedanism religion

(Pause at 9:30.) At no time will any given church be able to express the inner experience of all individuals. At no time will any church find itself in a position in which it can effectively curtail the inner experience of its members — it will only seem to do so. [...]

In those times men spoke and confided to the spirits of birds, trees, and spiders, knowing that in the interior reality beneath, the nature of these communications was known and understood. In those times, death was not feared as it is in your terms, now, for the cycle of consciousness was understood.

[...] The various personages, the gods and prophets within religious history — these absorb the mass inner projections thrown out by those inhabiting a given time span.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 6, 1984 segment gallantry diseases Wilson fulfillment

[...] Just this morning my pendulum* for the first time said that I no longer felt guilty. [...] Now may be the time.

(My own exasperation had shown through clearly at times, for it seemed that no matter what I did myself, or what anyone else did, my wife was just not going to be comfortable — not then, anyhow. [...]

[...] I think this is the first time — at least that I remember — that she’s made this statement in such a simple, direct way. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 3 Friday, April 16, 1982 sinful thyroid superhuman gland hospital

[...] At times she used her recorder in an effort to compensate for her lack of writing ability, but this left us with the prospect of finding the time to transcribe the tapes—and so far we haven’t done so. (Much of that material is so personal that at this time we don’t want others involved with it, by the way.)

[...] During her first weeks home, I seldom slept more than two hours at a time: It seemed that I was always getting up to check the dressings on her decubiti, to adjust her pillows, to help make her more comfortable on the motor-driven, pulsating air mattress we’d finally settled upon as the best recommended support available. [...] It surrounded our bedroom—but even as bleary as I often was, I became acutely aware of how that serenity could be jarringly compromised by the television set, showing programs that contained their own times of day and seasons.

[...] The entire issue had been going on for some time, and the argument—the argument being somewhat in the nature of a soul facing its own legislature, or perhaps standing as a jury before itself, setting its own case in a kind of private yet public psychic trial. [...] To whatever degree possible, given your time requirements, I will try to explain such matters.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 7 camouflage Malba instruments Decatur senses

Time and space are both camouflage patterns. The inner senses conquer time and space, but this is hardly surprising because time and space do not exist for them. There is no time and space. [...]

[...] After a short time, I began to speak as Malba. I mentioned this experience briefly in How To Develop Your ESP Power, but here I’m including Rob’s notes which provide a fuller version of the event and our attitude toward it at the time.

[...] There is no lapse of time in perception, since there is no time.

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979 units ee sperm particles unmanifested

[...] Now, from a waking state, you do not understand how your dream bodies can seem to fly through the air, defy space and even time, converse with strangers and so forth. In the same way, however, once, you had to learn to deal with gravity, to deal with space and time, to manipulate in a world of objects, to simply breathe, to digest your food, and to perform all of the biological manipulations that now you take for granted (all most emphatically).

[...] In a couple of essays I discussed, and asked questions about, the roles played by the 200 million to 500 million sperm that don’t make contact with the female egg at the time of conception. I also wanted to know about the deep biological communication that must go on among all of the sperm in a man’s body at any given time, and why one of the “fittest” sperm in a particular ejaculate evidently doesn’t always fertilize the egg. [...]

(Jane was in a “bitchy” mood as session time approached. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 916, May 14, 1980 cu units ee genetic repetition

[...] Then I’ll need another week to go over the manuscript, with colored pens marking instructions of each page as to what copy we want set in roman [upright] type, and in italics; while doing that I’ll also check spelling, punctuation, references, dates, times—all of those mundane details so necessary in helping our publisher produce a finished, good-looking book for the marketplace.1

In spite of those thoughts, Jane was still rather upset and out of sorts a day later as session time approached. [...]

[...] For another thing, each time I reintroduce such information I do so from another direction, so to speak, so that you as a reader are meant to approach it from a different angle also. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 16, 1977 ligaments improvements muscles thunder ankles

[...] At times because of the thunder I could hardly hear Seth. [...]

This will be a rather comprehensive session, so take your time.

[...] It seemed that we might be without power for some time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] When Ruburt took his glasses off at times, the eyes tried automatically to adjust themselves (as today). There is no need for him to go without glasses for any specific amount of time. [...]

[...] As it was, we sat for the session, with a resolve to try to do better next time. [...]

(Yet several times today, again, Jane experienced brief period where she could read much better without her glasses than with them—quite phenomenal changes, in fact.)

TPS2 Deleted Session December 20, 1971 eat weight food disapproves yesterday

[...] The preparation of food is a waste of time. It takes time away from more valuable things, both in its preparation and cleanup later. [...]

[...] Your love and concern would not have been so apparent, you would have become dejected as a result of his condition, he would have interpreted that as disapproval and rejection, and a good week’s time might have been spent under the same conditions, so you have improved.

[...] Reread what I told you, it will save us time, regarding the way in which emotions are buried within the body, and at your loving touch given release.

UR1 Section 3: Session 697 May 13, 1974 brotherhood idealizations species cells photograph

[...] Imagine the emotional reality of each person present, in the time that the photograph was taken. [...] Take your time. [...] Let your mind, after that, follow through by imagining contacts involving family interactions reaching back through time prior to the taking of the photograph. Then think of all of the probable actions that were either accepted or discarded, so that in time terms these people assembled (for the photograph).

[...] In greater terms, therefore, those people decided to be at that particular time and place, so that the photograph is the result of multitudinous decisions, and represents a focus of experience, rising from myriad probabilities. [...] You are the creator of yourself in space and time. [...]

[...] The idealization of motion, however, in that person’s mind, or of change, may be denied expression at any given time — but it will nevertheless seek expression through experience. [...]

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