Results 521 to 540 of 1864 for stemmed:time

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 567, February 17, 1971 fluctuations multiple atom microsecond steadily

(Pause at 9:35.) As I have said frequently, time as you think of it does not exist, yet in your terms, time’s true nature could be understood if the basic nature of the atom was ever made known to you. [...]

[...] The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can at times perceive the far greater dimensions of any given event through a burst of sudden intuition or comprehension that cannot be adequately described on a verbal level.

It seems as if an atom “exists” steadily for a certain amount of time. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower

Now, in the winter time our poor idiotic flower seems, indeed, to be dead. [...] They are being nurtured, but do they in this darkness, therefore, look about them and say, “This is a time of death? [...] How is it that I remember a time in which I blossomed? How is it I vaguely remember a summer in a time in which I was strong and spontaneous and free? [...]

(To Arnold.) Now, to our friend here, you are worried about being aggressive in your psy-time. You can allow yourself aggression in your psy-time. [...]

This is a crossroads that comes, not only to you, but to each individual upon the face of the planet and in every time it comes when an individual realizes that they are using all the resources that they have, and that they are not getting the results that they wanted. [...] When they look back on their childhood and realize that, in that time, there was great magic and great rejoicing and great freedom and they ask, “Where has it gone?” It is a crisis that comes to each soul born in flesh. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

(In this case, though, too much time passed between sessions. [...] But given that right kind of equanimity, time — our ordinary time — slides by; then, looking back periodically, we discover that we’ve accomplished at least something of what we wanted to do.

Now: It is true, then, that the cells do operate on the one hand apart from time, and on the other with a firm basis in time, so that the body’s integrity as a time-space organism results.

[...] Then quietly:) Basically, cellular comprehension straddles time. There is, then, a way of introducing “new”‘ genetic information to a so-called damaged cell in the present.6 This involves the manipulation of consciousness, basically, and not that of gadgets, as well as a time-reversal principle. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 650, March 22, 1973 senility hemisphere diagram wealthy picturesque

[...] Acting upon impulse while we were in the store, I bought one of those watches that gives not only the time of day but the day of the month. [...]

(See the 636th session in Chapter Nine for some material on karma, reincarnation, and Seth’s idea of “simultaneous” time.)

[...] You may have one, two or three preferred characteristics that correlate with your ideas, for example, but your concepts about age leave you no such freedom; for at one time or another all of you, “if you are lucky” in your terms, will approach old age.

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

[...] He also learns by his successes, and there are times when he holds his hand, moments of deliberation, periods of creativity. [...]

Christendom may well have perished along with the rest of the world, but this possibility would not have been considered, so narrow and evilly self-righteous were the governing powers at the time. [...]

[...] In terms of time this is behind us all. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 8, 1978 scorn tapes Meredith authorities grassroot

(I hadn’t had time to buy Jane’s birthday presents, although we both know what she wants—hot plate for the kitchen, and a summer bed spread. We’ve had a succession of visitors, all but one of them unannounced, and have lost work time as a result. [...]

[...] Your original purpose did not involve gaining the respect of those authorities, and it is, if you will forgive me, overall shortsighted to worry about the approval of such people in your time. It can make you bitter for no reason, for this kind of creative work exists outside of its time, and will still be read when the old authorities no longer exist, in your terms.

(I explained to her, as we waited for the session to begin, my dilemma about Note 6 for Appendix 22—my feeling of time wasted after I’d spent a couple of days writing it very carefully—only to have it fall apart at the last moment because I’d forgotten to deal with one crucial point. [...]

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

[...] During break I mentioned that I wondered whether Seth could tell us what Bill Macdonnel was doing on his vacation on Cape Cod., since we’d had but one card from him some time ago. The three of us had made plans to try some telepathic communication at certain times, but not hearing from Bill had sent these plans awry. [...]

The shape of the physical environment, for example, is not static; though it is made of material it is not one thing at one place and within one time, and not something else. That is, the quality that you call environment, and speak of as if it were one thing with one shape and form always, is indeed at various times many things in many places, with you at the focal point.

[...] This rather pleasant and definite feeling had good duration; at one time I felt as though I was turned to lie upon my right side, so that my left side was raised up. The feeling varied in intensity at times, and along with it I had the thrilling sensation in various limbs.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 4, 1984 Jeff subverted doesn death cheeks

[...] Jeff doesn’t suggest antibiotics at this time, but told me that the ulcers on Jane’s right knee and left hand won’t heal themselves, and that the new swelling on the top of her right shoulder may turn into another such area. [...]

[...] The passages are on death and suicide — natural death, no less, and how we continually interfere medically with people’s chosen time of death. [...]

[...] Although she obviously played a vital part in keeping herself alive, I believe that that action came after her own natural, chosen time of death had been subverted. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 15, 1984 faltering Gaye Webster Gym flexes

[...] The rest of the time I worked on Dreams. [...]

[...] But she needed the new one after the new girl on the floor had pulled it loose several times while taking care of her. [...]

[...] The pendulum told me I was fretting about losing time on Dreams.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 19, 1972 diet food interflow menstruational specialized

[...] A natural-enough resentment comes to the surface at times, natural enough under the circumstances, in which he objects to taking special time out, but largely he is overcoming that attitude and a more pliable attitude toward the body is being set up.

[...] Special diets, at particular times, restricted ones, can be of benefit in certain specialized areas of development, but there is always the danger of going overboard.

It may seem that results did not show (they didn’t) but Ruburt’s notebook clearly outlines various points of progress during that time. [...]

TES3 Session 137 March 3, 1965 action identity electrical perceived vitality

Action is not affected by time as you know it. [...] You may, however, only perceive parts of action in your time breakdown. Ideally, psychological time experiences will allow you to perceive action more clearly and directly. [...]

[...] The chair created then by any given individual, and perceived by him, is an identity in that it exists at any given time, without any exact duplication. [...]

The continued existence of your physical body is determined by action, although consciously you are not aware of this most of the time. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

[...] They die because of emotion and belief, and because there is a subjective rather than an objective time for dying. You live then in a personal universe, in which each being of whatever degree comes personally in contact with space and time, alive with meaning, alive as a portion of reality that no other being could or can replace.

[...] Jane had no questions for Seth other than her usual desire that he continue his material on Frameworks 1 and 2. I didn’t either, not having taken the time to focus on any.

It hints at the most precise and powerful focus, so that amid an infinity of data, events can be arranged at times so that two particular people, for example, separated in childhood, could, 30 years later, find themselves living next door to each other. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 hospital outcome disability won Kardon

(As usual, I said a lot of things in the short time we talked before company arrived. [...] An understandable-enough resolution, I said, and one I couldn’t argue with basically, since such a course could logically be the one chosen by some personalities—but it was also one that I didn’t choose at this time. [...]

[...] Of late the situation has led to at least a momentary framework in which physical disabilities take a good bit of mental and physical time. [...] Time is spent “getting better” that otherwise would be spent in any other area of activity. [...]

[...] I’d been aware of this possibility for some time, and wasn’t surprised that the time had come. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 22, 1970 onion Gert Cato Natalie church

In certain portions of your world there were memories from other peoples and other layers of existence, and these memories for some time remained. [...] Now this particular situation was reenacted many times and many places and not in one way only. [...]

Now, you also have the memory of your future existences, for time does not exist as it seems to you now, and a portion of you is aware of your future as it is aware of your past. And so also, in your terms of time, as this sifts through to the physical being you had a great dream of grandeurs achieved, and yet you look around and see them unachieved in the morning. [...]

[...] It is difficult to start an exam the second time when you knew you failed it the first time around. [...]

TPS3 Session 684 (Deleted Portion) February 20, 1974 paperback Seven worry optimum alone

[...] He has been over-suggesting again, particularly at nap time—at himself too much. [...]

Simply as a matter of temperament, this time of year has always made him impatient. [...]

Tell him that when he is writing a poem, or wants to, he does not stop each time he picks up a pen and says “I can’t do it.”

TES5 Session 236 February 28, 1966 drawing smudges tracing horizontal stickers

[...] Finally when Jane went to the post office just before closing time today to claim the package, it proved to be lost again, this time on the premises. [...]

By the time we are finished, we will have some excellent evidential material. By the time critics’ voices become noisy we will be ready to show what we can do. [...]

The inverted time system should be at least briefly explained in the Seth book. [...] It occurs to me however that it would be advantageous to include in the middle section my ideas concerning the construction of physical matter, the inverted time system, moment points, a discussion concerning the dream universe, and the system of probability. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session June 27, 1977 expression love verbally stomach unrealistic

Popular novelists and writers are above all things people of their times. [...] They cannot see beyond the times. [...] They share the belief systems of their times, and they are richly rewarded—generally speaking, now—for there is overall no great conflict between their natural works, their writing, and the world at large.

[...] On June 22 the pendulum told me that my stomach bothers me not because I don’t spend enough time painting, but because I feel guilty at spending the time I do, in view of all the other work with Jane that I feel I should be doing: working on sessions, “Unknown” Reality, etc.

[...] You are ahead of the times, and behind them—yet through the point of power you affect those times. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

Now in time, you will all receive individual sessions, and in time you will receive enough individual sessions so that you will have something upon which to build. [...]

[...] It is fine and well for me to come here and talk to you, but you are not taking time from your daily activities to develop your own abilities, not to look inward, and you (Theodore) need not be included here. You will have your sessions when you take some time to look within yourselves. [...]

[...] There was another point, however, that I wanted to make, and I have spoken to you many times to get this simple point across, and yet by your actions this evening, all of you then, I can see that I have not put that point across. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

(“The trouble appears to be in the lower left groin or side, with ramifications at times in the left testicle. [...] Today, my stomach began bothering; I’ve taken baking soda three times, and that seemed to help, if temporarily, each time. [...]

[...] Pendulum tells me the side bothers because I’m not working on Mass Reality, which will get us money, whereas Through My Eyes is a less-certain project, would take longer, and the time I spend on it is time lost on Mass Reality. [...]

[...] You start thinking “How much time is available?” when the very creative thoughts themselves make more time available.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 16, 1984 berserk invader immunity vie temp

[...] You also possess what is often called the subconscious, and this merely consists of feelings, thoughts or experiences that are connected to your conscious mind, but would be considered excess baggage if you had to be aware of them all of the time. [...]

If you tried to hold all of those subconscious memories uppermost in your mind all of the time, then you would literally be unable to think or act in the present moment at all. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) Reasoning takes time. [...]

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