Results 501 to 520 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

I tell you this now again, except that the improvement should be far more startling: the time and the season and Ruburt’s psychological state are right. This is why I have taken the time from my book for this session, and the other recent ones for him. [...]

Sitting down at the desk to write poetry, the act and intention automatically reminds Ruburt of all the times that he has written poetry before, and primes the pump, so to speak. [...]

[...] My word to him now then, for the 100th time—but now he will take it—is to allow himself spontaneity on a daily basis, the feeling of playfulness. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 570, March 1, 1971 stages Speakers layers undifferentiated sleep

[...] You cannot yourselves keep track of it for five full moments of your time. The dimensions of it can only be sensed by those determined enough to take the time and effort required to journey through their own subjective realities. Yet intuitively each individual knows that a part of his experience escapes from him all the time. [...]

Somewhere during this time he will go into a deeply protected area of sleep, where he is at the threshold to other layers of reality and probabilities. At this point his experiences will be out of all context to time as you know it. [...]

[...] Jane was surprised, since she thought much more time had passed. [...]

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

[...] I had been using suggestion at various times through the day; trying Seth’s method, I noticed an amazing improvement at once. I slept well the night of the 6th, and sneezed but five times the whole following day. [...]

It makes no difference that physical time does not exist as you imagine, since you act as if it does. For this reason physical time is involved. [...]

[...] This time I cemented a collection of used U.S. postage stamps, still on original paper, to a folded piece of white paper. [...]

TES5 Session 225 January 19, 1966 Colucci Negro Dr dentist Madison

[...] The idea of inverted time states that time flows in all directions, and that as each action affects every other action, so time constantly affects itself and continually reacts within itself. [...]

[...] But do not regard this hopping from moment to moment, as from stone to stone, as the approximation of time as it actually exists. The nature of perceptions determines the experience of time.

[...] As Jane did last time she visited Dr. Colucci in May 1965, I put myself in a trance state as an experiment, and was very comfortable. [...]

TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness

[...] Several issues are involved: Ruburt’s own mood at the time, for one thing. [...] For a short period of time, Ruburt turned his creative energy, as he knows, I believe, inward rather than outward, knotted it up, misdirected it, did not focus it properly, and turned it into destructive energy.

I would like to devote a little time this evening to a matter that concerns Ruburt rather deeply. [...]

At the same time the animal was denied the usual constructive psychic atmosphere in which it usually is allowed to operate. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 14, 1978 polarized disapproval subjective exterior shoveling

You believed that you should be outgoing, vigorous, somewhat competitive, and you believed you should be socially oriented, while at the same time you believed that those things conflicted in a basic way with other drives. You felt you should be introverted, have periods of isolation, time to sit and think, to write and paint, to look inward rather than outward. In periods of intense inner activity that were enjoyable and productive, you disapproved of yourselves because you were not at the same time socially oriented, vigorously involved in exercises, or physically oriented pursuits, and so you disapproved of yourselves.

[...] She has walked faster at times, and there has been improvement in the musculature definition of her knees.

Since you are obviously able to enjoy physical activity at times, you chose to remain alone rather than “play with the others.” [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 sacrifice Ned evolved Chary isolated

Now if you had all been really paying attention to what I have said for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful as a tale as the theory of Biblical creation. [...]

Now within your reality, as you think of it and as you understand it, the population at any given time is seeded by certain particular entities. [...] You are working toward certain kinds of development that can happen, in your terms and in your terms only, only in your space and in your time. [...]

([Sue:] “Is there anybody here who has another personality in this same time?”)

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

(She had a very restless night and called me several times. One time, at about 4:00 AM, her legs were very restless, so she got back up in her chair. [...] I mentioned at the time that maybe she could do some dictation this morning about her new insights, and this session is the result. [...]

[...] So Dr. Kardon’s visit was behind Robby’s suggestion that I look at my own sinful-self material, and I intuitively felt that the time was probably right. [...]

[...] They had to do with my religious upbringing, my joy and appreciation of my creative abilities, and my fear of using them at the same time, lest they lead me astray—or lead my followers astray. [...]

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

(This is the first time Jane has had such an experience in the waking state, although she has seen many things in psychological time experiments. [...]

(I have long been aware that the yoga exercises have a powerful effect on me personally, and that I evidently end up in a dissociated state at times after doing them. [...] The last time I heard voices they chattered away at a great rate, like a tape played too fast.

[...] This passivity comes rather easily to you under such conditions, as those that existed at the time.

TES2 Session 55 May 20, 1964 molecules psychio outer expand arbitrary

[...] This time she was quite aware of Seth’s concern lest anyone, upon reading this section of the material, commit suicide in a misguided effort to prove that it is possible for the consciousness to get along without the physical body. Jane said that at times she is aware of as many as three separate, parallel streams of thought, at the same time as she is giving voice to one of them.)

(As break began, I realized that my hands felt fat or enlarged; at the same time Jane said hers did also, and that she had been aware of it earlier in the session but forgot to mention it. [...] At such times the skin acquires a taut, almost flushed look, and the fingers feel strained when they are doubled up. [...]

(Jane also announced that at various times during the past two or three weeks, she had had the feeling of her left foot or hand—never the right—being plunged in hot water. [...] It will happen at any time—at work, at home, etc. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

[...] Even with your projected technology, this would involve great elements of time. Imagine here, now, that the screen’s picture is off-center to begin with, so that everything is distorted to some extent, and going out into space seems to be going backward into time.

(Pause.) If the picture were magically centered, then all “time” would be seen to flow out from the instant moment4 of perception, the private now; and in many ways the mass now, or mass perception, represents the overall now-point of your planet. From that now, “time” goes out in all probable directions. [...]

[...] True space travel would of course be time-space travel,5 in which you learned how to use points in your own universe as “dimensional clues” that would serve as entry points into other worlds. [...] You not only tune in the picture but you also create the props, the entire history of the life and times, hyphen — but in living three-dimensional terms, and “you” are within that picture.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba

[...] The shadow of time glimmers in his eyes as the still imperfected memory of past constructions lingers in his consciousness. [...] The amoeba must construct its small world without reflection and without time as we know it.

[...] She retired from her position as a high school drama teacher and spent more and more time in her little apartment.

[...] I stayed with her for a short time, trying to be as comforting as I could. [...]

TES3 Session 124 January 23, 1965 aura features light achieved distinguish

I only suggest that you watch Ruburt as he moves; and I must remind you that upon other occasions when results had been achieved, your minds had been focused along these directions for a long period of time, comparatively speaking, and whether you realized it or not your psychic energies had been so focused. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, the subconscious focus at all times must be achieved first. [...]

[...] At the same time she rose and began to pace slowly about.

[...] At times during regular sessions, I have introduced effects, but for various reasons you have either failed to observe them, or have not been able to.

UR1 Appendix 2: (For Session 680) sportsman sports limber unpredictable chose

[...] You felt conflicts at times. [...] Time spent writing meant time not spent painting. [...]

The time is right for you to enlarge your focus. You must realize it is futile to say, “Why does understanding take so much time?” or, “Why have we been so opaque?” or, in your case, “Why has it taken me so long to be a good painter?”

ECS1 Jane’s Impressions: Theodore Muldoon, April 8, 1969 Syracuse thatthere figurehead muldoon ninety

[...] I get, Theodore, that anything involving Syracuse would, with you directly up there I guess, be definitely more confining than down here no matter what it looked like ahead of time. And something about—anything involving Syracuse would involve you as a figurehead only—no matter what you have been told ahead of time. And that there are still expansions down here—and that at least one of them could emerge or appear more clearly within a fairly short time now, say ninety days. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 27, 1971 attitudes de ne ra vacation

[...] Time spent in the preparation of meals, in your social activity, in travel, was wasted time, and his attitude was largely shared by you. [...]

[...] Now I wonder if Jane will take my painting full time as a sign that her course of action was right all along, and simply intensify her withdrawal. Earlier today I told her I didn’t have any more time to wait, because of my physical age, that I no longer wanted to wait, etc. [...]

(I showed them to Jane after the session and asked her to translate them, as she has done with the Christmas card I made for her, but she hasn’t had time to do so as I begin typing this the next evening. [...]

TES6 Session 263 May 29, 1966 verbatim bleak Boston published Tennessee

[...] Jane sat opposite me, her eyes closed part of the time, and resumed as Seth at 11:28.)

[...] Now, and S and a G, and there will be physical signs for dear Ruburt, when the time comes for physical signs.

A 4 and a 6, with a block between, the block having to do with a period of time. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

[...] There were hard times. [...] We had been on that land a long time and then you people came in and looked down on us. [...]

([Jane:] “You didn’t even know at that time?”

([Bette:] “I didn’t know at the time what was actually going on and I don’t think...”

TPS4 Session 812 (Deleted Portion) October 1, 1977 tooth George cavity hypnosis acanthus

[...] This weekend—it’s Sunday afternoon as I type this—we’ve been literally so occupied that we didn’t take the time to go food shopping for the week’s supply. This means extra time later in the week to make up. Nor did Jane get her mail answered yesterday, as she had planned to do, nor did she find the time to putter about in the house, either in her writing room, or the studio annex.)

[...] At this time, the right side is particularly active from the head down, and one eye is therefore sometimes more active than the other, causing the image difficulties. [...]

If you keep Framework 2 in mind, much of these stages can be vastly minimized, and the work with hypnosis that I suggested gives you such a method of inserting data, here, that accelerates motion in Framework 2, and greatly cuts down the time and effort involved in Framework 1. Of course, (with wry amusement) if you each are convinced that the venture was important-enough in your lives, and would get the results, you would have clamored to begin such experiments.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 Roe bedsores Peggy nurse Kardon

(I do seem to be slowly learning that Seth may be avoiding being pinned down to material that’s too specific at this time. Perhaps he feels that it isn’t needed at this time, that it’s simply better to just let Jane’s natural healing abilities do their work, now that that “corner in probabilities” has been turned.... [...] Maybe through the graces of Framework 2, the course we’re following, if reluctantly, isn’t so bad after all at this time. [...]

[...] At the same time, I wanted material on why Jane might be perpetuating behavior that might lead her back into the hospital—an experience which she’d found to be so traumatic last time. [...]

[...] Various things can spark such feelings, according to the circumstances, while at another time the same kind of stimulus may not apply at all.

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