Results 481 to 500 of 1864 for stemmed:time

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977 television actors programs Framework screen

1. The basic simultaneity of time is the most fascinating of all of Seth’s ideas, I think. [...] I wrote about reconstructing the past, simultaneous time, and dreams early in Note 2 for Session 801. Also see the material on Seth and his simultaneous time in the opening notes for the 806th session.

[...] Another long period — 10 weeks this time — has passed following Seth’s last session for Mass Events. [...] When the sessions don’t work out that way I can feel somewhat uneasy, while realizing at the same time that a number of compensating factors may be at work. [...]

[...] Second, if one keeps in mind Seth’s ideas about simultaneous time, that basically all happens at once [even considering Seth’s own acknowledgment that time “…is therefore still a reality of some kind to me”], then it hardly matters how long a break transpires between particular sessions; there is no real separation; dictation on any subject or project can be resumed whenever all involved — Jane, Seth, and myself — choose, and it will be as though the break never existed. [...]

TES5 Session 201 October 25, 1965 story Freeze airplane chilly motel

(It was now time for Jane to attempt to tune in on Bill and Peggy Gallagher for the last time while they were on vacation. [...] Her pace once again became quite slow, with many pauses; although she would give a paragraph of material rather quickly at times between pauses. [...]

(Jane knew which psy-time experience Seth referred to. [...] From her psy-time notebook:

(In the 104th session, Seth said that Jane would sell some of the short stories from the group she was working on at the time of the session. [...] Enough time lapses between her short-story work so that it is easy to keep the groups separate. [...]

TSM Chapter Five Stevenson refrigerator Phil gumboils Rob

[...] There is no doubt that he is unaware at times of his surroundings during sessions. It is a phenomenon in which he gives consent, and he could, at any time, return his conscious attention to his physical environment.

I’ve devoted some time and space to the early Seth sessions so that the reader could become acquainted with part of the material as it was given to us. Some of it seems so rudimentary to us now that it’s difficult to recall the amazement we felt at the time. [...]

In a way, Dr. Stevenson’s letter came at an unfortunate time. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] A couple of times when she rested, she dozed off while I worked with the mail. [...] When Lorrie came in to take her temperature—97.6—Jane had a hard time stopping long enough for it to be done. “I had a hell of a time stopping.” [...]

[...] Georgia had brought the menus for the week, but I didn’t get time to fill out all of them. [...]

[...] “I feel that impetus to sit up again, back in my spine,” she said a couple of times. [...]

TPS5 Session 851 (Deleted Portion) May 7, 1979 overnight abstinence ve dissolve deleted

[...] I’ve done a lot of yard work—it seems to be a very therapeutic activity at this time—and worked on filing. [...] The discomfort in the groin/testicle area is much less, at times absent altogether, and I believe that my steady rereading of Seth’s recent private material for me has helped a great deal here. I’ve also taken to using mental imagery in this field, and will continue to do so for some time; I think there’s no reason why that can’t be effective also. [...]

[...] I think the session could well be a very important one for both of us, and that it’s hardly a coincidence that it came along at this time. Jane continues to improve in her walking—she’s up to 12 times daily, with the aid of her typing table—so we seemed to have retreated from the prospect of her becoming so inactive that she stopped getting on her feet. That realization had to come before anything else could be done, of course—so tonight’s session and the questions we’ve been asking lately about the symptoms certainly seem to have come about at the right time.)

This session should be of value at this particular time, but I do not want you to dwell upon the reasons for the condition. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

([Arnold:] “We have existed an infinitely long time and will continue for an infinitely long time. [...]

[...] Now, do not forget that through the centuries, and through time, information had to be given according to the background of the time, and oftentimes questions had to be answered in the terms in which they were asked and the questions themselves that were asked were often loaded. [...]

[...] There are also some excellent points in that book and I will at some time, in your terms, begin a discussion or a monologue, on the origin of mankind as you know it. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 921, October 8, 1980 schizophrenic devil demons personifications debased

[...] Some stood for forces of nature that could very well be at times advantageous, and at times disadvantageous—as, for example, the god of storms might be very welcome at one time, in periods of drought, while his powers might be quite dreaded if he overly satisfied his people. [...]

In your terms of time, man has always projected unassimilated psychological elements of his own personality outward, but in much earlier times he did this using a multitudinous variety of images, personifications, gods, goddesses, demons and devils, good spirits and bad. [...]

There were no schizophrenics in the time of the pagans, for the belief systems did not support that kind of interpretation. [...] It [did so] because many of the behavior patterns associated, now, with schizophrenia, are “distorted and debased” remnants of behavior patterns that are part and parcel of man’s heritage, and that harken back to activities and abilities that at one time had precise social meaning, and served definite purposes.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

I have nothing against bestsellers, and as I predicted the books will succeed financially beyond anything you would have thought—but over a period of time, in a dependable fashion, and in a way that will also best be suited to the temper of the times. [...]

When you publish a paperback of ours, this is like publishing a new book for the first time. [...]

The immediate money resulting with the contracts served as financial reinforcement at a time when you and Ruburt needed it. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 21, 1972 discontent displaced freelancing elephants roared

[...] Danger signals only too apparently showed with you as soon as you accepted full-time work. [...] The part-time course filled some of those other mentioned subsidiary needs however, so this you found more bearable.

You, personally, have been gravely perturbed because of your job for some time. [...]

When you begin devoting your time to your painting you will be satisfying then a deep need of your being, and therefore energized. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 8, 1971 Davey Joel Oslo sway opium

[...] You have a strong core of energy tested too early and not under the best of circumstances, though at the time you may have believed so. You are much easier now, but at the time, there was an explosion of energy on your part that you did not understand, and you were afraid that in this explosion of energy you would go too far outward and there would be nothing left, so to speak, that you would get away from yourself and lose yourself beyond all hopes of recovery. [...]

[...] You spent, also, some time in Ireland, and this is approximately now 1732 to 1750 at which time you retired. [...]

[...] I received the impression of your absolute hatred of your husband that rushed through you at that time that had just evolved in terror. [...]

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

Now it makes no difference, basically, how you present the material, as long as it is presented; whether you let the stream flow on consecutively, one wave at a time, or whether you present it a bucket at a time, scooped up from various places. [...]

[...] One approach at one time does not negate the use of another approach at another time.

[...] It can be presented at various times in various ways, each complementary. There will be, at some time, those interested in a study in depth of the material; and as Ruburt’s students have seen to it that their need is satisfied, so will these people see to it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 12, 1984 blueness Karina Shawn lipstick eyebrow

[...] But in the meantime there is much variation, unevenness, and times when the vision is quite unclear. [...] Ruburt is not looking at his own eyes all of the time — so that mysteriousness is somehow taken for granted. [...]

[...] I had yesterday’s session typed, and she tried several times to read it without success — even after I’d given her eyedrops, she just couldn’t do it today. [...]

(Long pause.) It may be far more pleasant to be good-humored all of the time — but in Ruburt’s situation the fairly infrequent periods of blueness do indeed operate therapeutically, so that he is able to express those feelings through tears, and therefore relieve the body of expressing the same feelings through additional symptoms.

TES8 Session 376 October 30, 1967 table sitters field sensitive Sheryl

[...] It is not a matter necessarily of how much time you spend, for admittedly your hours are well consumed. [...]

[...] We will describe one method at a time.

On occasion, when circumstances are unusually favorable, an apparition can appear at such times, because of the power and plastic nature of the force field involved. [...]

TES9 Session 508 November 20, 1969 Rich Diane flashgun Betty photos

[...] The existence however was some time ago, BC, hence you see the clothing itself does not apply. [...] There are also other portraits that you will do involving your family at that time. [...]

[...] After pictures were over, Seth also returned several times to answer some of Rich’s questions. [...]

[...] In another past life, Seth said he had been a member of a religion that no longer existed in our terms; that he would tell Jane and me about it some time, and that we would find it very interesting.

TPS5 Session 871 (Deleted Portion) August 6, 1979 stopper glass rain wind blast

(Jane became so relaxed as session time approached that she told me several times that she’d have to put off the session until tomorrow night. At the same time, she had a lot of material in mind from Seth—on the glass experience; a dream I’d had on August 1, in which I’d found her lying on the floor in the bathroom doorway; and a fairly strong earthquake that had struck south of San Francisco, California, this afternoon. [...]

[...] At that time Jane was sitting at the kitchen table, perhaps seven feet from the open porch door. [...]

Now; one thing at a time—and we hope to tie it all together. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 2, 1984 donations options quackery insurance driveway

(I’ve made good use of the time. [...] I’ve paid bills and actually feel like I can relax and draw a deep breath at times, when I consider the improving state of our finances, work, insurance problems, and so forth.

(On March 29, last Thursday, I failed to get to the hospital to see Jane for the first time since she was admitted last April 20. [...]

[...] Because of the true nature of time, and the interrelationships of consciousness, a future life affects a past one, for in actuality all of these existences happen simultaneously. [...]

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

(Smile.) And my dear friend, my time is not your time, and there are many probabilities and hence often a time variance.

There is an extract from alfalfa that will be of benefit in approximately three weeks time, if progress continues. [...]

[...] (Jane’s parapsychology classes.) Thursday evening is a good time. [...]

UR2 Appendix 14: (For Session 708) Atlantis Critias Plato Solon b.c

[...] Looking backward in time, Plato heard the story of Atlantis from his maternal uncle, Critias the Younger, who was told about it by his father, Critias the Elder, who heard about it through the works of the Athenian statesman and lawgiver, Solon, who had lived two centuries earlier [c. 640–559 B.C.]; and Solon got the story of Atlantis from Egyptian priests, who got it from ———? Whether Atlantis actually existed in historic terms, its location, the time of its suggested demise, and so forth, are of course points strongly contested by scholars, scientists, and others.

(The morning after the above session had been held [on September 30, 1974], I asked Jane to write down what she’d told me at about 1:15 A.M. I remembered her description of it at the time, even though I’d been pretty bleary by then, but I wanted her own version for use here. [...]

[...] Without giving away any “secrets,” I can write that on both occasions Seth discussed the subject in conjunction with his postulates about ideals, myths, religion, probabilities, and the simultaneous nature of time.)

TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1982 Michaellen Fred Underwood Conyers foods

[...] There are times, you see, when certain foods are of great benefit, and times when they are not. A few “natural” milkshakes with ice cream, or sodas, such as you purchase in any American drugstore (with much amusement), can be quite beneficial at times, even though they would be considered quite antinatural by the natural-food organizations. The body at times needs certain kinds of fats, and at other times does not—so when you make too many food laws (pause), then there are at least indications of the old Jewish dietary habits. [...]

[...] Jane was quiet for some time after the session. For the first time in a long while, I’d say, her delivery and manner was much more like the Seth of old —firm and amused and emphatic in turn, and free of tremor, with pauses as usual. [...]

[...] She’d mentioned a session earlier in the day, and so had I. At the same time she’d slept in her chair most of the day, and was doing so again at the card table, when I finally got out there at about 7:55. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session June 14, 1972 church prophet intellectual Doran Christs

(9:40.) Give us time.... [...]

He was trying to go ahead and not go ahead at the same time.

Some of my material is difficult to accept intuitively and intellectually at one time. [...]

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