Results 441 to 460 of 1864 for stemmed:time

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 561, November 25, 1970 Carl multidimensional regular disquietude class

[...] But the time has come for mankind to take several steps further, to expand the nature of his own consciousness by trying to comprehend a more profound version of reality. You have outgrown the time of children’s tales. [...]

So, using the psychological bridge at such times, Ruburt can have a session. [...] It is a matter of tuning into the kind of energy that he does in our sessions, and simply because of present circumstances and development, three times a week is sufficient.

I will in due time identify the figure of the third Christ personality. [...]

TES3 Session 147 April 19, 1965 habit action smoking insulation exhausted

(Last Thursday, April 15, as we were driving about Elmira on errands, Jane mentioned to me that she missed trying psychological time. [...] Jane then received the information, she believes from Seth, to the effect that she might soon be allowed to resume psy-time, but only for fifteen-minute periods, and during the evening when I would be home with her.

As the springtime progresses this will be an excellent time for Ruburt to cease his smoking, as his abilities renew themselves. Earlier in the year was a poor time.

(Seth has predicted sale of the ESP book, and of the material itself many times. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 6, 1984 blue SuperDuper periods Framework reflected

[...] I worked on Dreams but an hour this morning, and once again, told her that I was concerned about lost working time on the book. [...]

At the same time, you both should — and do — try to turn your minds in other directions, so that the periods do not linger. [...]

[...] It is a good idea, then, to remember that regardless of appearances at any given time, those issues are being settled to your satisfaction. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 735 February 3, 1975 apple composition melody music contradictions

[...] Yet all are in the same overall composition, in “time,” so that time itself serves as the scale (gesturing) in which the [musical] number is written — chosen as a matter of organization, focus, and framework.

(The phone stopped ringing — at last.) As contemporaries, counterparts choose a particular time framework. The time format alone makes certain focuses clear, that in your terms could not be made in another context. [...]

(“Tonight I did have the feeling — for the first time — that ‘Unknown’ Reality was heading toward an end,” Jane said, “that Seth will soon be getting ready to tie it up, and incorporate the ending with the beginning … Not right away; but it’s the first time I’ve felt that.”

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

In a dream, I have said, you can experience many days while no corresponding amount of physical time passes. [...] Now, condensed time is the time felt by the entity, while any of its given personalities live on a plane of physical materialization. [...]

Human self-consciousness existed in psychological time, and in inner ‘time’ long before you, as a species, constructed it. [...]

Belgium in 1632, and our Phillip, in a rather sensational case for the times, actually brought this husband to a village triala particularly unusual occurence at that time. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

[...] They yearn, often without recognizing it, for the remembered knowledge of early childhood, when it seems that they experienced for a time a dimension of experience in which the unexpected was taken for granted, when “magical events” occurred quite naturally. [...] At such times the conserving elements in nature and in society itself do not seem as strong as they did before. [...] You are in such times now.

And she does well at times. When she began writing Magical Approach, she even surprised me by occasionally helping me get breakfast, cooking bacon and eggs at the hot plate I’d set up for her some seven months ago on the kitchen table.4 Although she could work at the table while sitting down, she’d given up those simple, nurturing acts of food preparation many weeks ago; her fingers weren’t working well enough, she told me at the time; she didn’t trust herself enough to handle hot food—and I admit that when she implied a risk, the chance of an accident, I stopped encouraging her to help me with meals.

[...] They offered enthusiasm and faith and reinforcement to both of us, and renewed in us a fine nostalgia for old, seemingly more innocent times—even though all of us knew that that was illusory: Basically, those class days, those class years, couldn’t have been any more innocent than any other times; it was just that hindsight helped!

TES7 April 10, 1967 Notes Regarding Session Friday, September 23, 1966 Barb bristly child illegitimate buck

[...] “Turnabout with the child, a complete change of plan or a turnabout” refers to the fact that she wanted to keep the baby but its father refused to marry her and pushed her into having it adopted; she was a minor also at the time. 1947 is mentioned, the year she met the child’s father; the age 17 is mentioned; she was 17 when she met him: a school connection mentioned and she was still in school at the time.

[...] The child had been her own illegitimate child, she had not wanted to tell us this at the time and had been too surprised at the session to do anything; she had wanted to leave but hadn’t it seems been able to.

(Toward the end of the session, I was in an emotional turmoil, still in trance and for this Barb told me at the time she had no explanation. [...]

TPS1 Session 223 (Deleted Portion) January 16, 1966 Scotty Marilyn Wellsburg omitted Mihalyk

(Jane and I had visited the Wilburs at their trailer in Wellsburg last Friday evening, January 14, 1966, and met for the first time their 2-year old son, Scotty. When we left Jane forgot her pocketbook and Marilyn returned it Saturday morning; she had her son with her and Jane had more time to observe him. [...]

(When I spend too much time going out, Seth told me, too many evenings in a row visiting or dancing, I get depressed because I feel it is a waste of time in spite of the psychic benefits to be derived from being with others. [...]

TPS5 Session 835 (Deleted Portion) February 7, 1979 conk movements shovel deleted especially

[...] “I want to have a session, but ever since supper time I’ve had the greatest feelings of healing and relaxation—especially in my legs. [...] So I’m telling you about this ahead of time, just in case I conk out or something. [...]

(Then at 9:04 Jane discovered a sudden freedom in bodily motion: She could reach across her chest with her left arm, toward her right side, at the same time that she turned to the right from the hips—a movement I hadn’t seen her execute in years.... [...]

(It had been snowing for several hours by the time the session was due. [...]

TPS4 Session 830 (Deleted Portion) March 27, 1978 disruptions persistence George Josette primarily

[...] She said she was “mad”—an adjective I’d heard her use several times earlier today as she talked about her own physical state, beliefs, control, etc. [...]

[...] You do share psychic memories, and hold in common the memories of other selves who did live in the time of the Roman-soldier incident.

These counterparts are psychic relationships, formations that in the deepest terms flow into historic time and out of it. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 18, 1982 dozing Conyers Ellsbeth Honolulu surveillance

[...] The night before last, for the first time, she slept practically the whole night lying on her left side—a feat she’s been unable to accomplish for perhaps years. [...] She’s been more and more relaxed lately, and for hours at a time. [...]

(Sometimes I wonder if I’m supposed to work on Dreams these days at all—whether it may not be a project whose time is not yet for either Jane or me. [...]

(Long pause, dozing.) I bid you then a fond good evening, stressing once more, however, that additional material that you want will be given, and we will know when the time is right. [...]

TPS2 Session 667 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1973 spotlight dancing financial situation highlighted

[...] Quite simply to you it seemed not the place or the time, precisely because to Ruburt it did seem the place and the time. [...]

[...] You wanted time to figure out how you would handle the situation if sales continued as they began. [...]

There will be a foundation of sorts, and investments, for that is a part of Ruburt’s particular nature, but this will come in time as you want it. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes from Session on June 25, 1977 Reflexology knees towels three policy

2. Three times a week, hot towels to knees for head, eyes, knees.

6. Do the library together at least three times a week.

7. Walk from one end of the house to the other three times a day.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

Whenever you think that you have a headache simply because you have a headache; or you bump into a door simply because you bump into a door; or you have an accident simply because you happen to be in a particular place at a particular time; whenever you feel yourself powerless, then you think that accidents happen and that you have no control over them. [...] And as I have said, time and time again, you form the physical reality that you know. [...]

Now, I have been both a mother and a father many times and so I understand your problem but the fact is this. When you are a parent it is impossible for you to completely remember your own childhood or to understand the feelings of consciousness that are growing at that time. [...] The consciousness, by that time, far more free than your own and you are quite jealous of their spontaneity and of their inner understanding. [...]

[...] The same applies to your psy-time exercises. [...] Your psy-time should not be simply for the purpose of getting outside of your body or having an out-of-body experience. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1980 spider artist web esthetic acclaim

(My own hassles with my side, groin and scrotum are the usual ones I’ve had at times before—especially last year at this time. [...] However, at various times the pendulum has given me all kinds of other reasons for my physical ills: taxes, money, Jane’s symptoms, success and failure—the works, one might say. [...] I don’t suppose this description adequately describes the depth of my feelings, since I’ve really been bothered for some time, to the extent that I no longer feel free physically, and once again have contemplated seeking medical help as a last resort.

[...] The visit was quite enjoyable, and it marked the first time in days that I’d forgotten my aches and pains, as I realized when it was all over. [...]

[...] As I’ve told Jane several times lately, the renewing rain reminded me once again of the wonders of nature, and I thought once again of living a natural life outdoors in the environment of woods and elements, summer and winter. [...]

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

[...] As session time approached she had no idea of what her procedure would be—whether she would sit, stand, pace, open or close her eyes, etc. She was still worried also about the time element when her eyes were closed, and we agreed that I would ask for breaks if it seemed the monologues might carry past the customary half-hour limit.

[...] She was not bothered by any conception of time while speaking; yet she still wanted to be sure she “came out” on time.

(The following data are from Jane’s psychological time notebook: January 5, Tuesday: No results in particular. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

Since our last session, you both made considerable efforts, so that you momentarily managed to suspend self-disapproval for some periods of time. [...] It was obvious to both of you, I believe, that at times Ruburt would stand a good deal taller. [...]

Last night’s events cannot be discussed without a brief preview of the time since our last session. [...]

On many of those occasions Ruburt’s back would bend over in the usual fashion as the knees continued their activity, because that was necessary as the adjustments at that time were made. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 24, 1978 risks bodybuilders prerogatives health Bowman

Ruburt is doing well with the point of power exercise, and I suggest he take the same amount of time to open himself up to intuitive material from the library, or otherwise. It is natural-enough that when he is beginning to use his body more that at times he becomes more aware of it, and of the time involved, and so forth. He must also remember Sumari time, for the creative imagination works no matter what you are doing.

(At the same time, her responses are at times very uncomfortable as the body begins readjusting various portions of itself, like long-unused mechanisms that need prompting and lubrication to start working more smoothly. [...] At times such changes make it very difficult for her to get around, yet they are obviously signs of change for the better.

[...] But primarily, my original question had to do with Jane’s own case, and at this time that was the one we were still interested in gaining insight into.)

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

Now Ruburt had only one parent available most of the time (long pause), and he did not feel secure in that relationship—a situation chosen ahead of time, now. [...] There are also periods in people’s lives, rhythmic times, when the self seeks to cast off certain such bindings for the pursuit and acceptance of still further data and knowledge. [...]

(Jane surprised me at supper time by saying she felt Seth around and wanted to have a session. [...] “Other times, like now, I do, so....” [...]

[...] She still sleeps pretty good most of the time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 10, 1977 ligaments distractions bodily artillery nerves

Living each day at a time, you respond to the present, and you need not in one day protect yourself from a lifetime of projected distractions or threats to your time that must, in your day, be imaginary, since they are probable events from the future.

[...] The tension in the head area was applied gradually over a period of time. [...]

The body’s latest efforts to heal itself, Ruburt’s strong intent to become flexible, and your own help and encouragement, have led to a situation in which all of those tensions, exerted over a long period of time, are in the process of rather speedily being released. [...]

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