Results 361 to 380 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS3 Deleted Session May 26, 1975 distractions chores laughable painting novelist

[...] I put this to you—that you spend time in the same way, but in your way, concentrating upon all that stands in the way of your work and concentration, until finally your work time seems consumed. [...] You spend four times as much time worrying about the distractions as the so-called distractions themselves actually take. [...]

[...] You do not seem to have time in a day to do what you want. [...] How many times have you said that to yourself—yet in that statement lies great freedom, for you must change your belief.

[...] It was still in force by the time the session began. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, May 25, 1971 Ron Brady evil pope Theodore

[...] Unless I summon the self that I was at that time, the memories for details are not that clear. [...] We did not have as many guards at that time, but we had many stolen paintings and jewels of great merit. Now some of these jewels, as well as the money, went for expeditions that you do not realize were adopted at that time, having to do with commerce and ships sent through Africa, and this interest had to do with my later life when I was involved with the oregano. [...]

[...] Any such intervention would only occur on the part of a personality who was, for the present time, physical. [...] But he would exist historically in your time and not, for example, be a ghost whispering in the night. [...]

[...] And so that despite you and your concepts of value, creativity always emerges triumphant, and those that are killed in one war come back to fight against war the next time, and hopefully, you teach yourselves some lessons. [...] The mistakes in the long run, and in your terms, will not count, but they are very real to you at this time. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 933, August 7, 1981 Bahais pleasure tribe dreamers Shiite

[...] She’d had trouble doing that at various times in the past year. Such a book would involve the publication of much Seth material that could either lie in our files for a long time, or never be published. [...]

Then just before session time, I mentioned my question about her sinful self’s reactions to our efforts to help her in recent weeks. [...] I explained that I think Seth’s and our own endeavors on her behalf had been negated each time because we’d alerted her sinful self’s fears—making it try harder to protect her according to its own very restrictive orientation.

Group dreaming was at one time taken for granted as a natural human characteristic—in a tribe, for example, when new locations were being sought, perhaps in time of drought. [...]

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

[...] As noted, at times I’d felt that that was the case. [...] Our challenges in this physical/nonphysical existence reign supreme, regardless of other possible long-term influences like reincarnation or time travel, for example. Or—yes—even religion: a subject I would like to explore in depth if ever I can create the several years of camouflage time necessary to do so. [...] Seth did offer insights, excellent ones of certain very creative depths that we more than welcomed, while all the time being quite aware, I think, that the beautiful young woman through whom he spoke—who let him speak—had her own agenda at the same time. [...]

[...] Talk about the elasticity of “time,” as Seth often did! [...] As Seth told us in Session 20, on January 23, 1964: “Time and space, dear friends, are both camouflage patterns, therefore the fact that the inner senses can conquer time and space is not, after all, so surprising. To the mind with its subconscious, and to the inner senses, there is no time or space....” [...]

[...] Strangely, the traveling aspect of the symptoms bothered us the least: we were too immersed in our daily lives with either full-time or part-time jobs (in the beginning), but always with writing, painting, the Seth material, ESP class, seeing friends, and so forth. [...] We made dated notes and times of her impressions so she could check them when our friends returned. [...] Jane did have direct hits listed, but for other impressions Peg and Bill couldn’t agree on the accuracy and/or timing of certain activities. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 15, 1984 Trapeze defying stunts Margaret regulated

Individuals who defy death time and time again are actually more frightened of it than most other people are. [...]

[...] At times I’ve even wondered if I recorded the dream accurately, since in it I didn’t see him having a heart attack, only rubbing his chest area with Margaret helping him, and myself there as only a witness. Margaret thinks the dream remarkable, and is going to check details time-wise.)

(Jane’s Seth voice was stronger than usual — indeed, almost loud at times, with the usual pauses.)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

(And Jane, now I’ll tell you that as you had a crying spell last night—so have I at various times since you went into the hospital last April. [...] Other times I would suddenly begin crying as I ate breakfast, or heard a familiar song on television, or sat at my typewriter working on Dreams. [...] But for a long time—months—I lived with tears just beneath the surface, you might say, as I wondered what was going to happen to us, why you were so sick, what we’d done wrong all those years, and so forth. [...]

[...] This went on for some time. [...] I decided I’d better keep track of the times I spontaneously feel good....” [...]

[...] A couple of minutes later she said, “Every time I start to compose myself for a session my legs start moving—but I shouldn’t complain about that, should I? [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive

[...] You leave from any moment of your time and you are gone sometimes for centuries of physical time. [...]

(We each described our reactions to Seth II and what we saw at the time.)

[...] You are afraid of going off into your own realities afar from your fellows ...and yet to a large degree you do so all of the time in the daily life that you know. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 629, November 29, 1972 Augustus analyst cure invasion suicidal

This is done many times without the main personality realizing what is really going on. [...] Both are methods to uncover invisible conscious beliefs — that are accepted by you consciously at any given time, say, and deliberately ignored at another given time.

(As usually happens at this time of year, we’ve begun to miss some regularly scheduled sessions. Jane and I figure that from now on they’ll probably be held irregularly into January, 1973; partly because of our holiday activities, which we enjoy, but also because this seems to be a natural time of rest for us — although Jane plans to keep her ESP and writing classes going as usual.

[...] If the analyst, over a period of time, should convince Augustus that his condition in the present resulted from some specific inhibited event in the past, and if the analyst was an intuitive and understanding man, then Augustus might change his beliefs enough so that some kind of “cure” was worked. [...]

TPS1 Session 598 November 24, 1971 Sumari Rob guilds chant speakers

[...] (Pause.) There are alliances in all levels of reality—there are attractions that reach even bright space and time, groupings of consciousness, associations, psychic attractions that hold and mold various kinds of consciousness in a loose organization. [...] In their own way, and according to their capacity and purpose, they change and alter the nature of the universe, sometimes by being born within your historical time, and sometimes by trying to reach those who are within your historical time. [...]

The time makes little difference. [...] This time, however, you were aware of what you were trying to do: you were trying to use your ability in a particular fashion and so you did. [...]

[...] “Well, no; but a couple of times I felt that I was right on the verge of accomplishing more with it, but I couldn’t quite bridge the gap to bring it about. The first thing I thought of was Jane’s father, though—I didn’t actually see him, but I was telling Jane that at times I thought I did see the shape of the back of the head —I did associate that with his head.”)

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] You overidealized the situation ahead of time. [...] You also thought that you would enjoy having your husband around all of the time. Because of previous conflicts, that can be resolved, you did not enjoy having him around all of the time as you supposed that you did. [...]

[...] The first time it becomes unpleasant, you cannot, therefore, the next time say: “This time I will not hear”.

In periods of depression you feel that your life, the main points, have passed, and that you have lost time—important time that you feel you cannot recover. [...]

TES9 Jane’s Notes Tuesday October 22, 1968 giant pyramid peering massive shrinking

[...] At same time the pyramid seemed inverted, wide at the top, with a giant face peering down into the room, as through a microscope. [...] So this time “I” found myself, pulled myself together, briefly found voice while personality was silent and just as I was seeing the giant face peer down over me, at pyramid top, at me, and room. [...]

(Very startling to me at the time, the whole thing. [...] But I broke in, before the onrush of sensations the last time; sensing that they were about to occur, so obviously I had learned from the first episode.

[...] The effect wasn’t very strong, though; I wasn’t sure when to “plunge in”, wondered if the time was right, etc. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 11, 1971 classroom gown awaken yourselves strangers

[...] You have projected yourself to this room, in your terms, from other times and other places. You belong in this room at this moment of your time because you have projected yourselves into it. [...]

Now you may each interpret your experiences in your own way but feel the independence of yourself from this room and from this time and from this existence. [...] Pretend then that the room itself is a dream from which you are almost about to awaken, and with your eyes closed still, you will awaken from this room into another place and another time, and with your eyes closed you will awaken to another reality as valid and legitimate as this one. [...]

[...] She, at that time, was an actress, however, a profession for which you then did not have the least understanding and showed little compassion for her efforts. At that time she died an unfortunate death. [...]

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

I am not suggesting for example that five sessions, or four, be held in a week at this time; only that sincere requests should not be automatically denied because they do not fall within the scheduled time. [...]

This next may sound Pollyannaish to an extreme, but he should make it a point to help another human being in any small way, without expecting thanks, three times a week. [...] And I also most strongly suggest that three times a week in a very quiet, disciplined but positive manner, he makes it a point to express himself when any matters arise where he holds a diverse opinion from the one being presented.

(Jane and I have not yet resumed the study of psychological time, although frequently as we are drifting off to sleep we will have brief experiences. [...]

TSM Chapter Six Dr Instream Osis psychologist Rob

[...] By the time this first change happened in my trance states, I’d already had my first out-of-body experience, and following Seth’s instructions I was having clairvoyant experiences during daily exercise periods. [...] I agreed to the new trance procedure, but it was still some time before it became the rule rather than the exception. [...] It was also during this time that Seth started removing my glasses just before he began to speak.

[...] At the same time Seth was to give his impressions, and each week we would mail the sessions to Dr. Instream. This time I agreed; so did Seth.

I’m sure that most of us react ahead of time to some events, and I’ll have more to say about this later in the book. [...]

TES6 Session 256 May 4, 1966 Berry Mrs photo article antidote

Reincarnation does not imply a recurring time system, nor does it imply an extension of time as it is normally considered. That is, reincarnation does not imply in a basic manner existence in one life after another, in your time of successive moments.

[...] Now to an observer whose time concept was still further segmented, and slowed down in comparison to your own, then theoretically within his time system the four personalities would indeed appear to be four separate existences in fact. In the same manner, you see, several manifestations of one identity appear to you to be stretched out in serial form within a successive time framework.

Because you are obsessed with the idea of time as past, present and future, you are forced to think of reincarnations as strung out one before the other, and indeed we speak of past lives simply because you are used to the time sequence concept. [...]

TES6 Session 249 April 6, 1966 ribbon quasars card Artistic bow

[...] They contradict our laws of physics, being many times too bright for their size and distance, and emitting much too much energy. See the article on them in Time magazine for March 11,1966.)

[...] Before that I worked full time there. [...] If I removed the ribbon on any other afternoon of the week, this would push the time back toward the 1963 given earlier in the material.)

[...] The object was a red satin bow that had been kicking around the studio for some months; at various times I had idly thought of using it for an experiment. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

[...] At one time Jane thought she was on the commode in the bedroom, and began to pull up her blouse. Another time she thought she was in her writing room while I did the dishes. [...]

(Our time was running out. [...] It can be seen that I was having a hard time to keep from falling into the deep pessimism I’d experienced not long ago, and seemingly had rebounded from. [...]

[...] He does seem to have it well within his head, however, that the time to change is now, and he is determined to do so. Some of the old panic is also threatened, of course, and hence shows itself in altered form at different times. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

On your plane the hunter and the prey system is at this time a necessary one but it will not always be this way. A time will come when you will not have to kill in order to exist, and the balance of nature will take care of itself. This time is sooner on the way than you think. [...]

[...] Once again Jane had been trying to give up cigarettes; this time the struggle lasted but a day or so, and ended in tears after supper this evening. [...]

His smoking represents the tail end of a characteristic greediness that besieged him in past lives, with smoking this time as a remnant. [...]

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

Nor does the evolution of either an idea or a species involve time. It merely involves time in your universe. [...] Using psychological time, sit in a quiet room; and I hope this is not impossible, when an idea comes to you, and I presume it will, do not play with it intellectually. [...]

[...] You believe in your ideas of time, and depend upon them to such a degree that it is impossible at this stage for you to conceive of a concept that has nothing to do with space or time.

You will discover this by experiencing the idea directly, and you can best achieve some approximation of accomplishment by using psychological time. [...] Sweet tootsies, there is no beginning or end, and this idea of yours is the result of a complete and utter concentration upon camouflage time.

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

[...] Actually she slept but the last few minutes of the allotted time. [...]

(She had no idea of the material for the session as the time for it approached. [...]

By this time he can change his reference points, although his experience is so much more vivid, and so much fuller proportioned, that to him the experience could be likened to going down into a small cramped tunnel.

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