Results 301 to 320 of 1864 for stemmed:time

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

The past, in the present, would appear so brilliantly that man could not react adequately in circumstances of time that he had himself created. [...] With memory, however, mental projections into the future were of course also possible so that man could plan his activities in time, and foresee probable results: “Ghost images” of the future probabilities always acted as mental stimuli for physical explorations in all areas, and of all kinds.

[...] Bodily physical action, then, to that extent, loses its immaculate precision in time. [...] (Intently:) Again, to that extent instant physical action in time is not the same kind of life-and-death factor that it was when a man was faced with an enraged animal, or enemy, in close combat.

[...] This time, however, it came through verbally, as dictation, although Seth wasn’t involved. [...]

TES8 Session 348 June 21, 1967 Australia interchanges California sunbathing Chula

[...] I gave you this advice some time ago and it was not heeded.

[...] This will be a brief session, as I believe I have covered all the pertinent material concerning Ruburt’s state at this time.

[...] There will be a return to Australia, but not for some time. [...]

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

[...] I know him, and hence I have suggested the periods mentioned in our last session, with weeks set aside for sessions, and time off from them. He knew he was free to take time off at any time, but he was afraid that if he did so he might be deprived of the sessions entirely, and such is not the case.

You paint because you want to paint, and you set aside certain hours for your painting to insure that you will have sufficient time to do what you want to do; and this should be the reason for the regularity of our sessions.

There is no time when the sessions should be held merely from a sense of responsibility, and the sessions could not be held merely for that reason.

TPS3 Deleted Session October 20, 1975 unsafe Bantam realistic Pocket safe

[...] When your friend Leonard comes and speaks of taking time out, you say “I wish I could afford such luxury,” or some such. [...] The idea of not having enough time becomes your badge of virtue, showing that you are hard-working and not “an indolent artist.”

[...] Or you emphasize how busy you really are, and how little time you really have—so if it seems that you do not have enough time that is hardly surprising: you have given yourselves such suggestions for years.

[...] Time works with you, not against you. Underline 4 times.

TPS3 Deleted Session March 2, 1976 Andrija resiliency teeth indispositions lapses

Those feelings about time, and the way you handled them, seemed to make your own time shrink. [...]

At the same time, you could not enjoy such enforced idleness—far be it from that—so the period was highly unpleasant. This was to help you save face: you didn’t take time out because you wanted to, but because you were so miserable that you could not work—and then yelled out in outrage that the body so betrayed you. [...]

[...] It’s one of the very few times the pendulum didn’t help. Even at the time I felt I wasn’t asking the right questions; sometimes the answers received were contradictory. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 730 January 15, 1975 fetus dolphins soul selfhood astrology

[...] Within the overriding constancy of the speed of light, all phenomena in our camouflage reality — motion, velocity, mass, matter, time, space, gravitation, and so forth — are seen as relative to each other. Space and time, for instance, are not separate or uniform entities, but closely related intuitive “constructs” of consciousness; mass is a form of energy; motion is not absolute, but relative to the motion of something else; two observers, each moving at a different velocity relative to a common sequence of events, will perceive those events in different courses of time.

[...] Some astrologers use the time of conception in their calculations, while others prefer the date of birth. Various religions have decided that the “soul” enters the fetus at its conception, while others argue that consciousness cannot be considered a human soul until some time later, just prior to birth.

(As we lay in bed after last Monday’s session, Jane told me: “I’ve got it — from Seth, I think: A really complete astrological chart would have to include not only the time of your birth, but that of your death.” [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

You could decide to see such people at lunch hour, and no other time, and put that in your note: “Come back at noon.” You could, therefore, make several different kinds of decisions that would give you a free mind for large portions of the time. [...]

(Jane wanted material from Seth tonight on her “blues”—the mixed emotions and conflicts she feels at times when waking from her afternoon naps. [...]

These were interruptions, and because of your attitudes you thought of them as troublesome interruptions: surely you would have sailed through your work otherwise, or performed chores that you wanted to accomplish; and so because you still do not really understand the effectiveness of Framework 2, those visits added to your sense of concern and hassles with time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 8, 1973 rituals gums shoes dissolved walking

He will find himself wanting to get up earlier, finding he is enthusiastic both about his writing and wanting to have time left over for physical activities. For the first time in some time by then, he will actively look forward to getting up. [...]

[...] It should be followed by washing the mouth out each time with a mild solution of salt and water, which stimulates and toughens the tissues. [...] The other time is inconsequential—that is it can be done at any time.

[...] There is no time limit set there. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 626, November 8, 1972 involuntary brain Bach deride functions

The brain with its bodily connections must deal with the time lapses that sensual perception always imply. The interior workings of the body, to be conscious, would have to deal with time sequences that would present the physically attuned consciousness with “mathematical” deductions and calculations far too numerous for it to handle. For example, it would have to keep conscious track of all the muscles, nerves, organs, cells, molecules and atoms, while manipulating the body in space and time.

[...] Then humorously:) An aside to you: Now, you see, I can speak in Time or out of it. Underline “Time.”

(Yesterday Jane and I read the Time magazine cover story for November 13, 1972, featuring Richard Bach and his book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull. [...]

UR1 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts Section Volume holes Unknown counterparts

[...] Seth finished his part of the second volume over a year ago, and since then I’ve carefully gone over my original notes for it; I’ve rewritten almost all of them (often many times) in an effort to get them just right, in my view. Those who are interested in the more detailed mechanics of Seth-Jane’s production of “Unknown” Reality, especially where qualities of time are involved, should review my Introductory Notes. [...]

In Section 4, then, Seth has more to say about CU and EE units, cellular consciousness, ancient man, evolution, space travel, and other seemingly disparate subjects as he continues to develop his thesis that “biologically the species is equipped to deal with different sequences of time while still manipulating within one particular time scheme.” [...]

[...] Jane initiates information on “world views,” with examples: Seth defines that concept as “the view of reality” held in the immortal mind of each of us, the “living picture” that exists outside of time or space, and that can be perceived by others. [...] He explains in some detail how we live more than one life at a time, how “the greater self ‘divides’ itself, materializing in flesh as several individuals, with entirely different backgrounds — yet each embarked upon the same kind of creative challenge.” [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 13, 1981 stalled uremic dehydration mission glumly

[...] The last time I’d suggested that she consider getting medical help had been at Christmas time, when I asked her to think it over and let me know. [...]

[...] I think it came to a head yesterday, when I finally realized that for the last few days Jane had cut down her visits to the bathroom to just two times a day—upon arising, and before going to bed. [...]

(She spends a good deal of her waking time on the couch watching TV, or sleeping away part of the day.

TPS2 Deleted Session December 29, 1971 job tu deeply du rewards

The psychic work took up more of your time. The obvious to him was to quit your job (Jane, as Seth, almost laughed), paint, and have the time you needed. [...] At the same time he felt you would begin to resent the time spent from your work, but you would cling to the job like a lifeline until it was too late.

You did lose communication for some time. [...] If you were not then all the more reason why you should take it, to give yourself the additional time. [...]

(This is the material Jane told me about, tearfully, at supper time, etc.)

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

(“Unless I summon the self that I was at that time, the memories for details are not that clear. [...] We did not have as many guards at that time, but we had many stolen paintings and jewels of great merit. Now some of these jewels, as well as the money, went for expeditions that you do not realize were adopted at the time, having to do with commerce and ships sent to Africa; and this interest had to do with my later life when I was involved with the oregano [as a spice merchant in Denmark, in the 1600’s]. [...]

— who was, as clearly as I could figure out at the time, a “sacred” assassin. [...] Nor at the time he told me did I know who Christ was.

[...] This brings up a dilemma Jane has confronted often: what to investigate out of the many possibilities available at any given time; then, the choice made, how to find the time to carry out the study.)

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

[...] By this time I was getting my papers together for the session. I took my usual place at our living room table, wondering whether Jane would appear on time. Just as I became comfortably seated she entered, saying that although she did not know the exact time she felt she should come upstairs.

(Jane and I have been waiting without effort, yet with anticipation, for Seth to get to our personal experiments with psychological time. [...] We have been aware, without making any detailed analysis of our own, due to lack of time for the study necessary, that our experiences with psy-time would probably fall into certain categories.)

[...] It develops that at about the precise time I had induced the desired state in myself, while lying on the bed in our bedroom, Jane had been sitting quietly in the living room, almost dozing on the couch. [...] It had been a busy day for Jane at the gallery, so busy in fact that she had not had time to go down to the restaurant for the usual order of coffee the gallery personnel are used to enjoying every afternoon. [...]

TES9 Session 447 November 11, 1968 Dave Estelle Craigs Michael triangle

Now, I have lived and died many times, and you must admit (Seth speaks strongly and humorously, forcefully, eyes open) that you can sense my vitality; and so I can tell you that the vitality of the boy exists in as vital terms. [...] You did not save his life one time, you helped him save his soul, and he gallantly returned the favor; for he at one time was tempted to use his abilities for power and to use the priesthood for gain, and on that occasion you stopped him. [...]

[...] He was at one time, he was at one time his father’s uncle.

[...] The time to move is not now. When the time comes the suggestion will come from others, so that it will seem that you are doing them a service—and then you graciously accept.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 671, June 21, 1973 dream space orientation waking solutions

(9:15.) The earth-tuned consciousness must deal within the space-time context, for only inside this framework can it clearly perceive events. In the dream state consciousness ignores space-time relationships to a large degree, and yet it is still firmly based upon the body’s corporeal mechanism. [...]

In waking life you perceive only certain portions of events that fall within your space-time continuum. [...] You may for example see in the past, present and future, objects that in your time will take up any given space. [...]

[...] In your terms, the race at any given “time” simultaneously works out problems in the dream state, and those solutions are then physically materialized. Because there is more freedom from time and space in the dream state, there is greater overall perspective; many solutions that may appear poor in the short range — as they are physically activated — will in the longer range be seen as highly creative.

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

I think there will be some time for such a joint session. However during our sessions I will look in on you from time to time, though I do not believe you will be aware of it.

I have explained how at certain times a definite future may be seen, and how at other times a probable future. [...]

(Peter Murtough was a witness for the last time. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

(We wanted a session tonight on Jane’s problem, although we’d settle for something from Seth each time, along with his other book dictation, or whatever. As a result of our work with the pendulum this morning, Jane was so relaxed by session time that she didn’t know whether she could manage a session. [...]

(I mentioned to Jane a question I’d thought of during the session but hadn’t interrupted to ask: If the subconscious can reason, as Seth tells us, why doesn’t it understand that at times it can go too far sometimes?—that obviously the idea of selfprotection can be very damaging if carried to extremes. [...] Jane listened, but didn’t get anything from Seth in answer, so it’s for next time. [...]

[...] Several times lately she’s remarked that she’s “desperate,” so when she did so again in bed recently I told her that from the next day on we would put her needs first, regardless of all else. [...]

TES9 Session 460 January 27, 1969 Ace sale Wollheim endeavors impetus

[...] He also knows that the book will be published, and this inner information has been given to him in one way or another time and time again.

(She said it began when she tried psy-time this morning a short while after 9 AM. [...]

[...] The best time to get information is when it is mentioned initially. [...]

TPS3 Session 713 (Deleted Portion) October 21, 1974 power helpless challenge distractions mate

[...] Ruburt always concentrated in his own way upon one challenge at a time, boring in, so to speak, and ignoring anything else that might distract him.

[...] He sees that the challenge has been won, and now it is time to take up the next challenge, to apply the power of the will to the body.

[...] You were at the same time determined to set yourself apart from the world to some extent, while still maintaining and developing an emotional contact with a mate that would be unlike any in your earlier experience.

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