Results 1001 to 1020 of 1864 for stemmed:time

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 12, 1984 discomfort birthday hemorrhoids uncomfortable downhill

[...] “How can you be more uncomfortable now, when the bedsores are healing, than you used to be?” I asked some time ago. [...]

(The day was warm — in the 60’s — and rainy at times. [...]

The idea of Mother’s Day made him half resentful and half sorrowful because of the poor relationship between him and his mother (long pause), and he had hoped for further improvements in time for his birthday.

TPS6 Jane’s Notes December 27, 1980 Xmas anniversary blankets wormy planter

[...] This idea also came back, reading a book on William James Peggy G. gave me for Xmas—his attitudes and mine so often seem similar—that he was determined to be daring, press ahead no matter what, explore consciousness—while at the same time being attracted to safety, disliking controversy, wanting peace, etc. [...] I did grab hold several times, and with the God of Jane book, the new inspiration there—and stuff on following impulses, made some very good improvements. But far more than Rob, from the beginning I was nervous and anxious—about directly coming out with many of the ideas—which at the same time I fervently and even passionately believe in.... [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Perception of Past, Present, and Future amd essences unitary entail range

[...] Since past, present, and future have no basic reality, this sense allows us to see through the apparent time barriers. [...] It is often used spontaneously when Psy-Time is practiced.

TES5 Session 211 November 24, 1965 clock Bill gilt features facial

Now there are several kinds of time, that will appear within your dreams, and you must sort these out carefully. While sleeping in your present time, you may have a dream that concerns your personal past, while the dream is concerned with events that you know to have occurred many years ago. [...]

The present within which you seem to experience the dream is not, however, the present in physical time, the present in which your body lies upon the bed. [...]

It should be obvious to you also that within your dreams a spatial location that belongs in present physical time can be experienced in the past or in the future within the dream framework, and there is much more here than meets the eye; and you must be careful so that you catch it. [...]

TES9 Session 500 September 8, 1969 Taylor Betty bt Crosson beard

Ruburt will address the group in any case (pause), and many times in the future. Jim Crosson does not have that much time. [...]

[...] Over a long period of time such contact will serve you well. [...]

[...] You will be asked to go out among men at times. [...]

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

(Perhaps ten minutes before the session began, I showed Jane an article I found in the New York Times for October 3,1966. [...]

[...] Various aspects of it come to the forefront at definite times. [...]

[...] Such dreams do carry the individual out away from ego identity, and at the same time closer to an inner identity that the ego usually attempts to deny.

TPS3 Session 793 (Deleted Session) February 14, 1977 sample congratulate healing taxes session

(Humorously:) I would prefer the balance of nap time and psychological time altered somewhat. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 12, 1977 inoculations speakers disease medicine bacteria

[...] In historical times as you think of them, pre-industrial man had no need of those particular devices. [...] Some of this is most difficult to explain in any terms that will make sense, because the entire belief system of your times bears physical evidence of course, that such inoculations work.

[...] It is impossible to tell ahead of time how many of those individuals would come down with the disease otherwise, yet diseases do come and go whether or not inoculations are given. [...]

[...] The specific nature of inoculations, however, means that more and more become necessary in that system, for the fear of each newly discovered disease becomes paramount—and no time is given, in your terms, now, for the body to respond naturally to those natural conditions, and therefore build up a natural immunity, biologically speaking.

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

You will know at a later time. You could perhaps at some time paint a portrait of a man who would like to sit within that landscape. [...]

[...] Had been there a long time. [...]

You ignored the feeling, and there may have been a slight physical symptom at the same time for this reason. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 25, 1984 flea rats diseases inoculations autobiography

I am speaking generally here, for remember that your individual beliefs, thoughts, and emotions cause your reality, so no person dies ahead of his or her time. The individual chooses the time of death. [...]

(I kept trying to get at events — before and at the time the sessions began — and Jane’s symptoms. [...]

Again, however, no individual dies of cancer or AIDS, or any other condition, until they themselves have set the time.

TES5 Session 230 February 6, 1966 grandfather Lepanto death Gallaghers age

[...] This account is written the next evening from memory, since I took no notes at the time.

[...] Jane has experienced this same phenomenon several times while reading this work, and it is dealt with in the 131st and 158th sessions.

[...] This is the first time he has given me any specific age, although in several previous sessions, among them the 149th and the 217th, he has mentioned my living to an old age. [...]

TES8 Session 363 September 12, 1967 island Monchuco slurred port boat

[...] Jane didn’t sound like Seth at all a good part of the time, and she realized this to some degree. She felt as if she were projecting through time, rather than through space at the last; re Seth’s moment points. [...]

[...] Now, we will speak for a brief time on some general matters while we make preparations for the Gallagher material.

We will at one time or another speak with you each in a more private session. [...]

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

She said things at that time that wounded Miss Healy, and her message is that she regrets the words deeply, particularly now. [...]

[...] Jane however lived in Baltimore for almost a year and ate quite a few times at Anne’s house, in 1951-52. [...]

The time was bound to come, for wholehearted acceptance. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

Animals can be obedient to their masters, and be healthy and exuberant at the same time, but in the terms of nature, no matter what social customs might say, no person can be obedient to a master and be healthy and exuberant at the same time. [...]

[...] The motions Jane has done today have been about average for her now for some time. [...]

[...] I thought it marked a significant advance actually for it showed that she’d reached a point in her progress where she felt she could afford to devote some time to creative work that wasn’t just for herself. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

[...] And once again Jane wavered at times between waking and dozing. [...]

[...] Her delivery this evening had been as fast as that of last time, yet more subdued. [...]

[...] I reacted very badly at times, I’m afraid, alternating profound moods of despair with those of great tenderness, love, and compassion. [...]

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

[...] When you are annoyed, if possible state your annoyance to the person involved, reasonably, (underlined) but at the time of the annoyance. When you do not respond in this manner the annoyance builds up and you are then tempted to respond to one incident as if many were involved, because the others were not responded to adequately at the time.

[...] I would like you when you have time to meditate on the various kinds of abundance that you do presently enjoy. [...]

[...] She expected this from both of you for some time.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 828, March 15, 1978 imagination begrudge storms men early

Men in those times protected themselves against storms, and yet in the same way they did not begrudge the storm its victims. [...] Man did not fear the elements in those early times, as is now supposed.

[...] You could not live in your present world of time if your consciousness was as playful, curious, and creative as it was, for [then] time was also experienced far differently.

[...] He realized in those earlier times that illness, for instance, was initially as much the result of the imagination as health was, for he experienced far more directly the brilliant character of his own imagination. [...]

TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

[...] She has of course tried no psychological time experiments since then.

[...] More time passed, and my concern increased. [...]

[...] Your perception characteristics at this time dictate and limit the aspects of action that you can perceive. [...]

TES5 Session 213 December 1, 1965 Ormond test season envelope postmark

As you both suppose, enough constructive psychic energy is generated during the holiday season to recharge psychic batteries, so to speak, for quite some time. [...]

To some extent I have explored some of this, but it will do you well to join wholeheartedly into the very necessary spirit of the time, for it is constructive and most beneficial. [...]

[...] Much of the time her eyes had been wide open and very dark. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977 Ryerson Spain Carlos associations Carroll

I would like Ruburt to make a red star each time during the day he finds himself thinking pleasant or optimistic thoughts, and a large one each day or time he feels a strong surge of faith or exuberance. [...]

(Jane repeated several times that she had no questions, except to wonder why “it was taking so long to get over the whole thing,” and so forth. [...]

Now: you know generally how associations work in your own mind, seemingly bringing memories or images to you out of context—that is, not following the usual patterns of time or cause and effect.

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