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WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 5, 1984 sex eruptions degrading bestial police

(4:34 p.m. Jane’s rather slow delivery had been interrupted three times by staff. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 28, 1984 viruses disease contributors darted Maude

On behalf of the three of us, again I send you our sincere thanks, and our heartiest salute. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 7, 1983 catheter Teresa LuAnn Georgia infection

[...] It was 20 degrees when I got up this morning, and three hours later as I type this record it isn’t much warmer.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 888, December 10, 1979 Guy Camper pinpoint Dr electron

[...] And in return for Seth speaking, Dr. Guy staged his own little magic show for Jane and me—to our amazement and intense interest—as the three of us sat around the living-room table.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 620, October 11, 1972 generate emotions belief judgments imagination

[...] See the 618th session in Chapter Three.)

TES7 Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966 Gene seminar Baba chasm deception

[...] Now three of these personalities are yours: one is not yours. [...]

[...] The three of us felt some simultaneous sense of expanded awareness.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

[...] Three hours of free writing time are not supposed to be three hours of worry. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 578, April 5, 1971 Speakers ten training number Christ

(“Well, that brings me to number three, which you’ve already been getting into: What is the original source of the Speaker data? [...]

(A long pause while I scanned the next three questions: twelve, thirteen, and fourteen.)

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

(Ann Diebler also witnessed the session, for a total of three witnesses. The three have heard Seth speak before on a few informal occasions; this was their first regular session. [...]

[...] The projected meeting would thus involve four people; the Wilburs could not attend at the last moment, but Don delivered the object personally on April 4, so there was an actual meeting of three.

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] And at the end of the session three hours later, while in bed, she caught additional phrases from Seth but promptly shut them off. [...]

(During this session Jane spoke for three hours in a voice somewhat louder and deeper than usual; and during this time she felt no strain, other than the accustomed tiredness coming at the end of a long day.

[...] The three brothers reacted against this exaggerated, powerful and, in the case of the father, hidden emotionalism to varying degrees. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

[...] The envelope item didn’t include these, yet Seth gave impressions referring to three of them.

[...] The article speaks of the three children who saw the apparition at Fatima, and Seth mentioned a child.

All told, a total of forty correct impressions were given in the three sessions held while Peg and Bill were in Nassau; more, actually, since many impressions consisted of several points. [...]

[...] Some were subjective, but others were objectified—three-dimensional, or nearly so. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

[...] He was thirty-three at the time and had been caught in an act of, shall we say, indiscretion, for which he was severely and unjustly beaten. [...]

[...] Our living room is very large — opens from the apartment house hallway and runs down to three large bay windows at the other end. [...]

About three weeks previously, Rob had written to a psychologist interested in reincarnation. [...]

[...] We’d been in the apartment three years when the sessions began, yet in a few session comments Seth managed to clear up several points that we had had never settled.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 4, 1983 Phyllis cream knuckles healing rinse

(Last night I had a very vivid dream in which I sold three of my paintings. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

(Dr K., being still concerned about Jane’s finger—which had improved somewhat, but was still markedly bluish in cast—decided to prescribe a drug to dilute the clotting ability of blood somewhat: Persantine, in tiny pill-like form, to be taken three times a day. [...]

[...] They looked like three lines of beautifully fluctuating, regular tracings. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 728 January 8, 1975 ledge season mountain violets born

[...] [And added later: I quoted the last three lines in Appendix 18 for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality.]

(Finally, as we waited for Seth to return, Jane said: “Now I am confused — I can get material on three different subjects….” [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 736 February 5, 1975 Milumet Zuli Sumari Foster family

[...] While we talked now she interrupted herself to say that she “got in a flash” the main activities, the predominant slants of consciousness, of the next three families on Seth’s list: the Milumet, the Zuli, and the Borledim. [...]

(Here’s one point brought out in that deleted material: Since Seth had told Jane and me long ago that the three of us belong to the Sumari family of consciousness,4 we were more than curious now when he declared that the woman who presently owns the house on Foster Street is also a Sumari: “[She] added Sumari characteristics of expansiveness.” [...]

TES1 Session 28 February 24, 1964 Miss Callahan entity psychiatrist plane

[...] And then, sometime between now and 25 years of laying your doubts to rest, I would like to go into some other matters of which I have hinted, and which I have been trying to tackle for about three sessions. [...]

[...] There have been cases of individuals with three separate personalities. [...]

(Miss Callahan was referred to by Frank Watts in the 1st session; Frank Watts stated that she was a mutual acquaintance of the three of us. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

This relationship has gone on through three successive lives as far as Roarck and his friend is concerned. [...]

[...] Jim T. reported that this afternoon, upon being invited to attend a session by Jim B., he felt his scalp distinctly crawl on three separate occasions; lifting up as though it would detach itself. [...]

[...] I was tempted to go ahead anyhow, but instead I counted to three and came out. [...]

TPS1 Session 525 (Deleted Portion) April 22, 1970 impulses checking warrants running blocking

[...] The checking and subsequent blocking occurs three or four times usually at your meal. [...]

TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968 Pat Reed Dick male godlike

[...] Now, there was an afternoon, I believe when you were nearly three. [...]

([Pat:]I had a crush on Mr. Finfrock for three years, grades 7 to 9. All the girls had a crush on him. [...]

[...] After three lives as a male, you have indeed acclimated yourself very well. [...]

[...] There was a situation involving the three of them and he abandoned them in a way that he interpreted as a betrayal. [...]

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