Results 81 to 100 of 114 for stemmed:task

TES2 Session 81 August 26, 1964 myth coughing car Crucifixion intelligent

[...] To be able to bring these natural but subconscious forces at all under any domination by the conscious mind is a terrific task.

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

[...] The minus numbers mask integers that have a positive meaning or action (pause), and take on the tasks ordinarily assigned in this dimension to the positive ones.

TES9 Session 500 September 8, 1969 Taylor Betty bt Crosson beard

[...] She had it three nights ago; when she got up during the night to write it down, she found the task took an hour. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 17, 1973 symptoms Picasso price extraordinary isolation

[...] And above all, the symptoms are not worth it to achieve isolation, for ironically the resultant time to work has lost the one ingredient that is important above all: peace of mind in which to carry out the appointed tasks.)

TES1 Session 26 February 18, 1964 John Philip Bradley human evolution

This involves, to begin with, an almost impossible task. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974 orientation disengagement cellular faster Unknown

[...] Some of this, again, is difficult to explain — not because Ruburt does not have the vocabulary, but because serial-word language automatically prepackages ideas into certain patterns, and to escape prepackaging can be a task. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

[...] If, as Seth has repeatedly said lately, Jane was clearing her psyche, then I feared that she’d begun her task too late, mentally and physically. [...]

TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 triangle company John messenger Philip

[...] She will give you more support than you realize, and you need that family stability, for until that was satisfied you would not feel free enough to take on the task.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

Once Jane said to me, ‘Boy, you were some help.’ And later she was mentally taken to task for the remark by Seth.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Joel Daniel violent Ned wring

([Daniel:] “It sounds like a lifelong task just to work out the first half of that before you would begin to relate to other people.”)

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

These abilities have manifested themselves in various ways, and he has often taken upon himself tasks also of a sacrificial nature. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] Then these materializations of panic and pain play about the physical body, projected by the ego, and steal the powers of the subconscious mind from their natural constructive tasks.In other words, the ego becomes a tool to disrupt rather than to create.

DEaVF1 Essay 1 Thursday, April 1, 1982 hospital Mandali backside thyroid arthritis

[...] At the moment it seems that Jane uses her available energy for the main task at hand. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

[...] The task then is to learn what causes this. [...]

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

[...] This will involve us in a large task, and yet a necessary one.

TES2 Session 71 July 15, 1964 grass Hubbell seed Ted matter

[...] So our task now is to learn if Delmer or Jane had a great great uncle named Tom Roberts, and if Tom Roberts had a brother named Hubbell Roberts.

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] Then these materializations of panic and pain play about the physical body, projected by the ego and stealing the powers of the subconscious mind from their natural constructive tasks to do so. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] Now I knew that a ‘task force’ of other Roman soldiers had carried out this assault, reaching ‘me’ by climbing the steps already described. [...]

TES6 Session 240 March 9, 1966 aaa membership mci card station

(I became absorbed in the task, and had just obtained the answer when Jane called me from the front room at 8:55. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 12 dream recall locations investigation recorder

Seth had set us some task and fulfilling it will be a lifetime proposition. [...]

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