Results 161 to 180 of 305 for stemmed:support

TPS4 Deleted Session May 22, 1978 inspiration deaden Frank distractions Instream

[...] Ruburt has more than appreciated your support, and in fact you have indeed inspired him, so your conversation earlier upset him considerably.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] Instead, you always carry the inner knowledge of innumerable available futures (emphatically). Your emotional life at certain levels is enriched by the unconscious realization that those who love you from past or future are connected to you by special ties that add to your emotional heritage and support.

I do not necessarily mean that full-blown pictures of other existences would necessarily come into your mind, but that in one way or another you would receive a support or change of mood as those loved by you in other lives [in] one way or another sensed your need and responded.

“Lately I’ve been working with ideas of safety, saying and believing that I AM safe, secure and supported and that I DO trust my natural spontaneous motion. [...]

“The church was quite real to Ruburt as a child, through the priests who came (to the house) regularly, and through direct contact with the religious (grade) school, and the support offered to the (fatherless) family. [...]

TES8 Session 345 June 12, 1967 job foods overexpectations money thorn

He is for that matter still frightened, and will need your support. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 hospital outcome disability won Kardon

Often such material deals with material that is very difficult to translate—material that drifts through the psyche, however, to add to your support or knowledge. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 8, 1973 rituals gums shoes dissolved walking

[...] The belief that his legs and knees cannot support his weight is an old belief, and a belief, not a statement of fact in basic terms. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

These were all exterior versions of his inner spiritual journeys, for he now looked to nature for support, sustenance, and strength. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 11, 1981 church Normandy grandfather heresy nightmare

The church was quite real to Ruburt as a child, through the priests who came [to the house] regularly, through direct contact with the religious [grade] school, and the support offered to the family. [...]

TES9 Session 451 November 25, 1968 center trance formulas pierces spirals

They are also in the nature of little tests on my part, for I can tell by his performance where his strong and weak points lie, and in what direction he needs my support.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] The universe is supportive. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 21, 1978 disapproval labels storm identification loyal

[...] You do need to support each other in that regard, helping each other to approve of yourselves.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 1, 1982 Hal clots medical vasculitis Dr

That was, of course, no coincidence, and helped provide you at least with a feeling of extra support, by reminding you that there are doctors who were not blindfolded completely, but were quite open to new beliefs. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 17, 1973 salable schedule punch absolutes impulses

[...] Or “My legs and knees can support my weight.” [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 1, 1978 Jastrow Carter Hebb cosmetics Sadat

It is highly important, again, that you remember the context in which the letters are written, and the great thrust of creativity that supports the world. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 19 projections levitate form panicked third

[...] I lay down on the bed to support my body, closed my eyes and used all my will-power to eject myself out. [...]

[...] Desperately, Rob wished for some support, and quite spontaneously he created a child’s scooter that appeared beneath him. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 5, 1981 panic superself dj poohed Sinful

[...] Expressions of love and support on your part are invaluable. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 18, 1981 upright couch lean compassionately cultural

[...] (Long pause.) A reconciliation now can help revive those youthful feelings of support, however, and the enjoyment of natural knowledge and natural characteristics. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

[...] Your own support of late in particular is highly valuable. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1972 covenant sketches facile cadmiums interbound

The artist became at that point truly an initiator, no longer supported by the cultural society. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 22, 1973 relaxation parents laxness father mother

The body’s mobility, its freedom, its agility and its creativity, is dependent upon its ability to relax, to give itself up to itself, and therefore to the source of its being, to let go, in which case it is supportive, agile, and unhampered. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 560, November 23, 1970 drama Christ twelve disciples God

[...] It is upheld, supported, maintained by the energy, the inconceivable vitality, of All That Is.

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