Results 21 to 40 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES1 Session 30 February 27, 1964 refrigerator kitchen iceboxes sanitary chiropractic

The seemingly unfortunate suggestion that I made to Ruburt was made for your own benefit, not mine. This short session would not even be necessary except that I was not sure if you would consider the suggestion as legitimate if I did not give it in a normal manner, or should I say a formal manner.

[...] Had I realized that your food center was not in one place I would certainly have made this suggestion earlier. I have no intention of disrupting your household, nor as Ruburt feared was this suggestion merely a trick of his own subconscious. [...]

I made the suggestion impromptu simply because I was suddenly aware of the condition that needed a remedy. [...] Otherwise I would have made no suggestions.

ECS1 May 22, 1968 [Wednesday—Notes by Jane Roberts] Notes on Class Events of May 21, 1968 aura Sally Theodore Rose ectoplasm

[...] It’s hard to see how suggestion operated. In the aura bit, I have given myself the suggestion I’d see my own on several occasions with no effect. Florence actively fights against any suggestions, and I purposely gave none. Obviously we were trying for something—which is in itself suggestion, but on other times we’ve tried for example to get the table to move and it wouldn’t budge. If this was the case, how come the auras were more visible in light than darkness, since you are more suggestible in the dark. [...]

Watching the hand in transition, changes apparent as they happened, joints and knuckles becoming very thick and large, flesh seeming to disappear so that hand became thinner otherwise,hand taking on the look of a very old woman’s, exceedingly bony, with the large, they said, exceptionally large, joints obvious; Rose frightened; Sally said the hand looked so stiff that it was here she asked me if I could bend the fingers, it was here I couldn’t answer her but did try to bend the hand; and at this point decided to give myself suggestions to come out of trance and for hand to return to normal. [...] suggestion? But no suggestion had been given. [...]

[...] No suggestions were given as to aura here, though finally I did tell them when I had the feeling and ask if there was an aura change. [...]

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

I suggested a change in the morning ritual, and suggest you both consider this. In other words, the exercises are suggestion, and at this point the best kind.

[...] A heavy-handed application of suggestion should be avoided—and look carefully for negative suggestions that may be implied on either of your parts. [...]

[...] The suggestion is beautifully implied: you do exercises because you expect to succeed at them.

TES8 Session 364 September 13, 1967 hopelessness marriage peanut trap reliable

[...] It is most essential that negative suggestions be drained away from her, and replaced by positive suggestions (long pause), and a massive effort to do so is required.

You must begin to expect that she has hope, for she reacts to all suggestions, as each individual does. Although she is unaware of it, she is telepathically conscious of all such powerfully-negative suggestions. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) As an immediate step all effort should be made to remove negative suggestions, as these are building up about her. [...]

TPS3 Session 704 (Deleted Portion) June 17, 1974 macrobiotics offing setup Bantam decent

[...] Whatever arrangements you feel will be comfortable to you should be utilized, along with suggestion. The physical set alone is important suggestion.

(11:12.) Ruburt is learning about the unknown reality, and in his own way he is making such a journey as the one suggested in this book. [...]

Do not see the man from macrobiotics—this is suggestion of course. [...]

TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965 astral gallery seesaw tassel exhibition

Incidentally, suggestion will reach many aspects of the self, and some which are very distant from the ego, for you are setting into motion psychic action, which is behind all realities. Suggestion will reach portions of the self of which the ego is entirely unfamiliar. Suggestion can indeed change experience which has already passed.

The inner senses will also react to suggestion. If you therefore suggest that you become more aware of their activities, then so you shall. You are giving suggestions, whether or not you realize it, constantly. [...]

First however I have a suggestion for Ruburt along the following lines. He is now at the point where he can greatly improve the condition of his eyes, and his vision, through consistent self-suggestion. [...]

TES3 Session 148 April 21, 1965 smoking tension naturel hairs smoker

Disturbing the image in two ways at once is indeed difficult and I would suggest, as I believe you suggested Joseph, that the smoking problem be tackled. [...]

[...] I would like here to mention once more my suggestions concerning outings. [...] This suggestion is beneficial for you both.

[...] I suggested to Jane that she pass up the session but she wanted to have one if possible. [...]

TPS3 Session 683 (Deleted Portion) February 18, 1974 curricular predispositions citizens assure february

[...] I suggest that you listen to Ruburt as he gives his morning and evening suggestions—therefore you reinforce them—and that will be of help.

The suggestions I gave should be continued until I add to them. Your assurance with the morning and evening suggestions will however be most helpful.

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

I have several suggestions; the remarks you made before the session are most pertinent, and must be kept in mind. Also, the suggestions as you are doing them (at night before bed) should be also given in the morning, at least before work. To these should be added “I will react only to positive suggestions.”

There was a recording he made with In a Gadda Da Vida in which suggestions were given. This was of help, and I suggest he use it. [...]

I expect that you will see to it that Ruburt follows the suggestions given this evening. I suggest that the session be placed in front of his old journal notebook, and that the list of material written by you also be read by him every day before work. [...]

TES9 Session 497 August 20, 1969 proficient astral obtained dreambook traveling

Now if you make a habit of doing this, of giving these suggestions two evenings a week, you will ultimately be highly successful. I suggest that the two nights be together. [...]

I suggest that on the two evenings, Ruburt take a warm shower—not a hot one—before retiring. I also suggest contrary to Muldoon that you have a light (underlined) snack. [...]

[...] We have offered you suggestions to follow before.

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

(It will be recalled that in the 185th session Seth gave me some tips on how to help my hay fever through suggestion upon retiring at night. [...] I had been using suggestion at various times through the day; trying Seth’s method, I noticed an amazing improvement at once. [...] For some reason, the suggestions given before falling off to sleep are very potent.

It is very susceptible to suggestion. Ruburt’s jesting remark this evening that he would suggest refreshing dreams was actually an excellent one. [...]

[...] I suggested to her that she skip tonight’s session if she felt so nervous, but she decided to hold it regardless.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 10, 1983 Georgia bedsores Georgie ate Hawley

[...] She told me that she’d had to counter negative suggestions given to her in hydro this morning by both Lottie and Georgia, relative to new bedsores breaking out beside the sits of old ones—in other words, she was always to have bedsores. Jane most forcefully told the kids that she wouldn’t, and that she didn’t want such suggestions. [...]

[...] I worked with mail, and suggested to Jane that she have a session before the parade into 330 began, to check her vitals.)

Apropos Ruburt’s mention of the negative suggestions given this morning—remember, as I have said before, that the doctors and nurses are also the victims of such habits and behavior. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

I would state furthermore that indeed Ruburt did have occasion to be angry at the chiropractor, since with an emotional fear unthinking suggestions such as his, made with only the flimsiest of evidence, can be most harmful and destructive. And in an unwary, emotionally upset personality, particularly if under stress, such a suggestion could cause a harmless and protective nodule to be changed by the strong powers of adverse expectation, or rather expectation poorly used, into the form of what is feared; as a slight but harmless irregularity of heartbeat, with the unthinking suggestion of a doctor, can become through the patient’s fears an actual functional disorder, so could suggestion turn a relatively harmless formation like Ruburt’s into an arthritic condition.

Now obviously the unthinking suggestion alone is not responsible, or would not be responsible, for such circumstances. They would have to fall upon fertile ground; and given great enough emotional and subconscious fear an individual would need no outside suggestion. But those in position within healing professions have great authority, and any suggestions that they may make for good or ill are granted almost mystical validity by those individuals who visit them.

Nevertheless, because the patient is in a condition where he is most susceptible to suggestions, a great responsibility lies upon the shoulders of those who would treat illness. The chiropractor’s suggestion that the irritation was an arthritic one was made positively; that is, without thinking he stated “Oh yes, that is not normal at all, it is an arthritic nodule.” Later, realizing that the suggestion had been a poor one, and moreover one of which he was not certain, he amended the statement, adding that such a formation could also be the result of injury or simple irritation to the joint.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 19, 1972 diet food interflow menstruational specialized

The suggestions should definitely be renewed, with a light touch, but they will make the exercises much more effective. The trust-the-body suggestions and those you began sometime earlier. [...]

[...] The suggestions will help him gain weight if they are used. [...] I also suggest an addition of vitamins, and have him make out a list of foods he particularly likes.

[...] With the change in your way of life now, and the physical way of handling problems—getting them out into the open—the suggestions will have better results than they did before.

TPS1 Session 370 (Deleted) October 9, 1967 conscientious Nancy mother demand overly

The suggestions came from the mother. Suggestions given by the mother are always the most tenacious in any case. [...] Only when it seemed that success was on its way, or inevitable, did these suggestions show their effects.

Now I strongly suggest, Joseph, one or two hypnotic sessions for a few weeks. You must yourself be cautious, and write down the impressions you intend to give the suggestions. [...]

The suggestions he has written down should be read twice at a time, three times daily, morning, noon and before retiring. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 29, 1977 Darwinian Freudian Darwin teeth competition

The theory of evolution represents a magnetic organizing suggestive hypothesis. [...] Under its banner of suggestion, however, the great parade of men and other living creatures are observed so that the hypothesis brings about its own hypnotic focus—so that creatures, man, and indeed the universe itself, seem to behave in certain highly ritualized fashions. [...]

I do not think you understand yet the importance of suggestion, for once you said to me “Suggestion cannot be all that important.” [...]

[...] There is little difference, however, between private suggestion in your personal lives, and the power of mass suggestion in your society. [...]

TES2 Session 77 August 5, 1964 congenial sensuous vacation compensate psychic

I do have a suggestion, and a suggestion only, for Joseph. Tomorrow afternoon I suggest a long, carefree, refreshing and solitary walk in the afternoon usually devoted to painting time.

Your suggestions this evening were good ones. [...]

[...] This will no longer work, and I suggest he not consider it. [...]

TPS3 Session 679 (Deleted Portion) February 4, 1974 photo compliance Amen modest smothers

[...] Suggestions I give are always couched to his condition at the time given, in your terms. Now, I am making some suggestions, that, again, I expect will be followed. [...]

[...] The few simple suggestions he knows I mean are to be given with the pendulum night and morning. [...]

[...] I will again follow this with definite suggestions, but I expect compliance. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 19, 1973 tackled speediest reinstate joint beliefs

[...] I suggest that you hear his morning as well as evening suggestions, and that you take a few moments, perhaps no more than 5 a day, to impress upon him the fact that these new beliefs can be inserted in place of the old, and will bear results. [...]

[...] He has already planned to reinstate suggestions I have given—he knows the ones, and this should be done immediately. [...]

[...] (See Tam’s recent letter, in which he described his dream in which he saw Jane fully recovered, etc.) But still in your time and terms I tell you to follow faithfully what I have suggested.

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

[...] I would strongly suggest however that Zibreth, Z-i-b-r-e-t-h (Louie), about whom the past session revolved, follow the suggestions given them, and also that he do the following.

[...] I do not suggest, you see, that he do this on purpose daily, lest it develop psychologically into a self-sacrificial ritual. And I also most strongly suggest that three times a week in a very quiet, disciplined but positive manner, he makes it a point to express himself when any matters arise where he holds a diverse opinion from the one being presented.

I am not suggesting for example that five sessions, or four, be held in a week at this time; only that sincere requests should not be automatically denied because they do not fall within the scheduled time. [...]

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