Results 161 to 180 of 445 for stemmed:subconsci
[...] Your construction of the set, Joseph, will involve the use of energy formed into various combinations of atoms and molecules; and these themselves give off vibrations that are received subconsciously, and also serve therefore to give indications of approximate location, bulk, and even particular material and color, to the subconscious mind of any observer, so-called; although he does not see your construction but forms his own, more or less in faithful replica, to what he has subconsciously perceived telepathically from you and any other constructor, from generalized notions of the idea behind the construction, and from vibrations and even impacts received from the atoms and molecules that compose other constructions of the so-called single object.
[...] Also remember that the atoms allow themselves to be used in these constructions, and that they contain the generalized subconsciousness and capsule comprehension of which I have spoken.
(Marian now wondered if she had been subconsciously aware of the woman’s impending death, etc., and had tried to offer solace. [...]
When he does so he forgets to draw from subconscious energy and uses nervous energy, and is therefore somewhat depleted. [...]
[...] Subconsciously the teacher realized that she was about to die, and communicated this realization to Ruburt’s friend, who is indeed, as I have said before, an excellent receiver.
The available events are not fully perceived on a subconscious level, and therefore choice is limited. [...]
[...] The other brother was battling for what the organization wanted, and served the organization well—you are now battling the things the organization wants and you feel the division—this division is bringing up memories subconsciously, in this past life where there was this division between you and your brother. [...]
You think of the past as done with and completed, but on a subconscious basis you travel through the past. [...]
[...] For each observer quite literally created from his own subconscious energy an approximation of a house, a general shape then perceived as a house, and further embellished by personal judgments.
[...] He wants a repeat, but he fears he will not get it, simply because he wants it so badly, and the student reacts to this subconscious inhibiting factor.
[...] The intuitions act well under such circumstances, and these intuitions are stored subconsciously, and will show themselves in your work.
A discrimination, preferably a spontaneous and subconscious discrimination, is necessary, but it may be consciously diverted if undue conscious direction is not allowed to rule with a heavy hand. [...]
In answer to your question, Joseph: both you and Ruburt were subconsciously aware of the Instreams’ location, and it was for this reason that you chose the photograph of York Beach, though you did not consciously realize the connection.
[...] It is impossible to deprive a human being of dreams, for even though you deprive him of sleep, this necessary mental function will be carried on subconsciously.
But you have on a subconscious level all the knowledge and experience of your previous selves upon which to build. [...] This is a large subject; but though I can tell you some things about your future, the future is not predestined, and subconsciously you are well aware yourself of what will happen, and all human beings are.
[...] Subconsciously you pick up more than you realize, and subconsciously you make preparations for events of which you may be consciously unaware. [...]
[...] I answered that perhaps John was beginning to change his mind at least subconsciously.
[...] The ingredients of matter are first of all intangible ingredients, and the study of the mind and a study of the processes by which the mind creates its dream images could lead to a basic understanding of the manner in which man subconsciously produces the physical images of his own material universe.
[...] Telepathy operates within the inner self, within various levels, different levels of the subconscious, where the ideas of separation and limitations of self are not nearly so limiting.
[...] Therefore if you made money through your paintings, then subconsciously you thought that your mother would still be getting her way. [...]
[...] Beside other considerations you feel, subconsciously again, that you still serve your mother’s purposes: art for money, and that therefore your initial act of defiance and independence is not complete.
This psychological construction takes place in what you call the subconscious. I have earlier explained that no real division exists between consciousness and subconsciousness, both equally being conscious, and both being part of the same consciousness of the whole self.
The subconscious merely is aware of, and operates within, a very valid psychological perspective, with which the so-called conscious self is not familiar. [...]
[...] No energy can be withdrawn, and this includes the energy used in the continuous subconscious construction of the dream world. [...]
[...] And for Mark’s sake may I say that levels of existence do not necessarily imply higher or lower levels, but concentric levels, even as the layers of the subconscious do not imply upper and lower levels, but are merely terms used for the sake of simplicity.
[...] And another small but interesting point: On your own plane, there is a subconscious storehouse of knowledge, whereby it is known in a condensed fashion, by all molecules and atoms, exactly which variant or evolutionary attempts have been made, with what results—and always with an eye out, so to speak, for circumstances that might fit forms once adopted with failure, or to attempt other forms for which present circumstances may not be right. [...]
[...] The generalized consciousness which you call the subconscious, is composed of the combination of generalized consciousness from the individual cells and molecules, but now we come down to the source of the self-aware conscious individual behind or within each molecule. [...]
While it might sound impossible to you, this generalized molecular consciousness, which you would call subconscious, contains within it, in condensed genetic fashion, all knowledge of the inner workings of the universe, this knowledge being acted upon and instantly accessible when it is needed.