Results 1 to 20 of 105 for stemmed:status

TPS2 Deleted Session November 5, 1973 status unremittingly badminton money poverty

I want it understood that money was not the primary goal, that his early drive to escape his environment was based on the false idea that worth was dependent upon your status. Being a writer would give him status even if he did not make money, though he hoped to.

Now: you had built-in status in Ruburt’s eyes, simply because you were an artist. Status did not imply so much a place in society as a place of self. It held one to some extent aloof from society, being by nature an inbuilt superiority. Carried too far, such an idea can lead to an isolationism in which only work is important, and the daily joys experienced by others become unimportant and trivial. The very intuitive feelings behind the writer image were based upon the mysticism of nature, the joy of creaturehood; and yet pursued with too much literal-mindedness, the determination to write, once equated with work, led to important denials in those precise areas.

The development of his psychic abilities frightened him, for the very simple reason that in his mind a psychic did not have the same kind of status. The writing abilities were always one manifestation of his own strong psychic nature, however, and his growth as a personality required the merging of both if even the writer was to succeed. All of this has been happening. (Intently.) His improvements are the natural result of a synthesis of personality and abilities and a reorganization of beliefs.

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 Tom health wl secure VMcC

[...] We project ourselves ahead mentally to vocational status we are interested in, and by doing that, accomplish it. It is not the status itself that is the end. [...]

[...] I guess the question I’m asking is: am I really more interested in the certain possibilities of status, and that would not be the positive way of looking at things... [...]

I do not want you to have the attitude, however, or make the implication, that your health or status in any way automatically, and alone, is an indication of your spiritual wealth... [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

[...] We project ourselves ahead mentally to vocational status we are interested in, and by doing that, accomplish it. It is not the status itself that is the end. [...]

([Theodore: ]“But the point is—I guess the question I’m asking is: Am I really more interested in the certain possibilities of status, and that would not be the positive way of looking at things—or should I be seeing that man within a framework of, just as we were talking about health as just being a stepping stone, should I be seeing this man with a viewpoint towards what this can mean for helping other people be part of a constructive arrangement?”)

I do not want you to have the attitude, however, or make the implication, that your health or status in any way automatically, and alone, is an indication of your spiritual wealth—or lack of it. [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

[...] You can therefore check your inner status by observing your outer status. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 13 1979 worth yeoman equal Europe parentage

[...] The ownership of land of itself provided not only built-in social status, but an entire built-in world of privileged beliefs. [...]

God made the wealthy and the poor, the privileged and the non-privileged, and therefore it was obviously up to man to continue that status quo. [...]

[...] They could then buy more and more products, purchase a house and show through their possessions that their statuses meant that they must be the men of worth that they wanted to be. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 29, 1977 Darwinian Freudian Darwin teeth competition

For example, Ruburt’s latest status, and your somewhat natural concern with the temporary walking difficulty—you know what I am referring to—I say to you that the concern is natural; for it certainly seems so to both of you. [...]

[...] Before all of this, however, nature was seen as primarily passive—put here by God for man’s purpose, but without possessing the uniqueness or even approaching the status of man. [...]

Your preoccupation with Ruburt’s condition, however, was beneficial for a while, because it upset the status quo, shook him up, and started him more firmly in the proper physical direction. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session January 2, 1983 mansions home revived succor tr__

[...] I had the feeling when she spoke those opening words tonight that they constituted a blend of her own conscious desires plus those of the trance personality, whatever “its” status may eventually prove to be.)

TPS7 Deleted Session May 14, 1982 nurse Upjohn Eleanor Roe visits

[...] I said that I wanted information on the present status and beliefs of her sinful self, for comparison with its earlier stances in life. [...] I’m of the opinion that her thyroid status is closely involved here.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 28, 1978 authority authoritative Atlantis crazy professor

[...] But overall authority is meant to insure continuity, the status quo. [...]

[...] The authorities are simply people doing their best to preserve a status quo—with which many are already dissatisfied. [...]

TPS3 Session 784 (Deleted Portion) July 19, 1976 quicker protest discomfort trigger crying

Quicker motion could not appear however until the body reached its present status. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 faith Framework crash intimacy sustained

[...] At best, it got you a status quo. [...] The status quo meant, with your attitudes, that you could not trust improvements.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 860, June 13, 1979 impulses meditation luckily decisions tiny

[...] And in terms that you do not understand, even those atoms and molecules made their own decisions as the result of recognizing and following those impulsive sparks toward action that are inherent in all consciousness, whatever their statuses in your terms (all with intensity and feeling).

TPS3 Deleted Session September 20, 1975 pendulum distress Leahys money equivocate

[...] The reason the pendulum suggestions do work is that you are both jointly changing a status quo that you have jointly—though you may protest—previously accepted.

When that status quo shows signs of changing, you become disturbed. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 14, 1983 payments Nona car resolved Sethian

[...] I was most concerned that we be able to maintain the financial status quo while Jane was showing so many improvements, along with the promise of doing even better. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1983 arthritis instep foot incurable sponges

[...] It is indeed important that you reread the sessions, and Ruburt’s improved reading status today (when Jane read yesterday’s session after lunch today) should at least give you a glimmer of the improvements that are possible—improvements that will indeed occur as you continue with our “program.” [...]

TES7 Session 324 March 6, 1967 resentment excitement misdirected Wollheim symptoms

[...] Without intensive constructive suggestions before sleep the personality shows the status quo relationship of its condition, whatever it is. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

[...] If they are being rewarded for such behavior in the meantime, then the pressure is less, of course, so that bouts of illness or poor health can become ways of attaining attention, favorite status, and reward.

TPS1 Session 239 (Deleted Portion) March 7, 1966 dominate treat Philip woman primarily

[...] Such a discussion threatens the status quo.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

[...] You did not lose any status by adapting physical existence. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

[...] Now that idea is no more ludicrous than the idea you have, for both attempt to prove personal merit through the manipulation of money and status. [...]

[...] I have stuck to the most important beliefs about money, and the male’s status—but also such (family) gatherings also bring into focus beliefs about age and illness, and so forth. [...]

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