Results 1 to 20 of 164 for stemmed:spell

TPS6 Deleted Session November 9, 1981 solutions spelled Frank uncovering faith

(“Would you spell Frank’s again?” I didn’t think Seth had spelled it correctly —not the way he’d pronounced it.)

(Then spelled, but incompletely:) M-M-A-J-A is the current expression of Frank’s entity name. and D-A-J-O-R-A-K-A is his wife’s.

(I spelled it.)

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis

(“Please spell out your first name.”)

(“Spell out S.A.’s first name.”)

(“Are you trying to spell out psychic phenomena?”)

TES1 Session 3 December 6, 1963 Gratis Watts Frank China incarnation

[...] Jane thought that in the previous session she had quite often received the answer to my questions mentally, before the board had a chance to spell them out. [...]

(Spelled out.

(By this time, Jane was usually getting the answers to the questions mentally, before the board had time to spell them out. [...]

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

[...] It spelled out messages supposedly coming from a Frank Withers (not the real name) who had lived in Elmira and died during the 1940’s.

[...] The pointer spelled out the answers.

Rob asked the questions, then we paused while he wrote out the answers the pointer spelled. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970 Baal Ron Speaker Bael b.c

There was a major distortion having to do with B-A-E-L (spelled). [...] There was a city in a jungle — M-E-S-S-I-N-I (spelled) as nearly as I can translate it. [...]

(Seth-Jane spelled the god’s name Bael. Most sources spell it Baal, possibly pronounced as Bael. [...]

Now: Write down R-A-M-A (spelled). [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 534, June 8, 1970 extinguished vision interference spelling alarmed

[...] I’ll say here that the new effect involved the gradual loss of my ability first to spell, and then to write….

(By 9:12 I began to spell an occasional word incorrectly. [...]

[...] I now made a determined effort to spell correctly and write clearly. [...]

TES1 Session 8 December 15, 1963 fragment Mesophania board superego Ace

She is concerned because she receives my messages before they are spelled out. [...]

[...] In these instances she felt too restless and impatient to merely sit quietly while the board spelled [...]

[...] (Jane dictates:) It perks her up not to have to wait around for the board to spell out the answers.

TES9 Session 450 November 20, 1968 Pius Carl encyclopedia creaked guy

[...] J U R I N I S (spelled out in a much stronger voice), S T A V O (also spelled, though quieter), one one five one eleven. [...]

[...] (Jane spelled out Euclidean. [...]

Mine is the hand that wrote (a long, puzzled pause, eyes closed), finis (hesitantly spelled out), to the proposition dealing with (pause, voice weaker), uncharted (voice suddenly stronger) then uncharted, aspects of... [...]

TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument

The Sumarians (spelled) left the memory of their existence in the Sumerian culture (spelled. [...]

[...] I managed to hold the state while considering the kitchen interference, but was concerned lest any attempt at movement on my part would break the spell entirely.

The Sumarians—your Sumerians (spelled)—did this when they initiated the culture spoken about in your books. [...]

TES1 Session 4 December 8, 1963 Gratis wall Watts ha humility

(After this message, Jane clearly heard within the following, although the board did not spell it out:)

(“Well then, do we have the spelling correct on Ruburt?”)

(“Now the spelling is different.”)

TPS2 Session 599 (Deleted Portion) December 8, 1971 montella alphabet language cordella dyniah

(“Wait—can you help me with that spelling? [...] Phonetically I spelled it out in my notes as den-i-ad. [...] Reading these notes over, Jane told me I had spelled the word incorrectly, that it should be dyniad. [...]

(We straightened out the spelling before I resumed typing these notes on Saturday evening, December 11.)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

(And Jane, now I’ll tell you that as you had a crying spell last night—so have I at various times since you went into the hospital last April. [...] The spell must have lasted for at least half an hour; it went on and on. [...]

[...] I thought her spell might fit in with Seth’s recent material that her blue periods would gradually vent themselves away. [...]

TES2 Session 74 July 27, 1964 director authority gallery polishing porcupine

Privately, your director can see no reason why anyone who is educated cannot spell properly, but he has bent over backward not to give this impression. Out of pure perversity Ruburt has refused to learn how to spell. If authority says spell a word one way, Ruburt defiantly spells it another.

TES9 Session 495 August 13, 1969 glaze figure sell entrust character

[...] The name Jerry (spelled), the second name beginning with a G... Something like Geraldi (spelled).

[...] Bill’s (spelled), or run by a man named Bill. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 Lillian Clifton Bonnie Indian Arc

[...] In your language R, A, K, E, S (spelled); either Andrus or Andrew as the first name and a French background here also. [...]

[...] (spelling unfinished), Charteris. [...]

([Rob:] “Can you spell that?”)

TES8 Session 374 October 23, 1967 table alfalfa Bradley John Hazelton

[...] Spelling is John’s phonetic interpretation.

(The table became quite active, spelling out several messages which were quite garbled. [...]

[...] The table was moving well now, and promptly began to spell out the following message, taken from my notes: ILL MAKE A(B) DAN(D)CE.

TES9 Session 496 August 18, 1969 Foss Crosson gallery Reverend Fox

In the area of 6th Avenue and 61st Street, Carter (spelled). [...]

[...] I spelled it out, my version.)

[...] I do not know the spelling.

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

[...] In your language R A K E S (spelled); either Andrus or Andrew as the first name, and a French background here also. [...]

[...] (Pause.) The nearest approximation here: C H A R… (spelling unfinished), Charteris. [...]

(“Can you spell that?)

TES5 Session 223 January 16, 1966 teapot Brotzanin Lemons voyages Zanzibar

[...] I made a few brief notes, not verbatim except for the names, which Seth spelled out.

[...] When I remarked jokingly that as yet we didn’t even know what names we bore in that life, Seth promptly began to spell them out. [...]

TPS5 Session 841 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1979 regenerated marathon overnight Enquirer Runner

The old man changed probabilities, you see, moving into another, and your thought patterns deal with probabilities all the time, at one level, as your c-e-l-l-s (spelled) do at another—so perhaps that will help you see more clearly the connections between health and illness, and the directions that your thoughts take.

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