Results 181 to 200 of 895 for stemmed:situat
[...] … As an individual changes his physical situation through reacting to it, so he changes his interior or psychic situation in the same way. [...]
The situation can be serious in varying degrees, according to the impetus and intensity of the original cause behind the illness. [...]
A destructive attitude of mind has been changed overnight in the dream state to a constructive situation in many instances, and the whole electromagnetic balance has been changed. [...]
[...] … When the organism is set deeply in destructive patterns, then this is sometimes felt in the dream state, so that destructive dreams then add to the entire situation. [...]
(9:34.) Now if you read a book in your situation that instructs you to contemplate goodness, to turn your thoughts immediately to love and light when you feel irritated, you are in for trouble. [...] You may only hide them more cleverly, and perhaps become ill if, given the situation, you are not already.
[...] (Pause.) The schools of “positive thinking” try to remedy the situation, but often do more harm than good because they attempt to force beliefs upon you that you would like to hold, but do not in your present state of confusion.
(The insight, such as it was, offered many clues to our present situation. [...]
[...] Most of the ideas that you stated were highly pertinent, applying specifically to Ruburt’s situation —but very touchy for him. [...]
A focus upon natural inspiration, spontaneous creativity, psychic exploration, will automatically help relieve the physical situation, if this is done with some understanding. [...]
The spontaneity is considered safe along certain lines, but these lines become narrowed, and the further the situation continues the more narrowed the area of spontaneity allowed in your work. [...]
[...] At the same time you adopted a more hard line in your relationship with those in the family, trying to avoid all emotional situations which might trigger a release of the repressed feelings.
In such a situation, Ruburt thinks of work as work, and finds himself wanting—for a doctor after all heals patients, a lawyer solves cases or whatever, so it seems to Ruburt that his work must—underlined three times—make truth practical, and of course beneficially so. [...]
[...] Certainly the weaknesses said that the material was not true – because when he emphasizes work over creativity he becomes overly conscientious, overly concerned with responsibility, and puts himself in a situation where old fears are indeed triggered.
Simple-enough incidents, like shoveling the driveway, can bother you because they arouse old conflicts having to do with your earlier situation and the decision, say, to explore your mental and creative abilities rather than to pursue the physical ones in the excellence of sports.
The driveway involves the sports situation, and also the mainline-America theme—for shouldn’t you be shoveling the walk like your neighbor? [...]
[...] At the same time she said she knew the unusually intense feelings were good ones, say, as opposed to a worsening of her situation. [...]
(Most interesting, and perhaps a significant breakthrough, Jane felt better by the time Peggy Jowett came at 1:45, and we explained the situation to Peggy. [...]
[...] Beside that, the session given recently on the creative state, is vital, for you became hypnotized, of course, by the materialized situation. [...]
[...] Oftentimes body language is used in such cases, to state a situation, to communicate an attitude that is otherwise not clearly stated. [...]
(Pause at 10:25.) You must again realize that you chose your situation, and because it is a valuable one you sought it out. [...]
It is because of this that he speaks through you, because of your youth, and because your condition in this system or life somewhat approximates his own situation within another system. [...] There is much that you can do, and indeed that you must do if you wish the situation to continue and improve.
[...] I have told you that you are a novice in an exciting and exacting program and I have asked you to ponder the implications of this situation.
(John was in a rather upset and depressed mood, due to his job situation. [...]
[...] I will be a silent partner if you prefer, though the situations would be quite amusing if you allowed me a word now and then.
Now a word—Ruburt confuses me with this long horsey mane; my neck grows warm—a word about another situation.
Nevertheless, I would like to make a few remarks about a particular situation. [...]
[...] Ruburt retreated, but the situation was always in basic terms, artificially formed by your joint beliefs.
The body can find no firm stance in such a situation, for the artificial conditions blot out the natural realities of any given day. [...]
[...] The situation of attracting the people that you want, will come quite naturally as Ruburt feels more and more competent.
I am more concerned that the ideas of responsiveness be followed now, and that you apply your feelings of creativity to the situation. [...]
[...] He was excited last evening about Seven, and in that period of physical time he forgot his problems, and he dealt with the challenge of the book in the same way that he can learn to handle the physical situation.
[...] I would like such suggestions inserted when he is already in a Framework 2 situation, for they will have double benefit there.
[...] There, however, he was in his situation, saying “Well, I can do it, though it may be difficult,” then leading up to “Well, perhaps, since I know I can do it, I will then be able to do it easier”—needless thought steps to your position.
What you do in those situations is in a way concentrated. [...]
[...] It is of the utmost importance, however, that you understand the power and directing nature of your conscious mind, for otherwise you will believe yourself to be forever at the mercy of conditions and situations over which you feel you have no control.
In these, and all situations, it should be remembered that the body is always trying to heal itself, and that even the most complicated relationships are trying to untangle.
[...] Starting over can be done — by anyone in any situation, and it will bring about some beneficial effects regardless of previous conditions.
[...] Those situations might have been too devastating for us otherwise, too emotionally threatening, too charged for us to present them with at least the minimum amount of objectivity required by the written word. [...]
[...] We adjusted in ways that a few weeks previously would have seemed unbelievable to us—and, ironically, as must often happen in such situations, once we’d moved into our new joint reality, it appeared that those particular challenges had always been incipient for us.
[...] Ruburt is working with the nature of impulses, and old ideas about impulses, spontaneity and discipline rose to mind, for the family situation of your brother and his wife almost typifies the kind of situation that Ruburt was determined to avoid. [...]
He is in a period where he is trying to release impulses, but one look at that situation—momentarily, now—panicked him, so that he began to wonder if any discipline was not worthwhile to prevent what he considered that kind of intuitional and intellectual sloth.