Results 321 to 340 of 597 for stemmed:side

TES9 Session 500 September 8, 1969 Taylor Betty bt Crosson beard

[...] A corner building, I presume, since I see one side of the building, where the other side is flush to others.

TES7 Session 307 December 7, 1966 drugs chemical psychedelic drugless nuts

This is somewhat like drugging a child about to be born as a side effect of drugging the mother to make the birth easier, you see. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 27, 1978 revelation obedience reunion God era

[...] Seth’s closing reference to a “sweet creature” was a reference to our sweet cat, Willy, who midway in the session had hopped up on the couch and snuggled himself tight against my left side as I took notes.)

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

[...] This motion may be from side to side as you gently shake yourself loose.

[...] The walls were wood-paneled, in beautiful condition, and shelves were built along two sides. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] This time she lay on her side facing north after we’d retired, for she wanted to send help to a very ill person in a small town in Canada. [...] She was physically uncomfortable as she lay on her left side, however, so after a few moments she turned over. [...] After she’d settled down on her right side, she felt it go out again — but from the back of her head now, and still traveling truly north to its Canadian goal.

TES6 Session 252 April 20, 1966 sculpture bronze Bill column Macdonnel

[...] Thus it has two display windows, one on each side of the door. [...]

[...] When I tore the article from the newspaper I wrote the month, day and year on it, not realizing the date was printed on the reverse side.

TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966 pigment object Fox white shape

[...] (Jane gestured, her eyes still closed.) Also a connection with a building that is not seen from the front but from the side, perhaps from a verandah.

(“Also a connection with a building that is not seen from the front but from the side, perhaps from a verandah.” [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

[...] The turning around of the bed will alleviate a soreness of his ribs on the left side.

[...] In connection with the bed data, Jane has been mentioning for some time now that she has a vague soreness of the ribs on her left side.)

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

The physical side of these sessions is accepted by Joseph. [...]

[...] Then chest felt quite strongly as though it was scooped out on the left side. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 10, 1977 conventionalized goals classifications proposals Caesar

[...] The acquisition of your house is on its own a creative achievement—almost purely a side effect of your creativity. [...]

[...] Two sides of the same coin.

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

[...] It was thought of in terms of social transition, or your place in society, and transition in terms of your work, particularly here on Ruburt’s side—on his part. [...]

[...] The bushes at the side however, and the garden area, largely compensated, and the secret quality the corner had.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 16, 1984 boxcar Sue chassis trinkets kitten

[...] They happened at about 8:15, before staff people came in to turn her on her side. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] He suggested X-rays, however, “just to be on the safe side,” and so her body was treated to a basically unnecessary dose of radiation in the name of preventative medicine.

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

Side by side.

[...] Now this is the other side of your own experience, so to speak. [...]

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

(“The impression on the object, on the lower bottom, of very small rectangles or squares…” On the back of the object is the phrase “Side-opening loading-port for easy rapid-load.” [...]

The words “Side-opening” were neutral to Ruburt. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 13, 1983 drainage Carol rotate flexing inspectors

[...] It was time to turn Jane on her left side, facing the window. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 8, 1984 Helen Bowman Park Danny strings

[...] It’s apparent that the idea of people giving us money may have a negative side. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 6, 1983 Joe Christina Bumbalo Susie LuAnn

(The main thing I want to note is that after the catheter had been changed for the last time, Jane very nearly turned over on her left side by herself. [...]

TES9 Session 431 August 26, 1968 number row unit shafts behind

[...] The numbers on the other side of zero, the minus numbers, represent identity in that time of relative nonbeing. [...]

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

[...] A circular formation surrounded by flowers I believe, with closely-crowded, old, at least second-story structures to the left side of the street, or close to the street and nearly identical in rows.

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