Results 261 to 280 of 382 for stemmed:seri

TES7 Session 333 April 10, 1967 Barbara Oklahoma alto town John

[...] A series of petty crimes and a violent death as a direct result of business endeavors.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] You could not therefore count on a series of well-known steps to bring you to your own, as a carpenter or a doctor, or a dentist (humorously) can.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

[...] To be told that you might have a brain tumor, or multiple sclerosis one week, as I was in my early days at the hospital, then be told that I would most probably never be able to put my weight on my feet again without a possible series of long operations. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

[...] A series of shows now however would mitigate against what we are trying to do. [...]

TPS1 Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 parking Halliday sell landlord painting

The prayer series should be continued. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 796, March 7, 1977 nonliving illumination life evolution spatial

[...] However, in most cases dreams prevent such chronic illnesses, providing through small therapeutics a constant series of minor but important personal revelations.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

Using a series of mental exercises explained to me by Seth, I do step sideways — it is as though I am squeezing between two bars, and I find myself back in the bedroom with my father there, again, complaining. [...]

In the meantime, Sue began to have a series of dreams dealing with probabilities, the first of them in August, 1970. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

(Jane then experienced a whole series of events involving various facets of the concept of massiveness. [...]

TES5 Session 209 November 17, 1965 shall primary investigation director secondary

Now, I do not see you, as a rule, as a series of separate compartments, but rather more in your entirety. [...]

TES9 Session 462 February 3, 1969 mathematical perception clairvoyant medium pessimistic

[...] The series was built around the acceptance of the first book of the Seth material by Prentice-Hall.

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

(Four months ago I wrote in Note 1 for Session 885 that through a series of misunderstandings the people at Ankh-Hermes, a publishing company in Holland, had violated their contract with Prentice-Hall by issuing a condensed translation of Seth Speaks. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 faith Framework crash intimacy sustained

[...] I mentioned two questions: 1. Some comments on my dream about Louise Stamp recently, and the series of connections Jane had made, based upon it. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 571, March 3, 1971 symbols stages joy reverie signposts

[...] He now enters into his mental experiences far more deeply than in the reverie state, and may have a series of dream episodes in which he is able to express his joy and share it with others.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

(Going back to the end of our stay-at-home vacation, on June 25 Seth-Jane began delivering a series of 10 sessions that we held on Monday and Saturday evenings for a change, instead of following our usual Monday-Wednesday routine. [...]

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

[...] According to Seth all of us have been reincarnated, and when we are finished living our series of earthly lives, we will continue to exist in other systems of reality. [...]

[...] The entity preferred this, rather than a series of smaller difficulties. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

[...] Some of you might be able to do the exercise while performing a more or less automatic series of actions — but do not try to carry it out while driving your car, for example.

[...] These too, however, are a secondary series of activities, riding beneath your present primary concern. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 super Prentice expected professional unrealistic

(Before the session I mentioned the question I kept in mind for Seth, concerning what the Sinful Self may have learned since this last series of sessions was started. [...]

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

(As Seth talked the witness felt a series of intuitive jolts that led her to believe the information was good. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 872, August 8, 1979 reptiles impulses birds intermediate evolution

(“I’m a professional artist,” I wrote to the scientist, “and at times have been puzzled enough by questions about evolution to consider making my own series of drawings that would show the transformation from reptile to bird, for instance, just to see if I could do it convincingly…. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

A double dream is like the double life lived by some people who have two families — one in each town — and who seemingly manipulate separate series of events that other people would find most confusing. [...]

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