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(9:44.) Your brain gives you a handy and quite necessary reference system with which to conduct corporal life. It puts together for you in their “proper” sequences events that could be experienced in many other ways, using other kinds of organization. The brain, of course, and other portions of the body, tune into your planet and connect you with numberless time sequences — molecular, cellular, and so forth — so that they are synchronized with the world’s events.
Then pretend you are having a dream that begins with the image of an orange. Follow the dream in your mind. Next, pretend that you are waking from the dream to realize that another dream was simultaneously occurring, and ask yourself quickly what that dream was. Followed in the same sequence given, the exercise will allow you to make loops with your own consciousness, so to speak, to catch it “coming and going.” And the last question — what else were you dreaming of? — should bring an entirely new sequence of images and thoughts into your mind that were indeed happening at the same time as your daydream about the orange.
The same applies to your thoughts, which if you bother to listen seem to come smoothly one after another, more or less following the sequence of exterior activity. The brain like the movie screen gives you a physical picture, in living stereo (humorously), of inner activities that nowhere themselves physically appear.
The body obviously must react in your official present; hence the brain neatly keeps its physical time sequences with spaced neural responses. The entire package of physical reality is dependent upon the senses’ data being timed — synchronized — giving the body an opportunity for precise action. In dreams the senses are not so restrained. Events from past, present, and future can be safely experienced, as can events that would be termed probable from your usual viewpoint, since the body, again, is not required to act upon them.
[...] (Pause.) You are usually conscious of events that are significant neurologically, and that neurological timing is the end result of an [almost]2 infinite series of sequences. (Pause.) Those sequences are areas in which activities happen. Each consciousness within each area is tuned into its proper sequence. [...] You are tuned into a different sequence of action.
2. Just for my own study, I later inserted “[almost]” in Seth’s sentence because I hadn’t been quick enough to ask him to elaborate upon “the end result of an infinite series of sequences” when Jane delivered his material for him. [...]
Ruburt by now should be able to see a certain “sequence,” as previously hardened muscles begin to loosen. [...]
[...] Ruburt should look over his dream material again, to find further correlations between it and the stages of his recovery, further correlations between the inward and outward sequence of events.
Five: Stability in time-sequence is not a prerequisite requirement for an object, except as a root assumption within the physical universe.
[...] You may conclude that a given experience is the result merely of subconscious fabrications, simply because the time elements are obviously intermixed, or physical coherence or sequence is not maintained.
[...] (Pause.) To a large extent your habit of perceiving time as a sequence forms the type of experience, and also limits the experience that you will have in physical reality.
[...] It is retained in latent form within a kind of backup system, so that in terms of probabilities each species carries within its own genetic patterns the blueprints and specializations of each other’s genetic sequence.
Those sequences follow the pursuits of value fulfillment so smoothly that they can be reactivated whenever the conditions are fortunate—for even the animals are not concerned with simple survival alone, nor the plants, but with what I can only call (long pause) emotional qualities: qualities that seek a full appreciation and creative extension of those conditions of consciousness that stamp each species as itself and yet join it with all others.
[...] In one way both concepts are on the same level, and deal with realities in consecutive time sequences. [...]
(“A photograph of a given person represents one experienced probable identity, focused in a recognized time sequence. [...]
(“In the same way, a ‘picture’ of the species represents only one version of the species, ‘snapped’ in a particular time sequence, valid because of the invisible realities not focused upon, but upon which reality rides.”
[...] Each of his experiences, however, demonstrates the ways in which the psyche’s direct experiences defy your prosaic concepts of time, reality, and the orderly sequence of events. [...]
[...] The reception of such information facilitates skill, and operates basically outside of time’s sequences.
[...] The apparent cause and effect sequence is absent, and identity knows itself as itself through other means than continuity, in your terms.
[...] Instead of a time sequence that governs or seems to govern thought, mental activity of any kind, and overt action, you have associative processes, offshoots, and possibilities. [...]
Now the time sequence, while followed physically by your animals, is psychologically experienced far differently. [...]
Even this intense interest waxes and wanes, however, in the ordinary sequence of events. [...]
This dream was actually a series of four short sequences. [...]
In the third sequence, I was having a long discussion with the white woman of the first episode, and there were a group of other women present.
The idea of a time sequence (pause), is a psychological method of separating such experience for practical purposes at a given level of development. The idea of time sequence is intimately connected, again, with the structure of physical matter as you perceive it, a way of separating and correlating experience so that it can be physically processed and correlated.
[...] Your private psyche is intimately concerned with your earthly existence, and in your dream state you deal with probable actions, and often work out in that condition the solutions to problems or questions that arise having to do with probable sequences of events.4
[...] This area, whichever one it may be, will be the one in which the main dream sequence originates and in which the dream activity occurs.
The basic and originating dream sequence occurred in that area of the subconscious having to do with past lives, and of course expanded into other areas. [...]
It, the sequence, referred again to that ocean voyage, and gave you additional subconscious knowledge, informing you that the Larry Potter of your acquaintance was a seaman on the same vessel. [...]
You will find such sequences often, and this should be expected. [...]