Results 1 to 20 of 287 for stemmed:sensat

TPS6 Deleted Session April 27, 1981 sensations damper fireplace raccoon leg

(For last night had been one of her most uncomfortable yet. She woke me up crying at 4 AM, with flashing, shooting sensations in her right leg, from the hip all the way down to the foot. “By the time it reaches the foot, it almost feels good,” she said. She’d taken Bufferin but it hadn’t seemed to help much. She has had similar sensations in recent days—see the chronology for the weekend as listed below—but last night they were steadier and more intense. Jane also had another series of dreams, but unfortunately could remember hardly anything of them. I rubbed her legs for half an hour, then she fell asleep. In fact, she was snoring before I could get back to sleep myself.

(Jane slept until noon, and again during the morning thrashed about often in her sleep, and sometimes whimpered or cried out, presumably because of a dream. Yet when I called her she said she’d slept well. The hot, shooting sensations continued in her right leg, though to a lesser degree. Frank Longwell visited this noon, and massaged her legs also. He said the sensations were a positive, therapeutic sign of “nerve activity.” Yet Jane was back in bed by 3 PM, and slept until suppertime.

(Then before supper on Saturday she began to feel new, very strange sensations: painful in the hip, but much more pleasant by the time they reached the foot. Sometimes she made nearly involuntary quick movements of the leg or foot. We thought this added feeling of sensation might be the result of the last couple of sessions especially. Walter Zeh was her first husband.

TES1 February 14, 1964 whatnot sensation nibbling suffusing principally

(As I looked out the window, my sensation began to grow. [...] The sensation localized somewhat in back of my ears. [...]

(Re: my second “sensation” episode.

(The sensation passed and we resumed talking. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

The first time, the sensation was not as strong as the next two times. [...] I waited quietly, and in a moment or two the sensation was gone. [...] I had the odd feeling that the sensation was related both to the subject of conversation, and to some kind of message or communication I felt within me.

The next two sensations came later in the evening. [...] This sensation was so strong that I put down my sandwich and took off my glasses, because I literally didn’t know what might happen next. [...] Although everyone about me was talking quite loudly, I had the weird sensation of voices within me, of mouths open or crying in soundless rhythm.

As I looked out, that strange sensation came again. [...] The sensation then localized somewhat in back of my ears. [...]

ECS4 Jane’s Exercise in Class August 31, 1971 pyramid flash gladly Return freedom

[...] Those of you who are regular members of the class should have no difficulty in feeling that sensation that we get out of the back of our heads as if a pyramid were opening up. [...]

[...] If you feel this particular sensation in the back of your head, you can just follow it. [...]

[...] You may simply be involved in kinetic sensation. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

[...] The two sensations were sometimes apparent together. Either or both were very pleasant after the strangeness disappeared, and I lay quietly and deliberately did my best to analyze and remember each sensation. The sensation finally dwindled slowly away.

(I recalled, also, that as I was drifting off to sleep upon retiring that evening, I had been aware of a slight sensation of tingling or thrilling in my hands. This mild sensation has been a rather standard one for me during psychological time, when presumably I was in a light state of dissociation. This was by far the most pronounced feeling of enlargement that I have experienced, and is separate from the other strong bodily sensations of thrilling, or the feeling of sound as Seth describes it, that I have known upon a few occasions.

(For data on my other sensations and some visions, see the following sessions: 22, 24, 26, 27, 65, 145, 146, 163. These would not include, either, the “fat hands” sensations that Jane and I experienced during sessions.)

TPS2 Deleted Session March 22, 1972 orgasm lovemaking rebel demanded mantras

In your particular case I would even suggest that you stay away from the normally accepted sexual areas for awhile, and enjoy instead of the content (?); i.e. when he kisses your hand, and you are aware of the sensation of lip against palm and vice versa—be aware of feeling also in your hand on his skin. Lose yourself in that sensation. [...]

[...] Simply become aware of your sensations. [...]

If you will not try to have an orgasm—if you will simply allow your body to become aware of the sensations that it feels, then you will be at a beginning.

UR1 Appendix 3: (For Session 681) capsule plane massive tissue boundary

[...] She continued to lie quietly on the couch, eyes closed, but in a few minutes told me she’d just been visited by a most strange sensation. [...]

[...] She hadn’t been frightened by the sensation, and went along with it. [...]

“As we talked, Jane suddenly announced that her experience had triggered her memory: She’d had similar sensations of enlargement twice before. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 894, January 9, 1980 creatures scheme body self sensations

Now as you will see, all creatures, regardless of their degree, can and do choose, within their spheres of reality, those sensations that they will experience—but to one extent or another (underlined) all sensations are felt. We will later discuss the part of the mind and its interpretation, for example, of painful stimuli, but I want to make the point that those attracted to physical life are first and foremost tasters of sensation. [...] The body maintains its equilibrium by reacting against gravity, by coming in contact with other bodies, by changing its own sensations, by glorifying in the balance between balance and off-balance.

[...] Here, however, I only want to mention one facet, and that is the importance of physical sensation, of whatever kind—for the life of the body provides you, among all things, with a life of sensation, of feeling, a spectrum that must include the experience of all possible sensations within its overall range.

TES9 Jane’s Notes Tuesday October 22, 1968 giant pyramid peering massive shrinking

[...] Then more sensations; or rather, again I felt sensations that were concepts translated into feeling rather than words; but feelings and images. [...]

[...] Only moments afterward, memory of the thing was beginning to vanish, and words hardly express the subjective sensations. [...]

[...] But I broke in, before the onrush of sensations the last time; sensing that they were about to occur, so obviously I had learned from the first episode.

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

(The whole half-hour was a study in psychological sensation. [...] Suddenly intensity of all sensations deepened. [...] Tingling sensation.)

[...] This was followed by traces of my thrilling sensation. [Also, while painting this afternoon I had felt the same sensation in stronger form.]

[...] The sensation was quite strong. [...]

TES1 Session 38 March 25, 1964 sixth sense fifth tissue sensation

[...] When she opened her eyes she felt a light snapping sensation that was very gentle, and not audible. She did not have the sensation when her eyes were open; but she said the physical sensation of this experience was so strong there could be no doubt of it.

(It will be remembered that my first sensation episode, of February 8/64 [See page 172], jogged my memory so that I was able to recall a previous such experience of perhaps a year ago. In like manner Jane’s experience reminded her that on two previous occasions she had experienced forerunners of this evening’s sensation.

(“I’ve had my sensation several times lately.”)

TES2 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Callahan divan Miss tongue mouth

[...] The sensation was very strong and suffusing, almost one of ecstasy. [...] The sensation continued strongly through my body for perhaps a minute or two. [...]

(In this experiment sound, light and sensation were involved. [...]

[...] The extreme sensation, the thrilling, lasted for over half an hour. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

To answer the questions you need to feel your reality at any given moment, to follow your own thoughts, but not only your thoughts, but your physical sensations, the sensations of physical life. And when you cut off as many of these physical sensations as you can then what remains? What physical sensations do you think that you feel that an ant does not? [...]

[...] On the other hand, it is perfectly alright to maintain the sensation so that you know at what point of consciousness you are attaining. [...]

TES3 Session 115 December 16, 1964 universe storefront December Crucifixion helmets

(I would like to note here that one night during the second week in December, possibly around the 11th or 12th, I awoke out of a sound sleep to become aware that both arms and hands were involved in my rather familiar sensation of enlargement and of elevation. The feeling of enlargement centers mainly on the tops of the limbs, as though they were swelling, and is not to be confused with the overall thrilling or tingling sensation I often refer to. I have now experienced both sensations many times. [...]

(My enlarging sensation began on backs of hands and in feet quite soon. [...] The sensation was very strong and expectant. [...] Briefly, and I could be mistaken, I thought I had a sensation of being suspended perhaps a foot or so above my body.

[...] Upon lying down I experienced my familiar thrilling sensation three separate times, the last time strongly. [...]

TES3 Session 113 December 7, 1964 December duration Christmas lighter gaunt

[...] The sensation was quick but quite definite. [...] During this experience I had my thrilling sensation twice, to a fair degree.

[...] Along with this sensation they also felt curiously stunted, with the right leg bent and drawn partly up at an odd angle. [...]

(December 13, Sunday, 8 PM: Few little hand sensations, etc.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 23, 1982 mcg dozing assurances finger magical

[...] The same sensations of discomfort can be felt at time in those areas, but those sensations are above all therapeutic, and “hurt” far less when he is not otherwise disturbed. [...]

[...] The resulting sensations may be unpleasant at times—but the entire procedure balances itself out so that no one area is under undue strain for any long period of time, as other areas unwind. [...]

[...] She called me several times during the night to massage her legs and feet, reporting many strange sensations in them. [...]

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

(The sensation was very pleasant and not at all frightening. [...] The sensation lasted very definitely for several minutes, giving me plenty of time to explore it, then gradually dwindled away.

(For data on my other sensations and some visions, see the following sessions: 22, 24, 26, 27, 65, 145, 146, 163, 169. Nor do these include the enlarged hand sensations that Jane and I have experienced during sessions.)

My sensation of Friday night, August 6,1965.

TES2 Session 54 May 18, 1964 entities forest extral chicken durability

[...] Again my sensation. [...] Once also I experienced the now familiar sensation of “fat” or enlarged hands.

(After that, the sensation returned to a lesser degree at each sound I heard, such as the call of a robin, a passing car, a sound elsewhere in the house, etc.; it was almost as though I could predict when I would experience the sensation, almost as though it was close to becoming routine.

[...] Then I was swept from head to foot by my familiar thrilling sensation, which Seth has called the feeling of sound. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 1, 1973 improvements tomatoes badminton tendons mobility

The feeling of warmth and identification with the legs, and sensations throughout the whole lower body, is also highly significant and necessary. [...]

These feelings will also be accompanied by sensations of warmth however, and so should be accepted and recognized as new signs of mobility and action. [...]

In the meantime Ruburt is aware of sensation that before was largely deadened. [...]

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

(The next two sensations appeared somewhat later in the evening. [...] This sensation was so strong that I put down my sandwich and took off my glasses, because I literally did not know what to expect next. [...] Although everyone about me was talking quite loudly, I had the weird sensation of voices within me, of mouths open or crying in soundless rhythm. [...] The sensation in my chest was very strong. [...]

(I waited quietly, and in a moment or two the sensation was gone. [...] I had the odd feeling that the sensation was related both to the subject of conversation, and to some kind of message or communication I sensed or felt within; I believe that each time I experienced it, I was involved in talk about other people; relatives, children or perhaps parents.

(On the evening of last Saturday, February 8, 1964, I had three separate and very strange sensations.

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