Results 1 to 20 of 45 for stemmed:scratch

TPS7 Deleted Session January 2, 1984 bandages itching pendulum powdery scratching

(Jane didn’t go to hydro this morning. I told her I’d waked up scratching again last night, yet wasn’t any worse. I explained my answers to the scratching through the pendulum—that I was “itching” to get back to work on Dreams after several interruptions.

TES3 Session 134 February 22, 1965 aggressive explosions regularity meek scratching

[...] It was evident that the cat had scratched her through her dress. [...] If Willy’s scratches hurt she gave no sign. [...]

[...] She did remember something scratching her, and it developed that Willy had drawn a few spots of blood.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 1, 1984 cans Cardwell fever Maude Betts

(I should note that starting yesterday I became conscious that I was doing a good deal of scratching of various portions of my anatomy—principally on my lower legs underneath my stockings, and on my forearms. [...]

(Then in 330 this afternoon I began to scratch again, and discovered red irritated spots on both lower legs and on the forearms to a lesser degree. [...]

TES8 April 24, 1968 terrific sort fabulous really relegated

[...] Told my class last night the whole bit, and said that from now on classes were to be focused about the material; we were going to study it from scratch; this was my life work, my direction, what I was meant to do. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 8, 1981 dmso innocence Sinful bonding Christianity

One of the church’s most powerful allies was to that extent its understanding of human psychology, for if you left the church or its system, it knew that you still carried many of its beliefs nevertheless—only now you had something like an itch that you could not scratch. [...]

[...] The itch is still there, but it is harder to scratch. [...]

TES1 Session 5 December 9, 1963 peach fence Gratis Arcturus playgrounds

[...] Bunk into each other and feel no scratch.

TPS3 Session 708 (Deleted Portion) September 30, 1974 jointly invisible belief cure despite

Ruburt, in those terms, started from scratch as a member of your society who had finally thrown aside, as you had, the current framework of belief. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 13, 1984 Joe Margaret daredevils defiers health

[...] In that sentence, scratch out “dwindling.” [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 6, 1984 nurse interferon rebroke tandem leg

[...] I told her my scratching had subsided considerably since yesterday. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 4, 1983 Phyllis cream knuckles healing rinse

[...] Such as her impulse to hold a cigarette in her right hand again, or to reach out with her left hand to scratch her right thigh, or to hold the cup she uses in the morning to rinse out her mouth while the nurse does her teeth. [...]

TES6 Session 269 June 20, 1966 burlap newspaper knife panel electromagnetic

The object for tonight, some kind of buckle, of metal or metallic color, scratched. (Pause.) Also a design or initials (pause) scratched deeply into the object. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 833, January 31, 1979 fame mate reams destination deaths

Once more — (humorously:) that will save you from scratching out another “again,” “however,” or whatever — your body is mobilized when you want to move. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

[...] You may, for example, sneeze or not sneeze, cough or not cough, walk to the window or the door, scratch your elbow, save a child from drowning, learn a lesson, commit suicide, harm another, or turn your cheek.

TES4 Session 188 September 15, 1965 astral downstairs Hagel Bob plastic

[...] I always work on several thicknesses of paper so that writing noise is not a problem, and use a ballpoint pen to avoid scratching noises. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

(“And that’s another sign,” I said, as she scratched her chin on the right side with that same left hand. [...]

TES9 Session 491 July 2, 1969 race system abrupt clay violent

[...] Or you imagine the race of man vanishing, or starting all over again as it were from scratch.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 14, 1982 nurse Upjohn Eleanor Roe visits

[...] Since you are starting from scratch, so to speak, then you have only each other to rely upon. [...]

TES8 Session 409 May 1, 1968 coordinates rascal cohesiveness boundaries intensity

What your scientists have learned about the physical genes barely scratches the reality of diversity, even physically. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 21, 1981 false fireplace Sinful true category

[...] Behind me in the fireplace we heard once again the mysterious scratching or chucking or chirruping sounds we’ve become aware of lately, as though a family of animals or birds has young hatching our or growing in a nest on the other side of the closed damper. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] When Ruburt’s body began its regeneration lately, it began to correct all conditions from scratch. [...]

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