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TES4 Session 170 July 19, 1965 Footage dear display prove doctor

Adequate scientific proofs, such as science so surely needs, requires the enlargement of consciousness; not, my dear doctor, on my part, but on the part of science. [...] Nevertheless the fact remains that I am indeed extending myself, and my dear doctor it is science which is not extending itself, and it is science that will not meet reality halfway.

[...] Doctor Instream can act in this behalf, and I will consider such actions as a gesture of his faith; though the word faith is not meant as any alternative to the word science, it is quite possible to have both.

[...] Seth said that proofs she would accept would not be accepted by science. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 823, February 27, 1978 principle complementarity uncertainty quantum Heisenberg

[...] Her feelings for these works of science, then, are the same as those she has for the ether; see Note 1 for Session 822.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] Science and religion must ultimately be reconciled if we are to progress. [...] In our lifetimes Jane and I look forward to our species at least making a start at grappling with such large areas of its own activity as science and religion. [...]

TPS5 Notes for Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Island Mile meltdown radioactive Jonestown

[...] It would hardly be a coincidence, I added, that the mass events at Jonestown and Three Mile Island took place within less than six months of each other, and that they represented the two poles, or extremes, of mankind’s present main belief systems: religion and science.

TES1 Session 5 December 9, 1963 peach fence Gratis Arcturus playgrounds

[...] Your science may discover ways of finding life that your senses alone cannot find.

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

[...] Those same diagrams of which science is so proud, however, can also be barriers, giving you a dead instead of a living knowledge. [...]

[...] Science needs new theories to unify as many of the four forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, and the atomic “strong” and “weak” forces) as possible, instead of separating them as in the past. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

Science has seen man as an accidental product of an uncaring universe, a creature literally without a center of meaning, where consciousness was the result of a physical mechanism that only happened to come into existence, and that had no reality outside of that structure. Science has at least been consistent in that respect. [...]

At certain times, and most particularly at the birth of medical science in modern times, the belief in inoculation, if not by the populace then by the doctors, did possess the great strength of new suggestion and hope — but I am afraid that scientific medicine has caused as many new diseases as it has cured. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 16, 1984 genetic deficient divergent qualifications elasticity

Children who are labeled mentally deficient or even called idiots, can often grow and develop far beyond medical science’s suppositions — particularly if they are aided by loving parents who constantly provide stimulation and interest.

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 23, 1984 heart heartless transplant medical technology

Now: Modern medical science largely considers the human body to be a kind of mechanical model, a sort of vehicle like a car that needs to be checked by a garage every so often.

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 29, 1984 unmanly cross showoffs taught bravado

[...] Such individuals may try “to get ahead” on the one hand, in society or business or in the arts or sciences, only to find themselves taking two steps backward for every step they take forward. [...]

TPS3 Session 708 (Deleted Portion) September 30, 1974 jointly invisible belief cure despite

Now: distorted as it is, and it is distorted, the science of mind book, coming from outside of himself, in those terms, is valuable, for it reminded him of his own power. [...]

TES3 Session 110 November 25, 1964 a.j inquiring November Dee objectify

(On Wednesday, November 12, Jane sent a copy of the 44th session to A.J. Budrys, science fiction editor of Playboy Magazine. Jane and A.J. have met once, at a science fiction conference some eight years ago in Milford, PA.

(At this conference Jane, A.J. and three other science fiction writers formed a group they called “The Five.” [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

(I’ll finish the references to yesterday’s session by quoting the comments Seth made at the end of some material we’ve deleted from the 712th session in Section 4. A few weeks ago, through a magazine we subscribe to, Jane joined a science club. [...] Seth: “Ruburt’s science kit is something picked up, in your terms, from another probability — in which he learned all there is to know about science as you know it. [...]

3. Both Jane and I think Seth’s statement, that in another probability “Ruburt … learned all there is to know about science …” is pretty strong, but since it came through that way we let it stand. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 655, April 11, 1973 neuronal Thirteen options athlete cobweb

[...] Religion and science would each be unhampered by dogma in such an individual. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] For that matter much of your science is distortive. [...] The distortions in science and religion have been truly disastrous. [...]

Science is apt to turn into another religion, if it has not done so already. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 8, 1983 dessert news healing ulcers congressional

[...] We were watching grown men discuss the end of the species—with means given to politicians by science. [...]

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

Science might admit that the novel idea itself was highly creative, an example of the mind at play as it used experience as a creative raw product — but of course you had your experience before you read the article. And when that kind of thing happens science then proclaims that the two events are not connected to each other at all, but are instead the result of coincidental patterns.

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

We also think science is “objective” enough in its own terms of serial time and measurement, as it claims to be, but that eventually it must choose to look inward as thoroughly as it does outward. [...]

[...] I’m not putting down our cultures and science either, since they very accurately reflect the collective lives and conditions that we’ve chosen to create. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 679 February 4, 1974 mystical Linden photograph n.y church

Jane regarded all of these works as being science “fantasy” rather than “straight” science fiction. [...]

The mystical went underground, reappearing as science fiction.6 Again, in the social and religious background of the child, unconventional mental or physical actions could bring penalties. [...]

[...] Two years after we married, she published her first work of fiction, a short story about reincarnation called “The Red Wagon”: It appeared in the December, 1956, issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction [© 1956 by Fantasy House, Inc., New York, N.Y.]. [...]

TPS5 Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Harrisburg nuclear dog dream drama

[...] Nor did we want to wait for science or psychology to explain dreams, since here we were having them all of the time. [...]

[...] It could hardly be a coincidence, I remarked to Jane this noon that both mass events had taken place this year, and represented the two poles, or extremes, of mankind’s present belief systems: religion and science. [...]

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