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DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass

[...] For to me, and to Jane also, I’m sure, Three Mile Island and Jonestown-Iran represent powerful extremes or directions in large-scale human behavior: certain aspects of religion and science seemingly at opposite poles of the human psyche, as it were.

[...] Actually, I thought, our concepts of religion and science aren’t as contradictory as at first they may seem to be. [...]

[...] To Jane and me these particular aspects of science and religion represent the way large-scale events can escape their well-meaning creators and literally take on lives of their own. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 862, June 25, 1979 born therapy crime law proven

[...] As I have said before, according to psychology and science, you are a living conglomeration of elements and chemicals, spawned by a universe without purpose, itself accidentally formed, and you are given a life in which all the “primitive and animalistic” drives of your evolutionary past ever lurk within you, awaiting expression and undermining your control.

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

[...] As I have mentioned before, science’s determination to be objective almost immediately brought about a certain artificial shrinking of psychological reality. [...]

TES9 Session 484 May 26, 1969 John Philip overcrowded overpopulation mankind

[...] And if personalities refuse to inhabit a new body, then no science will be able to give life to the newly formed but uninhabited body.

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 909, April 21, 1980 deformities genetic evidence encounters volumes

[...] All of this involves direct experience—episodes, encountered by individuals, [that are] highly suggestive of the after death hypothesis; but the hypothesis is never taken seriously by your established sciences. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 689 March 18, 1974 million animal toolmaking epochs totem

[...] Generally speaking, science chooses not to accept the discoveries mentioned here, for were any of them to be officially recognized then several learned disciplines — among them geology and biology — would be shown to be very much in error in important ways.

NotP Chapter 2: Session 758, October 6, 1975 frequencies program criteria awake monitor

If you were as knowledgeable and crafty when you were awake, then you would put all religions and sciences out of business, for you would understand the greater reality of your psyche. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 905, March 3, 1980 genes genetic chromosomes predilections program

[...] When I got out to the living room to wait for the session, I found her watching one of those fascinating, multiple-subject science programs on the educational channel: Various experts were discussing topics like childbirth and sound, Kirlian photography, astronomy, particle physics, and so forth. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 Quebec idol god tribe Mabunda

[...] In this life you hoped to learn further answers of science, but in the eyes of the molecule you found yourself staring symbolically into the eye of that long-forgotten idol. [...]

TPS5 Session 877 (Deleted) September 3, 1979 sperm order eggs spontaneous apelike

You could not have any of your arts, cultures, governments, religions or sciences without first being couched in nature’s spontaneous order. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 30, 1978 civilizations Poett official treachery horizontal

[...] They developed arts and sciences, religions—yet it was as if no other people existed. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

Now Ruburt understood quite well in a fashion that his own experiences were taking him outside of that cohesive framework, not simply outside of science’s or religion’s dictums, but outside of those areas that science and religion ignored, deplored, or denied (all very intently). [...]

[...] In it she tied her eye trouble and other symptoms with her fears about public reactions to her Seth work—her fears of its rejection, etc., and that she might—indeed, has—found herself outside the accepted realms of science, religion, etc., because of her psychic work. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 14, 1977 technology civilizations sophisticated microfilm Raphael

[...] Your civilization is organized around science and technology, and generally speaking, now, the arts and other schools of knowledge have been largely subsidiary. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978 confounds Framework reason universe predisposed

That perception was not the sort of official sense data recognized by your sciences. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

[...] Western religion and science promote the ideas of competition, effort, the emphasis upon the will, divorced from the imagination, so that to “give up all effort” can be read as an abdication of responsibility, an indication of laziness and sloth; or in fundamental Christian terms, the devil finds work for idle hands.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

As a writer for example, alone, he does not feel a responsibility (underlined) to write every kind of book possible: gothics, mysteries, science fiction, poetry, essays, straight novels. [...]

[...] (Bach’s description of Jane for Time.) The middle-aged lady was mentioned as middle-aged, and as a psychic, poet and science fiction writer—a turning of the ways in that the psychic books were mentioned, but no books of poetry, which gave impetus to Dialogues.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 15 precognitive pamphlet Anna decontamination motorcycle

[...] “My science fiction novel that came out in Fantasy and Science Fiction years ago. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 854, May 16, 1979 Fanatics Heroics war uncommon Jehovah

[...] Science and religion each tell you that left alone you will spontaneously be primitive creatures, filled with uncontrolled lust and avarice. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 27, 1983 Andrew Sue steak evolution endorsed

[...] The author is basically too unsure of himself to call the book either fiction or nonfiction—thus he saves himself from answering many intelligent questions by saying this is conjecture, even while he takes shelter under the name of science. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 852, May 9, 1979 Hitler Aryan Germany Jews grandiose

[...] That unfortunate chant is behind the beliefs of many cults — scientific and religious — and Hitler’s Aryan kingdom was a curious interlocking of the worst aspects of religion and science alike, in which their cultish tendencies were encouraged and abetted.

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