Results 801 to 820 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt
[...] The out-of-body was the result of a change in attitude, and made possible also because of his (Ruburt’s) body’s relaxation. [...]
[...] They also exercise their consciousnesses in the same fashion—doodle with their minds, relaxing themselves in such a fashion, wandering off to refresh themselves—and you were both doing that, but Ruburt caught himself in the act, so to speak.
You were mentally wandering through the house, the both of you, and Ruburt caught himself where his mind was—only his physical body was not in the same place. [...]
Now: this will undoubtedly be a brief-enough session—but I wanted you to know that some important organizations of behavior that have bothered you both—particularly Ruburt—have lost their power. [...]
Ruburt has also been picking up some information, quite interesting, on unusual versions of perception, in which, say, living and nonliving are combined momentarily to form momentarily new kinds of objects. [...]
[...] The first symbol was built around Ruburt’s dreams, which involved a female symbol; that is, the present Ruburt interpreted vessel as tub, hence washing machine, the leaking vessel becoming a leaking washing machine.
A familiarity must be gained by an individual with the general nature of his own dreams first, as Ruburt now has some knowledge or intuition that enables him to distinguish between dreams that originate in areas having to do with past lives, and those which originate in other areas, though he is not yet able to further differentiate.
In the interpretation of your dreams then Joseph, as with Ruburt’s, we must change our focus, for what appears as a logical interpretation through conscious examination is often distorted.
[...] The dream was partially triggered, as is often the case between closely related individuals, by Ruburt’s own dream in which the leaking vessel was featured.
[...] A note here: Ruburt has indeed discovered something at which I hinted, though in a different connection. [...]
[...] The appearance of this in Ruburt’s predictions represents a first glimpse of real progress.
[...] Sometime, who knows, you may see me too; and that will give Ruburt something to brood over.
[...] During those years Marie was in her late 20’s and early 30’s, and already incapacitated by arthritis; and, to quote Seth from a session held in 1964, she had “… often spoken vehemently of Ruburt’s birth being a source of disease, and pain, that is of her arthritis … If Ruburt’s mother had it to do over, she would not have the child — and the child hidden within the adult still feels that the mother actually has the power, even now, to force the child back into the womb and refuse to deliver it …”
[...] When Seth came through again in a few minutes he said, humorously: “Tell Ruburt I said ‘Happy Birthday’” — then gave a page of material for Jane on another subject. [...]
5. See Note 3 for Session 679, concerning Seth’s male name for Jane (Ruburt), and his comments that “Sex, regardless of all your fleshy tales, is a psychic phenomenon …”
[...] In the first of the two he remarked that “Ruburt is still dealing with spin-off material following or resulting from his sinful-self data….” In the second one he stressed that although Jane was still afraid of spontaneous bodily relaxation, “[Ruburt] is safe, supported and protected—that is, of course, the message that he is trying to get through his head at this time.” [...]
[...] Ruburt did not want to face such issues. [...] When Ruburt has typed those small later poems, the path will seem much clearer to him. [...]
(9:50.) Now: Ruburt is that kind of courier. [...]
Not this evening—but I will have material for you there, and on Ruburt shortly, when some new insights on his own will allow me to make further points than those I could make at present. [...]
Ruburt in his Dialogues has an excellent example, in the way in which he allowed his feelings to arise, though he was initially frightened of them. Everyone cannot write poetry, but each person is creative in his or her own way, and can follow the emotions as Ruburt did whether or not a poem results.
Dictation: Ruburt did receive some information from me, by using another method. [...]
[...] Ruburt correctly interpreted an analogy I gave him in which I compared thoughts to individual cells, and belief systems to the physical organs, which are composed of cells. [...]
As in the material that Ruburt received ahead of time for his own use, natural aggression is cleansing and highly creative — the thrust behind all emotions.
My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me. [...] I will never speak through anyone other than Ruburt, simply because there must never be any doubt of the origin of the Seth material.
[...] Ruburt has spoken to me: I am aware of social environments.
I am not pleased with Ruburt’s hairdo.
[...] I have worked very hard to help Ruburt condition himself to provide for the material’s integrity and cut down on distortions (Smile:) I would be appalled at going through that all over again.
[...] You have our Lady of Florence to thank that there are classes here, for Ruburt would not think of them in the beginning, and it was our friend, who you think is too intellectual and not intuitional, who suggested the classes in the first place to Ruburt and opened his mind so that he would follow my suggestions. [...]
[...] It gives you suspense and Ruburt would say it gives you a great story line and while you are reading the story, however, you are automatically taking in the inner truths that are within it whether or not you are consciously aware of what you are doing. [...]
Now (to Rachel) before I forget, Ruburt asked me and, of course, the answer is yes, whether or not you put up your Christmas tree. [...]
([Florence:] “I listen to Jane and Ruburt too.”)
Ruburt’s physical system, at its own pace, is righting itself. [...] Pace slower.) I am trying to give you some information concerning the back symptom, and will have to deepen Ruburt’s trance, because of what you might call the underground noises. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s psychic climate has indeed changed for the better, but in periods of physical symptoms beyond his present norm, you can greatly assist in such a manner, for these are simply—or not so simply—miniature pitfalls. [...]
[...] Either see Ruburt painted in with the expression on his face as he reads the significant letter, and instead of the title the date of the letter.
Another method: pretend you are painting Ruburt with a picture of the book in his hand, then the details as to the publisher and so forth would be painted in for you. [...]
[...] Let Ruburt take a cigarette break, and then I may speak again for a short time—but if not, do not be discouraged, for in any case this session marks a new beginning. [...]
My purpose this evening was merely to assure you of my presence, and in particular to reassure Ruburt that the sessions could continue whenever he was willing. [...]
Ruburt (Jane) today received a letter from a man who would certainly be labeled a schizophrenic. Ruburt was distressed—not only by the individual’s situation, but by the philosophic implications. [...]
(9:23.) In the case of the man who wrote Ruburt, we have a mixture of those characteristics in which interior events—the events of the imagination—cast too strong a light upon physical events as far as the socially accepted blend is concerned. [...]
[...] I do not want to dictate to Ruburt, or tell him how to write this book. [...] I am certain that Ruburt could so organize the center portion of the book so that stress could still be given to the personal story line.
[...] There will be some controversy, and Ruburt will simply learn to relax, and not to upset himself.
The first section would then remain as it is, basically, except for any changes Ruburt wishes to make in small matters. [...]
Ruburt’s experience in psychological time today represented a legitimate attempt to dissociate his awareness from physical matter, and was a sign that he is embarking upon another fruitful period of activity.
Generally, for the first time, you and Ruburt are bringing the world of books to these people, the young people, for the first time. [...]
[...] The relationship between you and Ruburt also gives the young couple the basis upon which to build their own life together, and such a basis was quite necessary for them.
[...] In past lives he never enjoyed the fleshy nature with which you Joseph, and Ruburt, and Mark were so outlandishly endowed. [...]
[...] I will never condone an attitude in which either you or Ruburt maintain that you hold undiluted truth through these sessions.
Ruburt was quite correct. [...]