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UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] That experience of Ruburt’s and Joseph’s was completely new. I was, in those terms, not the Ruburt that Ruburt is. My experiences as Ruburt were different, and Ruburt’s experiences as Seth, in those terms, will be different. Ruburt will be a different Seth than I am.30

[...] But I speak through Ruburt, and Ruburt is himself and I am myself, yet without your support of Ruburt I could not speak. This in no way minimizes my reality, or Ruburt’s.

(From the 54th session for May 18, 1964:) Your Ruburt was, indeed, Seth … I have promised to give you more material dealing with the psychic construction of the entity, and its relationship with its various [physical] personalities. In the beginning, I could not tell you in so many words that Ruburt is myself, because you would have leaped to the conclusion that I was Ruburt’s subconscious mind, and this is not so.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 26, 1978 scorn impulses cleansing unfair prerogative

The increased activity and the release of impulses with these sessions, and your pendulum work, are once again arousing Ruburt’s body and mind, and your own, so that you have an excellent chance now for Ruburt to recover. [...] Remember what I said about muscular activity, so that when Ruburt does have a sore day, say, you do not become discouraged.

[...] Almost immediately after your chair suggestion, and with the work you are both doing, Ruburt’s mind and body began to respond. [...] The definite improvements are therefore the result of Ruburt’s determination, and your support, but also of the body’s resiliency when it is allowed to follow its natural impulses.

[...] Do not forget Framework 2. Ruburt need not go abroad in the world to promote our ideas, nor have I ever suggested it. The ideas are best promoted through these sessions, and books—and not by hasty encounters on television, where answers must be simplified and ideas diluted, but in the reasoned writings that build in their own way, tell Ruburt, resting upon the great framework of the intuitions’ knowledge. [...]

TES8 Session 399 March 13, 1968 sexual jointly scruples plastered pockets

Now I have come through in Ruburt’s classes rather frequently of late, and this has been to his advantage. [...] They in turn set up a supportive psychic atmosphere that adds to Ruburt’s well-being.

[...] The components of Ruburt’s personality and of your own, Joseph, have changed since our sessions began. Now, Ruburt’s whole personality had to assimilate the knowledge that he was receiving, but this automatically changed the personality from what it was.

Now Ruburt is not speaking egotistically, for himself. [...] It was lit, though Ruburt fearfully tried to close it down. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

(9:44.) It is obvious that Ruburt’s body is responding, and it is responding eagerly to the approaches you are now using, because it is dealing with the entire picture. The area at the right side of the back of the head, in Ruburt’s case, physically speaking, is a trigger point for motion. [...]

[...] That would not mean, for example, that Ruburt was not using his abilities. As far as impulses are concerned, most likely Ruburt could have three or four excellent sessions a week at certain periods in your lives, and there would be periods of vacation also. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s point of power is progressing well. You own attitude could hardly be better, as far as Ruburt is concerned, since we are not looking for saintly behavior (amused). [...]

TPS3 Session 756 (Deleted Portion) September 22, 1975 appropriate bogeyman inappropriate unsafe agitated

To some extent, then, you and Ruburt have been behaving as if the planets from Star Trek could appear in your living room. Your actions were not appropriate—Ruburt’s in particular. [...]

Physically Ruburt is making great strides, but do not become impatient, again, with the walking, for certain improvements cannot show physically until a certain overall proficiency is reached. [...] Ruburt is subjectively aware of them.

[...] Ruburt’s actions were appropriate for the horror program, and so were some of yours when you were afraid of painting because it did not bring in money. [...] Ruburt’s spontaneity escaped all of his “language,” in other words. [...]

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

Ruburt’s training is coming along very well. [...] As Ruburt becomes more proficient there will be less screening of material. [...] At the present time Ruburt in these sessions is able to let me speak, obviously, which means that Ruburt allows me to come through.

Nevertheless the two of you interact, and because Ruburt is strongly intuitional at times he is a help to you. And at other times Ruburt senses your state of mind even before it materializes, and this sends Ruburt into an overanxious state which is not beneficial to either of you.

[...] Ruburt’s seemingly impractical suggestions in the past have been much more practical than some of your intellectual so-called practical conclusions. At the time Ruburt felt intuitively the importance of dissociation but didn’t know how to achieve it.

TPS1 Session 593 (Deleted) August 30, 1971 helper black realms habits lag

This helper now automatically helps heal Ruburt. Ruburt’s emotional energy is very strong, as you know. [...]

Now Ruburt is literally floating free from his difficulties. [...]

A word about what Ruburt calls his “helper.” [...]

TPS1 Session 562 (Deleted) November 30, 1970 noncontact divorce secrecy both sexual

Now I suggested that we move our sessions back here for the reasons given, but also because I knew that to Ruburt this meant an implied greater sense of togetherness on your parts, and of secrecy. Secrecy is a strong element in Ruburt’s personality, and while you recognize this in yourself, you have been very opaque in that you have not earlier seen it in Ruburt.

[...] Ruburt was aware of this on one level. [...] You felt it was depriving you, not only of, say, a private session if Ruburt did not hold the following regular one; you also felt that the sexual activity you were not getting from Ruburt was being channeled instead psychically where you were getting no benefit. [...]

On one level Ruburt grossly misinterpreted your reaction here; since he was susceptible and knew it in his work area, he erroneously supposed you would be. The fact is that Ruburt, working, attracts you sexually, and you working attract Ruburt sexually. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 28, 1978 extremist Emir Eleanor screenwriter Townsend

By then, however, Ruburt began to fear that he was headed for trouble—that he was too impetuous, headstrong and impulsive. [...] Ruburt finally did put an end to his menstrual cycles a good deal earlier than might have happened otherwise. [...]

You are both apt to say that Ruburt goes to extremes, and several times I used the word myself, and Ruburt never forgot it—but I did not use it with the same implications that it carries for him. [...]

[...] Ruburt is definitely building up a good and dependable sense of trust with the body, and under conditions that were admittedly not of the best. Your own attitude has been excellent—I congratulate you on it, and I congratulate Ruburt on the mental changes of attitude that he is now in the process of setting up.

TPS3 Deleted Session June 25, 1977 conflict joint femininity power solitude

The same applied to Ruburt. [...] To meet with these, Ruburt for example adopted certain beliefs that at various times would be helpful.

1.) I want you to each reread the passages on the point of power in Personal Reality, and to apply it—that truth—to Ruburt’s physical condition. There is nothing in Ruburt’s body that cannot be vastly improved and corrected. [...]

If you can only manage to realize that the point of power is in the present, in all areas, then Ruburt’s condition can dramatically improve in a short time. [...] Ruburt must reinstate a playful attitude mentally and psychically.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

(A one-minute pause at 10:22.) Ruburt chose his environment. Ruburt chose his parents for his own lifetime: he was born in the right place at the right time. [...] Ruburt set out to shoot it down. [...]

Continuation, apropos of Ruburt and the Sinful Self. [...]

Ruburt found great comfort in the church as a young person, for if it created within its members the image of a Sinful Self, it also of course provided a steady system of treatment—a series of rituals that gave the individual some sense of hope the Sinful Self could be redeemed, as in most of Christianity’s framework through adherence to certain segments of Christian dogma. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 7, 1974 writer talent amaryllis womanliness duty

[...] Early, some divisions occurred when Ruburt picked up the idea that womanhood was no help in being a writer, so certain aspects of the self were watched. In later years however, and partially as a result of the relationship between the two of you, and your joint ideas, Ruburt became worried that he would not do his thing as a writer. [...]

[...] Ruburt married an artist first and a male secondly. [...] Ruburt’s feminine characteristics however were tied up in his poetry and in his body, so obviously that you could not forget that womanliness.

(With a smile:) I will be your genial host—and I will however apply myself to a discussion of Ruburt for now. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session April 3, 1974 evidence smirk reviving beliefs Air

[...] Part of this is personal, but part is also cultural, and shows the one area of cultural beliefs from which Ruburt has not freed himself. At times it has seemed at best Pollyanna, even to you, in the face of Ruburt’s daily situation, and your intimate experience with it, to pretend playfully that it did not exist.

The entire Air Force affair thus far has been beneficial, in that Ruburt sees that his abilities can have great application in physical terms. [...]

As I told you a while back, Ruburt is left with body beliefs. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 3, 1973 Nebene characteristics troublesome restrictive habitual

[...] For now I simply want Ruburt to learn to recognize them. [...] They have lasted because their nature was not understood, and Ruburt habitually kept them in consciousness.

[...] In this life Ruburt saw those same characteristics in Father Ryan, where repression was used to keep him in the church. These characteristics were necessary in the situation as given, until Ruburt learned the nature of the self, and could begin to trust it. [...]

[...] They did at one time operate in a perfectionist kind of demand that Ruburt be perfect physically. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 20, 1971 eat weight food disapproves yesterday

Ruburt considers it in very poor taste (humorously) to ‘oh’ and ‘ah’ over food. [...] Ruburt simply carries this further than you do, rigidly holding his ground despite all entreaties to the contrary.

[...] Ruburt was in poor shape yesterday. [...]

[...] They were not approved of, and intellectually Ruburt silenced them, before giving them adequate voice or expression.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

Your struggles earlier, before you met Ruburt, involved relationships, in that you had no deep ones, allowing yourself to become close to no one. When you fell in love with Ruburt, a part of you was appalled, for it felt it must hold itself ever aloof—and in those days Ruburt’s spontaneous self often met a response from your overly conscientious self, so that you appeared cold to him, and in repelling his spontaneity you were of course frightened to reveal your own.

[...] In a relationship like yours and Ruburt’s this applies in a very intense manner. [...] It should be noted, as Ruburt said, that the poverty angle was largely eradicated—yet you (to me) preserve it in your worries about taxes, for example—for those feelings of resentment still help you continue to feel impoverished and virtuous. [...]

This session you read (the 367th) applied mostly to Ruburt, yet you also have what I will call an overly conscientious self in battle with the spontaneous self (a fact I’m well aware of, and had discussed with Jane before tonight’s session). [...] Why not—since Ruburt was nicely expressing the overly conscientious selves of both of you?

TMA Session One August 6, 1980 rational assembly magical approach measurements

Some of Ruburt’s notes that you have not seen have further important insights as to such activity. [...] As your own and Ruburt’s notes state, Ruburt’s more clearly, this involves an entirely different relationship of the self you know with time. You can make your own connections here, as per Ruburt’s camera experience, and your own dreams of late.

In your latest series of interworkings, you and Ruburt,1 with your dreams and so forth, with Ruburt’s notes and your own, were both heading in the proper direction, dealing with issues that are important personally, and that also have a much broader impact.

(9:25.) When the projects were done, particularly with Ruburt, there was still the cultural belief that time should be so used (underlined), that creativity must be directed and disciplined to fall into the proper time slots. [...] This again applies particularly to Ruburt, though you are not exonerated in that regard (with some humor.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

(Long pause at 9:07.) In many ways Tam and Ruburt got along quite well, even though Tam was a good deal younger, where before Ruburt’s editors had been people a good deal older than he. When the book was done Ruburt began another, along with several different attempts. [...] Ruburt signed for the book but had difficulty with his presentation, and it represented his indecisions, so Tam respectfully at first suggested large alterations. [...]

Ruburt’s subject matter, however, was not routine, particularly back in those times. [...] And Tam, it seemed, kept his hands away from the manuscript itself in the one way that Ruburt clearly understood: he did not generally change the copy. As the years went by Tam and Ruburt arrived at certain methods of operation that suited Ruburt personally, and that were understood by both of them. [...]

(Long pause, eyes closed, leaning back.) Ruburt cannot understand all of the processes that are involved, but the body knows what is to be done, and is working with its own rhythms. [...] By all means let Ruburt continue to express his feelings to you about the situation, however, and reassure him of his body’s competence. [...]

TES1 Session 22 February 4, 1964 woodcarvings kiddo Joseph chickadees taunted

[...] If Ruburt, or should I call him her, Ruburt, Jane-if Ruburt-Jane feels slighted since I address you so much more frequently, it is because your mouth is free to answer.

Because Ruburt deals in words it is easy for me to communicate in this manner. That is, Ruburt automatically translates inner data given by me into coherent, valid and faithful camouflage patterns, into words. [...] The transference of my data is automatic and instantaneous on Ruburt’s part and is performed through the inner workings of the mind, the inner senses and the brain.

I was not trying to reach Ruburt in her sleep. [...] See how prim that last sentence would sound if it were merely written down without the lively, slightly sardonic inflection which I manage to give to Ruburt’s voice?

ECS1 ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 peace space banter solve sorrowful

Now, Ruburt’s eyes work much better when I am in control of them. I see each of you now with Ruburt’s eyes closed as you have been in past reincarnations and as you will be. And with Ruburt’s eyes closed there is some difficulty for I must focus psychically in order to find you as you think you are now, for I see all of you. [...] But it is difficult for me, with Ruburt’s eyes closed, for me to see you as you imagine yourself to be at this particular point in space and time. With Ruburt’s eyes open, I can see you as he sees you as a particular personality in this particular space and time and then, you see, I can place you within your own development. [...]

Ruburt has always had a difficulty—if he will forgive me—in integrating the various abilities that are his. [...] We have known each other many times, Ruburt and Joseph and I.

Now, Ruburt and I banter, we banter back and forth and I am a rare one and he is a rare one, but all of this is based on spiritual understanding and on peace, and joy do you have. [...] Do you have any idea of the energy it takes for me to speak to you in terms like this or the degree of manipulation which Ruburt needs and I need? [...]

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