Results 521 to 540 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TES1 Session 39 March 30, 1964 Willy purring award portrait capsules

Also, Ruburt’s conscious mind is quite merry over your portrait award, and if you both are merry then I will join in the general enthusiasm.

[...] Now, the strange sensation experienced by Ruburt just before this session was a taste of our seventh inner sense, but only a small portion. [...]

Ruburt experienced this on a physical level, trying again to translate inner data into sensation that could be recognized by the outer senses. [...]

TPS5 Session 899 (Deleted Portion) February 6, 1980 dragons erroneous pronouncements breakthroughs dampen

(9:58) A note: Ruburt is making some important connections, as he is involved with his book now (The God of Jane). [...]

They might have seemed like even brilliant (amused) theoretical statements, my own pronouncements, but little by little you accepted them intellectually while still being emotionally bound through habit, so that indeed, as Ruburt wrote, you almost became programmed, your questions about reality based upon the erroneous facts of Darwinism, Freudianism, or religion. [...]

It is very possible that Ruburt is setting himself up for significant breakthroughs, and that you are also. [...]

TPS3 Session 698 (Deleted Portion) May 20, 1974 physicians alignment canal Cyprus jaw

Now: for Ruburt: a major tension block has begun to release itself—one that physically was largely responsible for the difficulties on the right side, and the lack of true body alignment. [...]

Cyprus was correct, and in the terms used Sumari physicians then are aiding in Ruburt’s recovery. [...]

Ruburt then is progressing well. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 8, 1980 Bufferin hips controversy editors issues

The sessions that Ruburt read this evening—that group—contain excellent material that was, at the time, used to bring about considerable understanding and improvement in Ruburt’s condition. [...]

The material on work ideas connected with Ruburt still does have application. [...]

[...] All of this goes back to ideas that existence must be justified, and Ruburt’s early ideas that writing would justify his life—but writing should express life, and is an expression of being, an expression of spontaneity, an expression of emotion, of body as well as mind (all intently). [...]

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

Ruburt’s attitude is his own. [...]

[...] I would hardly then impose responsibility as opposed to joy upon Ruburt. [...]

[...] Ruburt need not think in terms of grim responsibility. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

There is much material, of course, dealing with the hostage situation, for as it in a fashion echoes Ruburt’s own situation, so it also symbolizes the situations of many people, which is why the affair captures the attention of the world. Have Ruburt use his recorded suggestions again for a while. (Pause.) Ruburt feels that some of the threats he felt hidden in the world are now out in the open. [...]

Ruburt found it very difficult to take a public stand, as separate from, say, a private one. [...] The importance of impulses was stressed in particular, and the acceptance of such an idea is important to Ruburt’s recovery, of course—but also vital in the behavior of nations. [...]

[...] The challenges that you and Ruburt both accepted have been discussed often, and to some extent they mirrored the challenges of the world at large. [...]

TES8 Session 344 June 7, 1967 job nursery symptoms restraints fear

[...] If sufficient restrictions are lifted, so that Ruburt feels he has your blessing, and not just mute acceptance, for example, to try various possibilities; if you take a good vacation out of your immediate environment; if Ruburt feels he can foresee freedom to some extent of activity, in which to manipulate next year—

Ruburt’s statements a few moments earlier, regarding his feelings, concerning his future, were and are important. [...]

And Ruburt was frightened. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 594, September 13, 1971 acceleration Sue speed symbols Judas

Now: Our friend Sue’s observations came very close to an excellent description of Ruburt’s subjective feelings, as he told you during break.

I refer readers to Ruburt’s Introduction, in which he compares his own creative experiences as a writer to those he feels in our sessions. [...]

(Pause, one of many, at 10:30.) Ruburt has indeed always possessed this ability to a strong degree. [...]

TES5 Session 209 November 17, 1965 shall primary investigation director secondary

Whether or not you realize it, you have already begun such an investigation, and Ruburt’s careful notes and recordings of his dreams, over nearly a three-year period, and your own dream recordings, are only the beginning.

And now, if Ruburt worries that he does not carry his share of the work load, because you spend so much time typing our sessions, then the work of typing the dream experiences, both his and your own, shall be his. [...]

[...] The material will indeed serve for several books for Ruburt, and I suggest that serious thought be given to the bedroom setup so that the recorder is easily accessible. [...]

TES1 Session 14 January 8, 1964 solidified plane counteraction board cup

[...] You mentioned yourself Joseph—oh see, you can’t hide anything from me—you mentioned earlier—I’m sorry, Ruburt needs a short break. A short one, Ruburt, should suffice.

The one thing that pleases me immensely is the way Ruburt can translate at least a few of my humorous remarks and inflections of my natural speech. [...] Ruburt’s voice is an experiment. [...]

Ruburt, if you want a cigarette get one. [...] And don’t blame me Ruburt for your oversmoking.

UR2 Section 5: Session 718 November 6, 1974 James view Jung tuned William

[...] As you might dial a program on a television set, Ruburt tuned in to the view of reality now held in the mind of William James. Because that view necessarily involved emotions, Ruburt felt some sense of emotional contact — but only with the validity of the emotions. [...]

Ruburt has been working with alterations of consciousness (for Psychic Politics), and wondering about the basic validity of religion. [...] James is far from one of his favorite writers, yet Ruburt’s interests, intent, and desire were close enough so that under certain conditions he could experience the world view held by James. [...]

(10:22.) Ruburt picked up on William James’s world view because their interests coincided. [...] Ruburt felt little correspondence with Jung. [...]

TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage

At the precise time of Ruburt’s dream, your friend Miss Callahan had, or rather was, deciding to leave this plane. Ruburt received this message directly. [...]

[...] When she told Ruburt of the operations, Ruburt leapt to the conclusion that this was the meaning of the dream, and that the dream data had been incomplete.

You might even make a reasonable, and I mean reasonable, Ruburt, list of preferred circumstances such as shelves built, rooms painted and so forth, and carry them out yourselves. [...] I would have thought that you would have hit upon the entryway idea yourselves; something to keep your psychic energies contained, and again it is the feeling that the entryway gives you rather than the entryway itself, and the feeling that a desk and chair in another room gives Ruburt, rather than the desk and chair itself.

TPS2 Session 601 December 22, 1971 chants Sumari songs language ancient

First of all, before we get to the meaning or import of the tapes, let me say that Ruburt is learning to handle energy in other fashions. [...]

Ruburt never would have been free enough in the past for such a development to occur, and it was of course, again, no coincidence that you attended class the night the chanting began in earnest.

The Sumari language itself will help Ruburt by freeing his concepts, and release him from the almost automatic process of translating data into stereotyped English terms. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 8, 1979 Marian customers Wolinsky posture defeating

“It” simply represents certain attitudes and beliefs that you possess, or that Ruburt possesses. [...] If Ruburt’s main goals in work, for example, had directly involved and mainly concerned immediate contact with others, through university work or whatever, his mobility would not have been tampered with.

Ruburt’s codicils represented a point of intuitional understanding, but he has not caught up to them in practical living.

Ruburt is near a breakthrough, but that is all I will say on that.

TMA Appendix A Ed Lib predictions skiing Alaska

“… One morning last weekend (Saturday) Ruburt [Jane] found himself suddenly and vividly thinking about some married friends. [...] Ruburt found himself wishing that the friends lived closer, and he was suddenly filled with a desire to see them. [...]

[...] Ruburt and Joseph ate lunch, and the mail arrived. There was a letter written the morning before (on Friday) by the same friends that had been so much in Ruburt’s mind. [...]

… It would be simple enough, of course, to ascribe Ruburt’s thoughts and feelings to mere coincidence. [...] It looked as if Peter and Polly were indeed going to arrive almost as if Ruburt had in fact called and invited them. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 1, 1981 re ll asleep conflict delays

(Very long pause—one of many such—at 9:59.) I would never stand in the way, however, of Ruburt’s recovery as you understood it. Nor would I feel that Ruburt has let me down, or that you had in any way. Ruburt does need a return to an earlier orientation. [...]

Ruburt does not owe me anything. [...]

I do admit that from your standpoint—or viewpoint—that it may be very difficult to accept some of the statements that I make—that appear perhaps even to be directly contradictory to your observation of Ruburt on a daily basis, and to his own experience of himself. [...]

TES9 Session 440 October 7, 1968 joy preoccupation Pat life conditions

[...] Now I wish this session was recorded so you could hear me, for I hold you, as Ruburt does, closely and dearly as a friend. [...]

[...] Ruburt(then to me:) are your fingers tired?

Ruburt, himself, has long known that you had great vitality, but you have been cutting yourself off from your own abilities, and from helping others to a large degree because of this preoccupation. [...]

TPS3 Session 798 (Deleted Portion) March 21, 1977 Prentice hip fleeting vascular company

(11:19.) On Ruburt: the right side, generally speaking, has released itself enough, and become practically dependable enough in new positions, now, to allow the first important releases of large muscle areas on the left side. [...]

[...] The dream and Ruburt’s work with beliefs are bringing about these changes. [...]

[...] In your world, therefore, as Prentice-Hall is related to your joint experience; that is, to your experience and Ruburt’s, you form that company. [...]

TPS2 Session 621 (Deleted Portion) October 16, 1972 Timothy puttering Bach Petries Foote

[...] (On Seth’s book.) Have Ruburt mention the book copies in class. [...]

You told Timothy what I told the Petries, about the importance of telepathy and ideas on Peg, yet often you do not realize those implications with Ruburt. [...]

Ruburt accepted some beliefs from you because he looked up to you. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes from Session on June 25, 1977 Reflexology knees towels three policy

1. Read Point of Power in Reality and apply that truth to Ruburt’s condition.

8. Ruburt begin a dream notebook.

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