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TPS4 Deleted Session November 14, 1977 technology civilizations sophisticated microfilm Raphael

[...] If Ruburt seriously gives seminars, you may want more room, or a different kind of establishment. [...] There have been many expectations held in abeyance because you did not feel sure that Ruburt would recover, so your mental attitudes will change.

Now: Ruburt’s improvements are accelerating.

Such imaginings can be quite helpful, for you must also take Ruburt’s future condition in mind at the same time—a sneaky remark that I threw in, for you do understand what I mean.

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

It was natural enough for a while that Ruburt be quite aware of bodily sensation when he tried to “give up all effort,” but he is beginning now to sense the body’s pattern of activity, its relaxation, its stretching periods, and so forth. [...] Remember desire in terms of Ruburt’s wanting to vacuum a rug, or whatever, and encourage those desires rather than an attitude of “I must do something physical today.”

For example, Ruburt might think “I must make up my mind, go out into the world, do lectures and tours, state my case, be an excellent example of the material, not only in normal physical condition but in glowing health.” [...]

The letting-go of effort should be also a mental and psychological stance applied not only to Ruburt’s physical dilemma, but to his—and your—relationships with the subjective and objective worlds. [...]

TES8 Session 412 May 27 1968 bouncy transmitters pyramid inert woman

[...] Ruburt was also learning to receive and focus energy, and this is what occurred in the hand manifestation. In this case the class members were transmitters also, while Ruburt received and focused the combined force.

[...] Ruburt and you together provide the necessary channels. [...]

In your life as a minister (in Boston, early last century) you were a receiver in the terms that Ruburt is now, and your congregation acted as a transmitting agency.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 4, 1968 sic Theodore spare immortalized shortcuts

I have been here, as Ruburt knows well, through your class this evening, and he has given me permission, for I would not dare peek into this class unless he told me that I could do so. [...] But Ruburt knew that I would be here before class was over, and I come to you with no great pronouncements. [...]

[...] For my friend Ruburt would never allow it. [...] I could and I would—and I would—enjoy speaking in such a manner until dawn, but you could never take it, and Ruburt would hide in the cellar for three days following. [...]

[...] I could have waited until our friend here was at the front door, and yelled with Ruburt’s lungs to call her back. [...]

TPS5 Session 857 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1979 suffocation parade fawned cats tabloid

(10:42.) A note: Ruburt is doing well. [...]

[...] The earlier portions of the dream did, however, represent fears that Ruburt was, say, dying of suffocation—not physical suffocation, but from being bound too tightly.

The last session, its private portions for Ruburt, should be reread, with its emphasis upon creativity and trust in unconscious processes.

TES5 Session 222 January 12, 1966 car Loren Railroader garage Lois

[...] (Long pause at 10:26.) Ruburt’s connection: a disturbing event. You may put Ruburt’s connections in parenthesis.

You will see when and how Ruburt’s personal associations help us, and when and how they do not help us. As result Ruburt will be able, finally, to screen out the incorrect data. [...]

[...] You did have some help, it is true, from Ruburt, but in the main you did this on your own. [...]

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

I intend to go into Ruburt’s peculiarities at my leisure, and I will. [...] The fact remains that Ruburt’s intuitions have been of fairly high quality. It is true that your particular talents can give variety and reason to many of Ruburt’s ideas. In many cases you could for example accept Ruburt’s basic intuitive impulse, and then make your own changes. [...]

I did suggest that for the present you trust Ruburt’s intuitions in the matter of your parents while you caught up with the technique of dissociation. There is no need for you to follow Ruburt’s lead in all directions. I merely want you to examine your own ideas as to what is practical, because often your ideas have been practical for the short term only, and in many cases though not all Ruburt’s seemingly unpractical notions have been based on very practical psychological knowledge.

I did not mean that Ruburt should handle all your personal matters by any means. [...] I merely mean that when Ruburt feels strongly one way or another about a particular situation that you should give the matter deep thought and consideration, since you can usually, not always but usually, trust his intuitions.

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

And this is also an example of an instance where Ruburt would have blocked me, but this time he did not. [...] But as you both can see I had my reason and Ruburt gave me the chance.

[...] I am familiar with the change when I visit you, and Ruburt, who is not aware consciously of which word will follow another, did not know the intention behind the greeting. I appreciate, Ruburt, your misguided attempt to prove that I know night from day.

Imagine looking at a scene outside your window as Ruburt now allows me to do. From Ruburt’s viewpoint he receives the visual image with auditory effects. [...]

TPS6 Session 937 (Deleted Portion) November 19, 1981 approach unerringly momentum prescribed possess

(9:35.) Now: in a manner of speaking, of course, the same (alteration of approach) applies to Ruburt’s condition. [...]

[...] Ruburt is in the process of gaining such an approach. [...]

[...] What Ruburt has in mind—and generally—this includes the ideas that you have given, Joseph, in the taped material—those procedures are indeed paying off. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session July 16, 1979 evidence hornets absence creativity thrives

Ruburt may suddenly have an idea for a book. [...] Now Ruburt could say “I cannot write that book, or wonder how many pages it might have,” or think of the endless impediments that might prevent the book from being written. [...]

I want you both to look at Ruburt’s physical condition in the light of what I have just said about creativity always contradicting the evidence to some degree. [...] To some extent, however, you are both still hypnotized by the evidence of Ruburt’s condition—where instead it should be used as a jumping-off board, as a gap to be filled with reality (emphatically). [...]

Ruburt has done well, following impulses, and the altered sleep patterns have indeed been beneficial; for his body, to compensate for the lack of normal steady motion, wanted the extra activity. [...] Some years ago, just before you took on the second apartment, Ruburt complained in his journal that it seems as if the day was gray, or that color had fled the world. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 9, 1973 Eleanor Rich pendulum Bed lesser

[...] See the deleted session of November 13, 1972, etc.) I gave you some material on that—Ruburt taking on cold symptoms as given in that material.

The sinus became aggravated again Ruburt did the presentation for Eleanor, and to his way of thinking was, at least, immediately put off by Eleanor—no decision in official terms.

All of the fears are based of course on the belief that Ruburt must write to justify his existence. [...]

TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964 outer tree inner ego senses

Joseph can be glad that Ruburt now tosses furniture and not rocks, though the assault incidentally is not directed against any person. Good aggressive energy that should go into Ruburt’s work is often misused. [...] This same energy is used in Ruburt’s writing and is extremely strong, powerful and stormy often; and he is not, Joseph, trying to get out of his room as I believe you mentioned earlier.

Ruburt’s furniture assault began around January. [...] However you do have my sympathy, and Ruburt now is certainly not being ordered. [...]

Good evening, my besieged Ruburt, my besieged Joseph.

TES3 Session 148 April 21, 1965 smoking tension naturel hairs smoker

There is, indeed, nothing seriously wrong with our cigarette smoker, Ruburt. [...]

Ruburt may, if he wishes, delete the following from the record.

[...] These matters also helped add to Ruburt’s tension. [...]

TES8 Session 348 June 21, 1967 Australia interchanges California sunbathing Chula

[...] Ruburt has indeed done well this week, the symptom storms becoming less and less frequent, and much briefer in duration as well as weaker in overall intensity. [...]

[...] This will be a brief session, as I believe I have covered all the pertinent material concerning Ruburt’s state at this time.

[...] (Long pause.) Ruburt is bothered by traffic this evening, and it interferes. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] Make an effort, Joseph—more of an effort—to compliment Ruburt on his appearance, when it strikes you that he does look good. [...] When someone has been worried about their appearance, however, as Ruburt has, then honest compliments, when appropriate, operate most strongly as positive suggestion.

[...] When Ruburt is writing, and has a good page, he does not think “This is fine and good, but the next page will likely be lousy, and I will never have a book.”

Your attitudes before—and after—our last session, about Ruburt’s condition, can be equated however with precisely such uncreative and cowed frames of mind. [...]

TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 project form Lizzie dead mac

[...] Ruburt was definitely given information in several projections from the dream state early this morning.

[...] In Ruburt’s experience three different forms were used. [...]

In the first stage, Ruburt projected through physical reality and saw personalities who had very recently died in physical terms. [...]

TES5 Session 210 November 22, 1965 Helen test envelope husband primary

At Ruburt’s stage of development however, he reacts as a result of emotional impetus, which is picked up rather directly, and which acts as additional energy in transmission. [...]

[...] When for fairly long periods there are no witnesses to sessions, then both Ruburt and myself do indeed lean toward unscheduled sessions when informed friends of yours are present. [...]

For training is necessary as with all things, and although Ruburt has excellent abilities he needs also, shall we say, such direct laboratory experience.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

[...] Part of me was born in Ruburt’s childhood. [...] I relied on you to see that Ruburt’s creativity was channeled and used, protected, but most of all not frittered away.

[...] Ruburt is literal-minded in many ways. [...]

You two more or less made me a promise that Ruburt would begin working sensibly on his book again (after last session), and instead you took a trip. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session May 28, 1979 faster Scout permission consoled ground

(Pause.) Now Ruburt has had such a condition, for many reasons often given. [...] Your dreams and Sue’s allow you, ever so subtly, to change your own views of Ruburt’s behavior. [...]

(10:35.) Such dreams on Ruburt’s part bring one vital message: that he can walk normally, and that this can be easily (underlined) brought about. [...] In the waking state Ruburt believes that he cannot walk properly. [...]

[...] I want to make a point that Ruburt can often interpret relaxation as depression, because the loss of tension can still be frightening. [...] The dreams show your activity in Framework 2 —and again, may I recommend on Ruburt’s part some sense of creativity in his physical situation? [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 21, 1981 false fireplace Sinful true category

[...] (Pause.) From the beginning Ruburt has questioned whether or not our material gave a true explanation of reality—or at least presented one that was as approximately true as possible. [...]

[...] So when Ruburt asks such questions from the framework of old beliefs, with their old meanings, then he can find no adequate answers. [...]

(Long pause.) Basic reality deals with far more than any true or false category, and the deeper dimensions of actuality contain the source material from which, indeed, your true or false world emerges—so it does Ruburt no particular good to overconcern himself. [...]

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